Would the lack of an Editor/Librarian stop you buying a Kemper, or make you sell your Kemper?

  • I just don't get it. ?(


    If you have a point you'd like to make to the Kemper team then why not
    make it on this forum instead of TGP, why the threat of I'm thinking of
    getting rid of it and getting the 'other' box unless you give me an
    The Kemper management team, support team, sales team,
    moderators, are the most efficient helpful bunch of people I've ever
    dealt with...they can help you, the members of TGP can't, the members of TGP don't care, the Kemper team do.
    You're registered here, why not make use of your free membership?

    Back on topic.
    The Kemper is an amp, it's designed to produce great amp tones and FX, it's the most innovative digital amp invention EVER...everyone agrees, it sounds incredible.
    Surely, if you can't currently manage your Profiles in some sort of way that allows you to enjoy the experience of actually playing the Kemper, then it's not the Kempers fault, it's your fault.

    How long would it take you to audition 50 patches using the Line 6 editor, and how long would it take you to audition 50 Profiles on the Kemper...I reckon I'll do it quicker using the Kemper, and in the last 13 years I've had every Pod and Editor.
    Whether you're using another 'box' or the Kemper, you have to download the patches/Profiles.
    20 seconds to get the 50 Profiles onto the Kemper using the USB, hit the "Last Imported" folder.
    Your choice as to how much time you spend auditioning each Profile...the problem with the Kemper is, it sounds so good that an 'audition' sometimes ends in one hour of playing the particular Profile...not the Kempers fault, your fault...you're supposed to be 'auditioning', remember? ;)
    Delete or save to favourites, or save to a folder on your PC (you'll have to do the same thing with an Editor).
    How many "patches" can you save on the 'other' boxes :?: ...1000 on the Kemper with a variety of different ways to call them up, and 625 in Performance Mode.

    OK, so that's one side of the discussion.
    The other side, YES, we all would love an Editor.
    But, would the current lack of an Editor be that important to you as a guitarist seeking killer tone that you'd get rid of it, or not buy it?
    C'mon, what's more important, the tone it produces or an Editor, does the lack of an Editor prevent you from playing live or recording?

    Fire away!

  • i definitely would appreciate an editor, just for only one reason: naming and renaming profiles etc. via a regular computer console. I think people who r doing alot of profiling are having a hard time considering the amount of time that is needed to just name one profile, not to think about the time that one needs to name all the details of one profile.
    That lack didnt prevent me from buying my kemper, but: Christoph, es ist Zeit!

    Volle Kanne, Hoschy!!!

  • I would have a hard time calling the Kemper dev team 'helpful', and it's that approach that is now starting to scare people away.

    The problem is by no means the product - the product is great - the problem is that the team does not know how to cater to customers.
    Between deciding that their demands are pointless or bizarre, through not giving release date estimations all the way up to proper rudeness and misdemeanor (hasn't happened in a while, but that's not a stain that's easily washed) they make some customers feel like the profiler exists for the Kemper dev team and some other, specific benefactors.

    I haven't read through the whole TGP affair, but i can see how the fact that people over here tend to stand up to the dev team - which is great - by dismissing other people's complaints as 'lame' or 'wrong'- which is not so great - can send people to other forums to voice their complaints.
    I can also see why not having a release date for something that should be in the works for close to a year now can send people looking for other solutions. I nearly did the same myself when i met eng. Kemper's approach to customer service,
    and it's not because of the editor - because i agree, it's not a life or death situation and free 3rd party solutions do exist -
    it's because of the seeming disrespect the Kemper team has for their non-happy customers.

    As always, i'd be more than happy to be proven wrong,
    but skimming the feature request subforum you can see dozens of requests for an editor, a studio-EQ that won't occupy a slot and S/pdif slave option just to name the recurring ones,
    and for the most part the company has either chosen to ignore the threads altogether or replied the... astounding? outrageous? flabbergasting? response of 'nah, you don't need that'.  :P

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • No way. I don't even get the point. Would i sell my Marshall head because i can not recall any sound i like without taking some time to take notes? I think it's a first world problem. Just add a string of 2 characters to the name of rigs you like that help you to find them. Tweaking sounds via an editor never worked for me, i prefer the intuitive UI of the Profiler a lot.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Funny, this somehow reminds of that strange kind of guitarists that work as IT-Professionals but can´t handle an amp like the Marshall JVM because "it has too many knobs" ... ?(

    Anyway, the best way to handle this to respect this as someone´s opinion and to hope that this fraction will also be pleased soon...

  • Some people overexaggerate EVERYTHING.
    And in the end achieve NOTHING.
    If a person feels inclined to use the other box instead of the KPA because we don't have the editor yet, I'd say good LUCK with the learning curve, paradigm shift and else and you'll be better off playing your guitar and profiler instead and have fun.
    Their loss! ;)
    And they'll be back soon.

    As for the Kemper company: They ARE extremely helpful, they ARE polite, and they have ACKNOWLEDGED the need of an editor and confirmed they are working on one.
    Giving more information about a release date would be misinformation from their point of view, because sometimes you simply cannot know or say when it's ready.

  • Dear Kemper folks. I hope you take this as constructive criticism.

    I want Kemper to be more and more successful and deliver even greater products for me to enjoy. Therefore I want them to sell lots of their products to lots more people and use that money to invest in future product development.

    We live in a world of software editors. The Kemper is a computer developed by fine folks using software editors. So it is reasonable for people to ask for an Editor for the Kemper profiles.

    Key to improving Sales is to remove the customer's reasons not to buy. Lack of an Editor is a reason not to buy - for some people. Whether you think its a sensible reason is completely irrelevant. Its not your money - its theirs.

    Any company that ignores potential customers because 'they don't get our product or our philosophy' is destined to fail (see the mobile phone business for good examples). It can also feed a reputation for arrogance.

    Your products are excellent. They are also high value purchases. So you customers expect a lot. And your competitors will work very hard to steal your market. And their products will catch up with yours very quickly.

    So please Kemper, get an Editor out there. Rightly or wrongly, you are getting a reputation for ignoring customers. You don't fix that by arguing with customers - you fix it by providing what they ask for.

  • Rightly or wrongly, you are getting a reputation for ignoring customers. You don't fix that by arguing with customers - you fix it by providing what they ask for.

    Sorry, I haven't seen this 'bad reputation' for 'ignoring customers' you speak of, where is it?

    Kemper gave no timeline for an Editor, by not giving a timeline doesn't mean they're ignoring anyone.
    If you were in the guitar gear business would you give guitarists a timeline for something?...Beware if you do, "hell hath no fury like a guitarist scorned". :)

  • The gear world of The Gear Page has turned normal musicians into a bunch of "I want it NOW" babies. This was done by boutique pedal and simple amp builders who would cater to customers every whim, making custom versions of everything BECAUSE IT WAS EASY TO DO. Look inside an boutique pedal or old Marshall clone amp. They are very, very simple circuits. It takes very little design or work to customize them, and these basement builders were trying to build a loyal fanbase, and they did it by delivering very fast turnaround on simple products.

    The KPA is a complex product. Making changes to it, and then testing them out under every possible scenario that we users will put them under, takes a lot of time. But the childish attitude of some at TGP won't allow for the technical difference between a transistor radio and a computer.

    I'd like an editor, too. But I am mature enough, and have enough business sense to understand that unforeseen delays are a part of a complex technical development. Would you rather have a release date given, and then have it postponed several times? Because that's bound to happen in a world where these things simply cannot be accurately predicted.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • Frankly I'm only interested in this KEMPER forum and never understood how those 'other products' are so prevalent on here except maybe some users who dumped them.

    But as far as the editor/librarian goes, and the initial comments, I saw that basically it was something like 'well how long does it take to....' etc.

    My answer to that is it takes far longer than on a simple tube amp. The editor and/or librarian IS important to the Kemper product there is no doubt, especially with all those sounds (which is a major feature of the Kemper amp) to select, tweek, manage etc.

    If you are a technophobe and can do it all of course you might say 'I don't need an editor/librarian' but of course, everyone is not like that. What drew me originally to the Kemper was the sounds, what looked to be simple operation (and some of it is) and the price which was typically near half the price of its main competitor at the time.

    The Editor/Librarian missing for sure WILL deter some buyers from buying a Kemper. Myself, I would like on but if its not there then Ill wait - I already have the amp - but of course NEW potential buyers don't and editor/librarian/something else might sway the prospective buyer.

    My view is therefore what it has been for a while... not whether you would buy one now or sell one now, but would others be put off buying a Kemper because that software is not yet available.

    The Kemper product needs every sale it can get, I don't think anyone would disagree with that right? And I'm sure that Kemper themselves would agree with that statement. So, the sooner the software is available the better.

    Chow. :)

    Careful I'm watching you...

  • Would others be put off buying a Kemper because that software is not yet available...
    The Kemper product needs every sale it can get, I don't think anyone would disagree with that right?

    Agreed, every product needs every sale it can get.
    2013 has been a much bigger year for Kemper than 2012, the 8 - 10 week back order confirms that.

  • No way would the lack of it make me even think of selling this..

    I've said it before... if the KPA becomes just another toy because all we do is scroll through thousands of rigs... it will loose its point..
    its like a toy in the beginning when you get one.. you want to try every rig out there... but as time goes on, the number of rigs get smaller and less need for a librarian .... it's a Pro piece of equipment.. if I had only one amazing rig in it, ide still behappy... :)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • I think that an editor/librarian software interface would be a major convenience that would help a lot of users and make the KPA an even better piece of gear. Generally, a well laid out software program can visually help to diagram the signal chain, show the stomps with their "real world" look and feel, show graphical EQ plots to help a person design the sound for a proper mix, and make naming and organizing rigs a breeze.

    All of the other amp modelers have a software editor/librarian. PodHD, ElevenRack, and Axe FX. So I can see why a person who purchases a new modeling device like the KPA which has a USB port and is near the high-end price-wise would expect some sort of computer interface software to make updates, rig manipulation, and pre-set design easier.

    But No, I would not sell my KPA just because it lacks a computer software editor/librarian.

    However, I fully expect a librarian/editor from CK in the near future as I understand that it has been promised to be forthcoming. If one never comes, I might think about trying an Axe FX II which has an editor to see if that would fit my needs better.

    Edited 2 times, last by HappyPicker (November 2, 2013 at 7:47 PM).