Michael Wagener Rig Pack

  • Exactly what are you looking to hear to the question " who am I"? As if I have to for some reason give out such info? That I'm some rock star? I'm not... Do I have a couple of extremely close personal friends in the biz? Absolutely. Did you just search through another thread to find someone else who wants Info about me like a weirdo? Yea, you kinda did... :)

  • Exactly what are you looking to hear to the question " who am I"? As if I have to for some reason give out such info? That I'm some rock star? I'm not... Do I have a couple of extremely close personal friends in the biz? Absolutely. Did you just search through another thread to find someone else who wants Info about me like a weirdo? Yea, you kinda did... :)

    Maybe its only me , but when you talk about your close friends on the business ( which i bet are small compared to million album producers out there, reality speaking ) , and you talk about their personal profiles they will never give or never sell , like its a small treasure they only keep for themselves and FOR YOU ! HEHE .. and then you dont know nothing about MICHAEL WAGENER, so cannot compare his attitude with your CLOSE friends attitude regarding KEMPER RIGS SHARE . .. Funny thing is that Michael said in the interview that he used already User profiles , which i think there are Great ones , ...speaking about your coments about your producer friends profiles in other post in the forum , i trully believe that be on pair with many user profiles, but superior will they not be . :thumbup:

    Sounds really bad to me . ..Sorry for the honesty ! 8|

    So maybe i misread what you say, but it makes me having not a real good opinion . . I am being honest , and maybe to other it will sound the same or maybe not .

    But again , Regarding the MICHAEL WAGENER RIG PACK, I am pretty sure it will be released! The man in the interview was very honest , he doesnt need to bullshit at his age , Great producer he is and seems to be really a Great Persona !

  • Maybe its only me , but when you talk about your close friends on the business ( which i bet are small compared to million album producers out there, reality speaking )

    Didn´t know Collin Richards, Jason Suecof, Andy Sneap etc. were "small". As far as I konw these guys are some of the best known people in the business. Also, did you listen to the clips he put up with the profiles of sneap/richards/lewis profiles? If these weren´t better than any user profile I have heard then all my knowledge of guitar sound is either WRONG or my ears are the most shittiest ears ever.

    However - why that negative attitude towards VES? All he did was stating his opinion which is based on his very well known friends in the business. I´m sure he would love to be proven wrong when the wagner rig pack would be released - but personally I think it´s great that someone who actually knows a good amount of people gives us a valid statement of what he thinks will or won´t happen. Would you rather be hyped for a pack that might never come or let someone who actually knows his stuff tell you what the most probable thing that will happen be - and then be super happy when the unprobable thing happens?

    Just my thoughts on this :)

  • Considering sneap and Jason just did toontrack packs (and sneap in the past) I can't see it being a total crazy idea they could do a profile pack.

    And as far as no user profile coming close..... Think about all the different tones in metal over the years that have become popular. I'm a massive fan of Colin Richardsons tones from heartwork,burn my eyes and demanufacture. But with tones like the swampy ones from entombed/obituary to the mechanical "djent" tones, who is to say the next isn't from a user??!?! After all its the bands coming up with the sound and studio capturing it.

    I think its really selling people short to think they couldn't get a great sounding profile that might be unique

  • Considering sneap and Jason just did toontrack packs (and sneap in the past) I can't see it being a total crazy idea they could do a profile pack.

    And as far as no user profile coming close..... Think about all the different tones in metal over the years that have become popular. I'm a massive fan of Colin Richardsons tones from heartwork,burn my eyes and demanufacture. But with tones like the swampy ones from entombed/obituary to the mechanical "djent" tones, who is to say the next isn't from a user??!?! After all its the bands coming up with the sound and studio capturing it.

    I think its really selling people short to think they couldn't get a great sounding profile that might be unique

    Yeah it actually could be possible that they make a rig pack - believe me, I´d be the first to buy the f**** out of it, but I think it´s highly unlikely (would love to be proven wrong though :D ).

    And I think that some users will actually be able to achieve some killer profiles - what I have said is that I have yet to find a metal profile from a user that beats what I heard from richards/sneap etc. HOWEVER, I have heard some user profiles that sound extremely great and sound really really professional in a mix. :)

  • Quote

    Am the I only one who thinks people are reading WAY to much Into this video and what he's saying? I'm gonna chop this up to things that are "never gonna happen"... As I've said before... I'll be happy to eat my words, but I would Bet my last paycheck this is never gonna happen.... He was being polite on camera and put on the spot in a sense... Come on guys.... Seriously....

    Seriously why? Do you think a person of his calibre and experience would be so silly to think that releasing a couple of profiles to general public would all of sudden damage his business or something? That is really funny and possibly borderline insulting to Michael W.
    If anything is a problem it's most likely time.
    I find your attitude on this forum really childish to be honest.

  • Childish huh? Sorry you feel that way... I don't even know who you are, or care what you have to say to be homesT, however once again it's quite flattering to see YOU seem to follow ME around to make such an opinion on the Internet :) :) :)

    Keep holding your breath, and while your at, keep twisting things around: AND holding your breath for that Michael " I love giving away my sounds for free to everyone" Waggoner rig pack... Apparently you missed the part where someone asked him recently and it was an emphatic NO.. Or did you skim over that?? No need to try and insult me dude, couldn't care in the LEAST if that pack ever comes out, much less actually hearing you play a note with it :)

  • What exactly have I done to be childish? Am I not entitled to an opinion like everyone else? My opinion is that everyone is reading way to far into this, and apparently can not see this guy was out on the spot: of course he's gonna say yes kinda maybe sort of we will see etc... Don't like my opinion? Sorry to hear that.

  • Would really like to know where I ever said that, I mean you wanna get back on topic but then you make a comment like this. Anytime I've posted a sound clip was for more education purposes than anything. I've never seen a group of individuals be such babies about something so stupid. You act as if I wouldn't give out something I or anyone else IF I WAS ALLOWED TO DO SO. I've tried to give
    This forum an insight into some pro raw guitar tones to see how THEY start with guitar tones to get their sounds on a record: I've never bragged or thrown it anyone else's face that " they will never be able to obtain profiles like this"... All of you crying, please show me where that is the case? I DID say however ( as well as some others on this forum) that it is very apparent some do not know how to mic an amp properly and VOILA: now you can atleast really hear what some of the pros are using.....I'm sorry some of you don't like my opinions on this alleged Michael Waggoner rig pack, once again,
    Too bad. I'd be happy to eat my words, but I still stand by what I said, weither you like it or not, or agree/disagree with it...

  • And please, stop comparing " well guys release drum software with their names on it etc".... That is not even close to the same thing, and we all know that. Much less, toontrack has a way of allowing people not to freely trade and pirate their software: Kemper does not... Don't think that's a concern? I'd love ckemper to see this thread, because he knows it's a concern for these guys, that is straight from the guys at Kemper from what I understand. SO MUCH of a concern, that Kemper * maybe* working on something so you can't just trade and sell to whoever you want..: maybe... Don't think that these guys don't get asked about this ALL THE TIME: and it hasn't happened has it????

    Another reason: ready for this shocker? MONEY! No one is Interested in selling their tones, period, end of story... This has nothing to do with "hurting business"... It's a time and money thing, guarenteed. You guys can all think I'm FOS, that's great: doesn't make a difference to me, sorry you don't like the answer but it is what it is.