Yamaha DXR10 review (3-week point)

  • Hi all,

    I'm testing the Yamaha DXR10 with my Kemper Amp since last week Saturday. I'm not yet convinced that this is the best solution for me.
    Could anyone please post the Kemper output setting to be used with the DXR10?

    I've the feeling that the sound coming from my monitor output of the Kemper is changing the amp sounds and also the play feeling a lot.
    I'm using my Kemper mainly for recording with a headphone, but for practicing I would like to use it like my other amps.

    Maybe it's just me and my ears, but playing through a DXR10 makes the Kemper losing its excelent sound quality a lot.

    Please help me to find the best settings for the Kemper / DXR10 settings.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • Hi viabcroce,

    Actually I'm using many default rigs coming with the Kemper without a lot of tweaking. With some minor EQ changes they sound perfect through the headphone.
    I connect the Yamaha through the Kemper Monitor output.
    I use the cabs switch on. I'm not sure what you mean with Cabdriver off as well. Could you please tell me more about the Cabdriver usage?

    Thanks a lot for your help. :)

  • Just the other way around: You should have cab sim off unchecked (that is CAB SIM ON) on monitor out for going to a DXR10. Cabriver is for traditional guitar cabinets, so you would set CAB SIM OFF to activate Cabdriver. Turn yourself around 15 times than read this again :wacko: .

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Yes, basically you want the cab simulation to be on on monitor out.

    Well, even studio solutions (HPs, montors etc.) may produce very different tones, there's no "standard FRFR sound", and only the best engineered solutions give you a really transparent sound.

    If you don't like the way the same settings sound through your monitors (as opposite as with your HPs), then or you don't like the way the DXRs sound, or your monitors' placement in the room creates some strong resonances that change their sonic print.
    Do you have them in corners, or against walls, or on wooden shelves or tables? These are elements which introduce very strong bias to a sound.

    According to your personal tastes, you may find that you need to tweak your rigs for getting pleasant results. Your HPs are no standard either, so you liking them with the KPA may boil down to just personal taste.


  • Hi Ebi,

    the DXR10 is a great sounding tool for the Kemper, congratulation. I never had a better sound in my life after playing nearly 40 years guitar since I use this combination .

    Here are my Monitor output EQ settings for the DXR 10 in order to match the CLR as close as possible. These settings are done without the aid of any measurement, only by ear.

    Bass 0.0
    Middle 0.0
    Treble + 1.6
    Presence + 1.1

    Try it - I hope this helps you to get the sound right.

    Play it like you mean it.

  • Hi Trainee

    Excellent thank you very much for this information. I will give it a try later today.
    I've some more questions for you.

    What is the volume on the DXR10 you are using for practicing? Since it can be pretty loud, I'm playing with the volume knob at -3.
    Are you tweaking the default rigs a lot when you play through the DXR?

    Thanks a lot for your great help.

  • Hi Trainee

    Excellent thank you very much for this information. I will give it a try later today.
    I've some more questions for you.

    What is the volume on the DXR10 you are using for practicing? Since it can be pretty loud, I'm playing with the volume knob at -3.
    Are you tweaking the default rigs a lot when you play through the DXR?

    Thanks a lot for your great help.

    I'm using about the same monitor out EQ settings as WS.

    The volume on the DXR depends on your needs. -3 is about right for me as well.
    The default rigs are very balanced and don't need any tweaking when playing through the DXR.

  • Just one thought for those of you trying the DXR10 - every speaker system is different.

    You shouldn't expect all the stock profiles to necessarily sound perfect with the DXR10. They were likely produced using a different speaker. Since no speaker is truly a perfect flat response, they will all be a little different. This means you will probably have to make some adjustments to profiles to get them sounding the way you want. However, a quick EQ adjustment on the front of your Kemper should get you pretty close to ideal.

    Headphones sound even more different, in my experience. Definitely a huge range of sound quality when using them.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • Yes, Desiato of course is right. I should have said '(very) little tweaking' instead of 'no tweaking'.

    Ingolf, I wasn't directing my comments at you at all, so no offense meant!

    I just wanted to clarify for new users of the DXR10 that it might not sound perfect right out of the box, and that isn't a knock on the Yamaha.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • Ingolf, I wasn't directing my comments at you at all, so no offense meant!

    I just wanted to clarify for new users of the DXR10 that it might not sound perfect right out of the box, and that isn't a knock on the Yamaha.

    No offense taken, but after reading your balanced post I thought I had simplified this too much as the OP isn't happy with how the stock profiles sound through his DXR, asking if ge's expected to tweak them much.
    I'd say no, not much, only a little to your liking.

  • I too have a DXR10 on (back)order... I plan on using the monitor out (on powerhead/MonitorCabOff engaged) to continue to drive a guitar cab, one of the main outputs to the PA (if and when applicable) and the other main to the DXR (mains set to mono of course) in front of me as a wedge.

    Question, can I use one XLR main output and one 1/4 (unbalanced)? It would save me implementing a extra adapter for the Cablesnake I have... I looked thru both KPA manuals, no mention of problem with mixing line types, but...I don't want to blow my Kemper up!!! 8|

    Also any other disadvantages?

    Thanks for forum support - played 4 shows and got lots of compliments on KPA !!!