"Starting Pack" for Beginners: Maurizio70 RIGs, PRESETs and BACKUP (updated to February 10th 2014)

  • I have en error while trying to use your latest backup (2014-02-19) - I am using latest beta 2.3.2. My KPA shows 1000 rigs.

    [Blocked Image: http://s30.postimg.org/y9p4eyc9t/aaa.jpg]

    UPDATE: I erased non-favourites from SYSTEM menu, and now it restores Maurizios backup.

    You also should always open a support ticket with error messages like this so they can do better troubleshooting.

  • First, I would like to thank Mauricio for being so generous to share his work with people new to the Kemper. I bought mine used and have created multiple backups to be able to go back to previous states and, in the process, have come up with some questions about the folders and what they actually contain. I guess the most basic question I have is about which folders contain actual amplifier profiles and effects verses which folders contain saved settings of those amplifier profiles and effects. For example, in every case but one Mauricio's backup file has more in each folder than the factory default backup file. The factory default AMPLIFIER folder has 14 whereas Mauricio's has 7. What is the difference between the AMPLIFIER folder and the RIGS folder? I would also like to know which of Mauricio's folders have new actual amplifier profiles and effects not contained in the factory default folders verses which folders have settings of amplifier profiles and effects saved by Mauricio. I apologize if these questions seem obvious to some but I haven't been able to find an explanation of the contents of each of the backup folders anywhere. If Mauricio or anyone else such as Ingolf who has extensive knowledge could answer, I would greatly appreciate it. I realize this thread hasn't been active for a few months so I will also try to post the same question in a different place. I am going to list the backup folders in order below to make it easier to answer. I think the simplest and fastest way to answer might be for example to type either "actual effects" or "effects settings" next to the STOMP folder, etc. I know that some folders are more obvious than others but I still think it would be great for the next version of the Kemper manual to have a detailed description of each of the backup folders. Thanks to Mauricio, Ingolf, and everyone else who has contributed so generously towards a greater understanding of this amazing device!


    Kemper Backup Folders:


  • Just wanted to say a Big Thank you! This is a lot of great, well organized rigs and it immediately makes me feel like my Kemper is worth more! Great work! I'm still working through all the tones but some of them are truly amazing and the organization is great; eventually i'll get my sinmix rigs integrated and hopefully use a similar system for organization. Thanks again!

  • Thanks Kemper Guys for your kind words, unfortunately I didn’t have too much time to go ahead with sharing and create profiles, but I’m planning a site, maybe by the end of this year, where I would like to share some free rigs I’m working on month after month ;) Stay tuned!!!!

    I try to answer to a couple of previous questions …
    Q: I guess the most basic question I have is about which folders contain actual amplifier profiles and effects verses which folders contain saved settings of those amplifier profiles and effects. For example, in every case but one Mauricio's backup file has more in each folder than the factory default backup file. The factory default AMPLIFIER folder has 14 whereas Mauricio's has 7. What is the difference between the AMPLIFIER folder and the RIGS folder?

    A: The AMPLIFIER folder contains only the “amp” part of a profile which is instead complete in the “stack”. I didn’t use much of AMP alone as presets, since by now they are not significant to me in sound without the cabinet associated. So I normally prefer to save the whole “stack“ as preset that is the final sound I want to use and to listen to. All the others directories contains more files than the factory ones because are integrated with my personal likes…

    Q: I would also like to know which of Mauricio's folders have new actual amplifier profiles and effects not contained in the factory default folders verses which folders have settings of amplifier profiles and effects saved by Mauricio. I apologize if these questions seem obvious to some but I haven't been able to find an explanation of the contents of each of the backup folders anywhere.

    A: Sorry, I really don’t remember which comes from factory and which comes from Rig Exchange, but it’s easy to find the origin of every rig, since I leave all the needed information in the various tags!

  • Marizio, I was checking out your Pink Floyd covers on YouTube. Awesome stuff, man! I am currently working on Young Lust and Shine On You Crazy Diamond for a Pink Floyd tribute event in October. I am going to check out your profiles later, as well. \m/

  • <b><i>LAST TIME EDITED on 2014, Feb 18th </i></b>

    Are you a beginner with the KPA? <img src="http://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/w00t.png" alt="8o" />
    Are you just started to discover this great machine but still doesn't find an ordering rule among hundreds rigs? <img src="http://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/blink.png" alt="8|" />
    Do you really want to use the &quot;Sort by Amp&quot; feature, checking all…

    Hi Maurizio and hi everybody
    I'm a new user
    Thanks for the library, i think i really need as beginner to find "a way" to understand this machine, and this 3D is a big help.
    It's curious, i bought an used one, and i've already find installed some of your rigs.

    Now i think i'll erase all at first, and than i will re-install your back-up to begin to select my sounds.
    There's something important to know or do after the back-up?


  • My apologies for bumping an old post, but anyone have the links to these files to download? I'm completely new to the KPA and was going to use this thread and backups as reference but the files are no longer available for download. Any help would be appreciated!

  • Maurizio, this is my first post. I too am very new to KEMPER PROFILER, but have been watching, communicating and learning from You on your Gilmour solo covers and chasing the ever elusive signature tone. Can you please provide update procedures on how to restore your latest backup from your website using new capabilities in Rig Manager vice using USB? You sir have nailed it and I like numerous other fans and “ Kemperites” appreciate the effort and time you have gone to to share your talent, knowledge and time with us. In fact your tone for my all time favorite Gilmour solo of Time DSOT version is the reason I bought my Kemper. I am probably the last person you would expect to buy a Kemper as I am a retired 66 year old die hard David Gilmour fan from back to their Dark Side of the Moon days. I have no special musical training nor expertise in how to properly create or tailor a profile. What i do have is thankfully a lot of free time to learn and explore as well as a love for improving my guitar skills and tone crafting with my Kemper. Finding this thread from you and reading all the comments and questions from this thread has been truly enlightening. I consider this an early Christmas present. Today I will start the task of getting your backup info into My Kemper after a final back of my current profiles. Thanks! , Mike

  • Welcome, Mike!

    Hey mate, I'm sure Maurizio will appreciate your kind comments very much.

    As for restoring, just pop the folders in the zip file into a folder named "Shared" at the root level of a KPA-formatted USB stick and use the "Import" feature on the unit. It'll import everything at once; there's no option to be selective, so whatever you place in the Shared folder will count.

    If you're in a hurry you can format the stick on your 'puter 'cause it's quicker. Just make sure it's FAT32.