Issue with noise – more noticeable on clean profiles

  • Hi everyone,

    I have had my Kemper for almost six months now and have enjoyed every minute of it...apart from one slight issue I have been having:

    I have an issue with noise on some profiles (potentially all profiles – the issue is likely masked on medium to high gain profiles).

    The noise can be heard shortly after playing a note – it is more noticeable with lower frequency notes, and with chords. The noise is a kind of crackling noise which completely disappears when the ‘Amplifier’ section of the Kemper is disabled. In contrast, the noise is more apparent (and sounds very ‘digital’) when the ‘Cabinet’ section is disabled.

    The noise increases as the ‘Pick Attack’ parameter of the ‘Amplifier’ section is increased (to a more positive value) or decreased (to a more negative value) from its neutral ‘0’ position. The noise persists (albeit at a lower level) when the ‘Pick Attack’ parameter is set to ‘0’. The noise is also made more apparent by a boost in high frequencies.

    Here is a sample of the noise:

    In the above sample, the same notes are played 5 times on the same profile - ‘Rocker Clean – AK47’ (just a clean factory profile selected at random), with all FX turned off, noise gate off, and with different ‘Amplifier’ section parameters being altered to highlight the noise:

    1st chord: ‘Pick Attack’ parameter is set to ‘0’;
    2nd chord: ‘Pick Attack’ parameter set to ‘-5.0’;
    3rd chord: ‘Pick Attack’ parameter set to ‘+5.0’;
    4th chord: ‘Amp’ section disabled; and
    5th chord: ‘Cabinet’ section disabled and ‘Amp’ section enabled with ‘Pick Attack’ parameter set to ‘0’.

    The above is just an example, and the noise occurs not only with the Factory Presets, but also with commercial profiles I have purchased.

    The noise occurs even though the input (clean sense) is set such that the input LED is always green, and the output level is set such that the output LED is also in the green. The noise appears to be independent of guitar type, pickup type, leads etc, and whether or not the guitar is plugged directly into the Kemper. The noise can be heard through different outputs – I have tried the headphone output (through AKG K271 headphones), and the main outputs and monitor outputs (through Dynaudio BM5A studio monitors and through an RCF NX 12-SMA powered speaker).

    I can’t say for certain whether the noise has always been there through the various firmware upgrades (I started on v1.5.4 and am
    currently on v2.0.1), however even with earlier versions I can remember deciding not to use particular profiles due to what I perceived as excessive noise when I played certain chords or notes.

    I believe a similar problem has been discussed in these threads:

    strange fuzz

    Clipping sound on most presets

    Nothing suggested in the above threads appears to help in removing the noise. Setting the ‘Pick Attack’ parameter to ‘0’ reduces the noise, but does not eliminate it. A system reset and a flash reset did not improve the issue.

    Apart from this issue, which I hope is fixable, the Kemper has been immensely enjoyable – I am playing more guitar than ever before, and that for me is the single biggest indicator for a good piece of gear.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Edited 2 times, last by hulcamanic (July 6, 2013 at 12:28 PM).

  • You are describing different scenarios that naturally would amplify, attenuate or alter the "noise" as you described.

    It's distortion, and It acts upon signal level, although it sounds a bit weird. Does it happen on completely clean profiles?

  • i have the same issure with noise and crackling buzz! Very unsatisfied! i contact Kemper team, they wanted different rigs to try, and said without trying my kemperamp, it´s normal.fucking shit.

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • Hello!
    The last reply in this thread is 6 months old and no discernible solution has been found yet (that i am aware of). I am having the same problem too, most noticable (or maybe only noticable) on clean rigs. I am running FW 2.4.2 and have done 2-3 hard resets in the last couple days without any results. Are the developers working on a solution to the problem? I must admit it is very frustrating.

    P.S. For what it's worth, I have tried fiddling with most of the parameters, such as clean sens, dist sens, pick attack etc. but nothing makes tha noise go away. Normally I leave these settings on zero (middle point).

    P.S. 2 It must be a software problem and not a hardware one because when I turn the STACK "block" completely off, the noise dissapears. That leads me to believe that we can eliminate the "input clipping" hypothesis.

  • Hello!
    The last reply in this thread is 6 months old and no discernible solution has been found yet (that i am aware of). I am having the same problem too, most noticable (or maybe only noticable) on clean rigs. I am running FW 2.4.2 and have done 2-3 hard resets in the last couple days without any results. Are the developers working on a solution to the problem? I must admit it is very frustrating.

    P.S. For what it's worth, I have tried fiddling with most of the parameters, such as clean sens, dist sens, pick attack etc. but nothing makes tha noise go away. Normally I leave these settings on zero (middle point).

    P.S. 2 It must be a software problem and not a hardware one because when I turn the STACK "block" completely off, the noise dissapears. That leads me to believe that we can eliminate the "input clipping" hypothesis.

    Make a recording of the noise, please.

  • Hey Guys,

    Yep, I have heard it as well. System resets dont seem to fix it. I just noticed it on 2.4.2 as well (yesterday) - this was with a clean Kemper stock Profile (no fancy stuff/effects enabled). I've posted about this earlier as well - but got no response. Looks like it's a well known issue.

    This thread links to recordings as well (The recording is off a TAF profile I think) ...

    Fizz on Kemper (audio clip)

    Hoping to see a solution soon ...

  • So, is this a real issue or is it just a small number of users seeing this? Would really appreciate a reply with regards to this.

    Not sure how to work around this at the moment either. I've tried all my guitars, and they seem to exhibit the same issue. Is there something Im doing wrong?


    EDIT: Just logged a support request for this issue at the Kemper site as well ... not sure what the exact procedure for logging a ticket is (I just followed the support TAB and created a comment), but hoping to get some answers with regards to this.

    Edited once, last by gorillabendz (June 17, 2014 at 5:26 PM).

  • To be honest, I've had my KPA for nearly 2 years and have not had this problem ?(

    Exactly what im confused about, and would like some answers. I got a reply from Support asking me to send them a recording. Shall work with them and see what comes of it.

    I do know that the sound starts at the tail end of the note/chord being played, and not throughout. I only state this because I was asked to check my pickups, grounding etc. etc.

    Just looking for an explanation, and/or a solution for this issue that's all :).

  • Exactly what im confused about, and would like some answers. I got a reply from Support asking me to send them a recording. Shall work with them and see what comes of it.

    I do know that the sound starts at the tail end of the note/chord being played, and not throughout. I only state this because I was asked to check my pickups, grounding etc. etc.

    Just looking for an explanation, and/or a solution for this issue that's all :).

    Hey gorillabendz! Please let us know if you find a solution to the problem. I hope something works in the end. I am at my wit's end. :( ;(