MIDI Transmit to outboard gear

  • With the introduction of Performance Mode and the ability to arrange rigs in order, it would be a good feature to have the KPA send a user defined PC for each rig. This user defined PC could be different for each rig. This could be used to switch outboard equipment. If a rig is moved to a different slot, the outboard gear would still respond properly. This would allow a rig to be "paired" to external gear and not change as Performance Mode is used to rearranged the song order.

    Right now, the patches in outboard gear has to be re-ordered to follow a rig that is moved to a different slot. I have other modelers that have this feature and it works great.


  • Would this work for your needs? Go midi out of FCB into a midi Y, maybe even a midi merger, out into both the KPA and the other gear. That way PC 1 would go to the KPA, and also that same PC 1 command would be independently sent to the other gear, which could be set for whatever midi command you wished. I do this now with my VG88 using midi channel 1 , and my GR30 on channel 2. I have a stock FCB to control the GR30 from the top row of buttons, and the bottom row changes patches on the VG88. I achieve this this using the FCB editor from Mountain Systems. One expression pedal controls the volume for the GR30, and the other controls volume for the VG88. In the editor, you can assign CC#s to any pedal. I just use patch change commands, no effect changes within a patch. If I wish to have the sound of an amp, and wish to remove one of the effects, I just make a separate patch for it, then changes patches as needed. My problem, when I start using my VG99 with the KPA, will be how to effectively operate each unit, without using the FC300 and the FCB1010. It just takes up too much space to have 2 large foot controllers. If I don't figure out a work around, I may have to use both pedals, as a last resort. My goal is to hit one button, and both pieces of gear go to complimentary patches, one volume pedal, etc., because I use guitar synth on every song, I still have to use a separate PC change and volume for it, as well. Whew!!!

  • It might work. But was hoping to simplify. Right now with the stock UNO I have no trouble controlling both KPA&GR55 . But I'm only sending patch change to GR55. I guess I would have to align the GR55 programs to the KPa to use the new KPA-FCB chip.

  • The VG99 can send a user defined PC# stored in each patch. You can "pair" a VG99 patch to a specific KPA rig. That VG99 patch will always call that same rig when selected. The FC300 in Control mode can be setup to send CC# to the KPA via the VG99 midi out.

    I would prefer to have the KPA as the master and send a user defined PC# to the outboard gear. That way the foot controller can be dedicated to the KPA in Performance mode and the KPA can control presets on outboard gear.


    Edited once, last by musicman65 (June 15, 2013 at 5:16 AM).

  • Musicman ,that's what I want as well.

    The squeeky wheel gets the oil.

    So with Performance mode and properlly configured midi floorboard dedicated to KPA control, we now need a way to store a user defined PC# (and maybe CC# with value?) that stays with the rig and gets transmitted on rig change. That would allow patches on outboard gear to follow the rig changes even when rigs are moved to different positions in Performance Mode. The foot controller would not need to be reconfigured.

    Anybody else see the value in this?


  • Yes, this would be quite useful. For now, I'm going to use MainStage to do it and keep using the VG-99 as the "master" of the rig. So this will be my setups:

    1) KPA only: with FCB once the new chip & stickers arrive (on order)
    2) VG-99 only: with FC-300 as always, in sysex mode
    3) both: with VG-99 as master, using FC-300 in sysex mode and MainStage to manage coordination between the units

    If the KPA would output PC, it could be the master when I run the units together. That actually makes more sense for me now that the KPA is the primary effects & amp unit and I am only using the VG for instrument modelling and synth stuff. I run the digital out of the 99 into the KPA and the main outs of the 99 into the KPA stereo return to mix with the KPA. I can then use the KPA XLRs as main outs to the board.

    When I use my computer, I route everything through my MOTU 828. I have little MIDI files for turning the KPA digital input on & off and MainStage can send them when I switch patches to automatically go between VG or straight guitar pickups.

  • DrBill,

    I have my VG99/KPA rig connected via digital also. My VG99 is the Master to the KPA. It sends a user defined PC stored in the VG99 patch.

    Here's my work flow for creating a patch:

    1. create a VG99 patch. In this example its called "LP dropD Mesa". I set the VG to emulate a Drop D tuned Les Paul with no amp sim. Set the PC Transmit for this patch to 1.

    2. I create a Mesa Boogie Rig in the KPA and assign it to midi PC 1 (or other # that matches the PC Transmit in the corresponding VG patch). Set the SPDIF to on so the VG99's alternate tuned Led Paul guitar simulation feeds the KPA input.

    Any time I change to my new "LP dropD Mesa" patch in SYSEX causes the KPA to switch to the Mesa Rig regardless of where I store the patch in the VG99. The two patches are now paired. Other VG patches with different tunings/guitars can also be paired to the same KPA rig by sending the correct PC#.

    FC300 setup:

    In the FC300's Control mode, the 2 expressions and 12 buttons are permanently mapped to KPA CC functions. I turn off all modes besides SYSEX and CTRL modes so the mode toggle switches between the 2. Pressing UP and DOWN together alternates between SYSEX and CTRL modes.

    The VG99's MIDI out is connected to MIDI in on the KPA. All FC300 MIDI is sent from the VG99's MIDI out. The FC is only connected and powered by an Ethernet cable and passes through to MIDI out on the VG.

    I would prefer to reverse the relationship between the two devices and make the KPA the Master....but it needs to initiate a PC transmit to do this. The KPA is missing some fundamental MIDI features needed to be a Master.


    Edited 2 times, last by musicman65 (June 15, 2013 at 11:58 PM).

  • Realize this is an old post, but trying to revive this idea to see if it will get any more attention. I use the KPA with various MIDI controllable gear in the FX loop. The performance mode is pure genius for "solo KPA" stuff (i.e. no outboard gear) but if it would be possible to have the KPA send program changes to the external gear that really would take it to the next level IMO. Example

    Performance 1:
    Slot 1: Fender clean with no FX loop
    Slot 2: Fender clean with Strymon Timeline echo (MIDI channel 2, PC 1 and MIDI channel 3, CC to bypass Mobius)

    Slot 3: Fender clean with Strymon Mobius vibe (MIDI channel 3, PC 1 and MIDI channel 2, CC to bypass Timeline)

    Performance 2:
    Slot 1: Fender clean with no FX loop

    Slot 2: AC30 with Strymon Timeline echo (MIDI channel 2, PC 1 and MIDI channel 3, CC to bypass Mobius)

    Slot 3: Marshall with Strymon Mobius vibe (MIDI channel 3, PC 1 and MIDI channel 2, CC to bypass Timeline)
    Slot 4: Fender clean with Strymon Mobius chorus (MIDI channel 3, PC 2 and MIDI channel 2, CC to bypass Timeline)

    This may be beyond the scope of the Kemper, but I love the performance mode and the ability to copy around and move these full "tones" (KPA Rigs + outboard FX controlled by MIDI data) into different performances would be amazing. Would just need the KPA to have the ability to send user defined MIDI message to the MIDI Out every time a rig is changed.

  • Bump! I find it hard to believe nobody else needs MIDI transmit to outboard gear?



    Would just need the KPA to have the ability to send user defined MIDI message to the MIDI Out every time a rig is changed.

    This is so fundamental that it would create a riot if removed from other competitive modelers. Yes, the KPA sounds awesome but let's not leave out the basics!