Bundle Management re: Rig Limit - Suggestion for Andy

  • I've taken my lumps for being a profiler hoarder and one that prefers to bloat my lunchbox rather than go through the process of moving files back and forth. I enjoy just about every one of TAF profiles as-is or with minimal tweaking.... I'll stop there, on to my point.

    I've bought the first four of Andy's bundles, the vintage and rare, and the Lazy J bundles. I love his stuff, offer no apology and simply like having all of these excellent profiles to experience and enjoy differently with my various guitars. I would probably check out bundles 5 and 6 but I need to find time to go through and delete a bunch. When I have time to do this... I end up playing instead!

    Suggestion for Andy
    I personally think Andy would be helping himself if he split all of his bundles into an "essentials"/light version of all of his bundles and packs and then a separate file with the balance. I think the Essentials should be a mixture of the best raw and tweaked versions of each amp (As in 1 to 4 profiles per amp so that we're around 1/4 or 1/3 of the number of profiles in the whole bundle.) That way I download the essentials on one import then I download the balance file later and can isolate and audition those profiles via the last import option. I think doing this for us would be a big help to those of us who are too lazy/haven't learned to control their appetitie and allow us to easily make room for more.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • No offense, but how in the world would Andy know what each player feels is essential? I mean if you are unable to decide which profiles are essential to you, how could you expect him to make that decision for you? Really, that's the player's responsibility...

  • No offense, but how in the world would Andy know what each player feels is essential? I mean if you are unable to decide which profiles are essential to you, how could you expect him to make that decision for you? Really, that's the player's responsibility...

    Will, honestly every single time I read a thread that has anything to do about rig management, enough space on the Kemper, rig limits, hell anything (since I'm being honest) you always show up as deputy defender with some authoritative stance on how things should be. I honestly don't recognize a trend in anyone else's thinking on any forums I'm on -except yours. I get it. You gig. You only need a handful of profiles for your gigs. You only need a few dozen on your Kemper at any time. Do you think anyone doing it differently is below you - it feels like it. Seeing things as black and white is cool and so is having an opinion but I'm always getting a vibe like your opinions are more of a stance rather than something the OP's can take anything constructive from.


    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited once, last by BuckeyeBrown (June 2, 2013 at 3:33 AM).

  • Come on one day or later we'll have the perform mode in order to solve those gigging issues and a librarian to handle all those great rigs, but I recon managing your rigs under the 1000 limit is boring.

    The KPA eventueally gets a very chaotic stacking of rigs, the rigs are lost and unorganized, we really deserve something to handle naming , organising , sorting and so on, our wait has been very long :(

  • I had about 850 profiles I had whittled things down to where on all my guitars I liked them. From that, I had about 200 favourites.

    So I renamed them and just have those 200. This way, if I like a particular tone from, say, one of Andy's amps that I want to use on a recording, I'll go back and then reload all the profiles for that amp.

    Essentially a subset of Andy's Amps that I like. But only I can know which profiles I like or not due to my guitars? Certainly he can't.

  • I wish he had them separated into more raw (amp only no other variable in the profile line) without pedals. I've bought a few of the profile packages and end up only using 2 of the profiles. He has to do something that will be efficient though so I can understand why it is done......but I would have a tendency to buy more if they were just raw profiles this.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Bshaw, your point is valid, it realistically should always come down to one profile. If your recording you would not really change the amp to 5 different settings at tracking.. Live play you would of set your amp and played as is.. At home your real amp would of been dialed in to the way you like it... I just offer choice, from the one you like you can the add too to make variations, less gain? Use volume on guitar, more gain use a boost etc. the youalso have the clean set if you want to switch like a real amp would.

    Everyone likes differnt things and wants differt things, its impossible to deal with all the varibles. So i try to cater for the most part, but no matter how hard i try somone will always be unhappy...

    The kemper is so accurate, and sometimes people wont like a certain amp tone, like its real life version. Thats how it should be, and you have it right, there should be at least one profile you like..just like most amps have a few sweetspots only.. But because i cant be sure what people like.. I make variations thats broad enough.. And also the kemper has great controls to take the tone further if you so wish...

  • Have to agree with Will.

    We get lots of choice and it's 100% up to us how we select, organize, simplify, change, reduce the profiles. The only thing I want to get separate when I buy rigs: I want to have one folder with modified rigs and one folder with the raw profiles.
    I hope that we will get a librarian soon, even if it's still beta and reduced functionality. The lack of the librarian software is a real pain in my broken right foot!


  • Andy please note that I'm not complaining I was just stating what I end using and would be more toward my preference. If I were doing what you are doing it would make perfect sense as everyone likes different things. Some like pedals in front some don't. You can please some of the people some of the time and all the people.....never.

    I do have a tendancy to use one out of the bunch and my guitar volume.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • its cool, I didn't think you was complaining. I was actually trying to agree with you.. (that post was my morning post, pre coffee,lol) - so it kinda seemed harsh..and all twisted...but you got the idea :)
    But the way I design profiles, is for people to pick and choose there fav's from the few fav "sweet spots" of an amp, and even some with pedals. - at the end of the day, you can only ever play one at once. and so thats the goal. - to have at least One stella profile for dirty tones, and one clean. - with those 2, you can do, and cover so much ground. :)

  • Let me come at this from another angle...

    Andy, I'm a fan of what you do/have done - enough to have paid for several bundles worth of you hard work. I don't want you to stop including both raw and tweaked versions in your bundles, nor do I want to even suggest that you do more of one versus the other - so I certainly do want to come across like you aren't "pleasing" me by what you do and don't include more or less of. I would however be very curious to see what ends up on your KPA. Some of your bundles seem to include many more profiles and others only a few. I don't play metal and I believe that I've read that you don't either. You had a few more darker versions from the Lazy J sessions than I would have put together but I'm just very curious what ends up on your own KPA. I'm guessing it would be a couple profiles of each amp you've done and then a good chunk of tweaked stuff you've gathered from the exhange - a I don't think its too much of a sin for me to think it would be a nice collection for those us us looking to cut back to use as a shortcut.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited once, last by BuckeyeBrown (June 4, 2013 at 4:20 AM).

  • Well I have 3 KPA;s - One is in fully use in my tracking studio. (the rack) - to make it easier for me to track guitar players,I have backups of various setups, I.e A backup for Rock/Classic rock , a backup for Metal, backup for Blues etc. - so when I know a type of client to come in, I'll just load that set on prior to there arrival. then simply get the info from the client of what they want, and then make a few shortlist amps. then we simply tackle it from there, add/takeaway effects, tweek or simply leave as is. whatever works for the track..I then save that off for them and they take that home in case they want to overdub themselves, or if they want to re-visit again and use the same settings.

    My Profiling KPA, literally is littered with profiles of amps.. I always capture a lot more than i put out, but because of the rig limit, there is no point having 20 or 30 per amp. when really you will only end up with 1 or 2. and you can cover so much with a single profile..I simply pick and choose my favs from the collection that works with me, and my guitars, and more to the point, the ones that will be usable and useful. - so I like to arrive at 2 or 3 variations from each channel of an amp.. etc etc.

    My Personal KPA, this has all my own favs on, its all my own profiles, that I use for just simply messing around, rehearsals, and live. - these are tuned for me, and only me and my setups (studio/FOH/Cab/Rhersal room/Monitors etc) - I have a few of the profiles from each pack on the amps I like the best.. - because I profiled all these wonderful amps, doesn't mean that I like them either :) - some amps I just "cant" get on with because it does not suit me. but yet Ive heard others rave about them..mostly I have low to med gain stuff loaded, and I'll always choose i.e a Clean, a cranked and a Push profile..then variations of those as I see fit.

    Its a whole lot of fun! :)