The Lazyman's Guide to clean up your Kemper, in three parts

  • Right from the very start in march 2012 the kemper drove me nuts, fumbling around with the knob!
    I could not name my fresh first profile the way i wanted to. and i wanted a librarian asap and i had a lucid dream
    of having an editor like i had for the zoom hd. :sleeping:  :sleeping:  :sleeping: and then i woke up a year later ...
    Anyway: with a little help from my friends here is the ultimate guide to keep your lunchbox clean ;) .

    • Kerman has released a tool, the renamer and it works ! so when in the middle of profiling, you want to give a name quickly, use this editor.
      works like a charm on windows xp,7 and 8! if you have (like me) 200 profiles from andi beginning with AF4 :cursing: ... / use this tool and leave the other
      tags untouched. rename your profiles (like me) beginning with the AMP. what a relief! thanks kerman!
    • if you want to clean up your KPA, because you have a chaos of 999 profiles to your disposal and cannot find (like me) the much needed crunchy profile
      in the middle of a hot rehearsal while the bass player is fumbling around on his fretless and drives you mad: delete all but your favourites. user ara_ gave me
      this hint here : You can delete all of your profiles that are NOT in your favourites at once (System page 8/9, Erase Non-Favourites).
    • And finally, if you want to add comments, rack names, cabinet names, mic positions effortlessly without throwing your KPA out of the window out of frustration
      with knob-turning-madness (like me) : use this tipp here from tyler and upload your rigs to the exchange, keep them private for the moment, edit those tags,
      delete your profiles on your stick or harddrive in order to avoid confusion and re-download your own rigs. done!

    That's it. I hope this small modest guide will help some of you to keep your kemper clean and easy to use while we are waiting for the uno chip and bidirectional MIDI.
    and the librarian. and maybe ... hush now, baby -- don't you cry ...


    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • And finally, if you want to add comments, rack names, cabinet names, mic positions effortlessly without throwing your KPA out of the window out of frustration
    with knob-turning-madness (like me) : use this tipp here from tyler and upload your rigs to the exchange, keep them private for the moment, edit those tags,
    delete your profiles on your stick or harddrive in order to avoid confusion and re-download your own rigs. done!

    You may use the KPA tag editor : I did it last saturday with the batch mode processing to change all the amp names in a organized form, with the help of a CSV file in Excel (that allows easy drag'n'drop, fast copy and paste, sort by any tag, re-sort by another, find and replace functions...)
    A few minutes to get my about 170 rigs cleanly ordered by amp :thumbup:

  • tag editor in batch mode? ?(
    used advanced search and did not find it. i have excel, but do not know about a .csv file.
    this sounds interesting, but - sorry - i do not understand it.


    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • I have similar clean-up anxieties, but at my early point in the learnig process, I'm too afraid to change the original naming in fear of downloading the same profiles again someday, and again, and again, So for now, I only rename rigs by adding my initials at the beginning of the name, thus keeping the traceability to the original. This is easy to do on the Kemper itself. I need therapy!

    Edited once, last by Djuhntt: Clarity (June 1, 2013 at 5:26 PM).

  • there are two ways to rename that seem to be secure.
    kerman's renamer tool and - ofcourse - uploading and re-downloading them to the private rig exchange which
    is also sometimes tideous. waiting and waiting ...
    for the profiler mode

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Good advice, thank you!

    Last night I decided that I need to do a massive cleanup, and schedule some time to go through and evaluate amps again. What I would really like is to have nothing in my KPA but amps, cabinets, and of course the built-in effects. No preset song/artist rigs with effect selections, no effect presets, etc. These just confuse me when I'm already trying to evaluate hundreds of amps and cabs.

    It would be awesome if Kemper could post a backup file once or twice a month, with all of the amp profiles currently on the rig exchange, for those of us who want to keep up with the new toys without downloading and transfering kipr files a few at time.

  • well it's basically like storing favorites on the fly I guess.
    Which means say you choose a profile, you tweak it a little bit and instead of saving or overwritting the profile you just press store as snapshot and it's done, no context menus popping up or whatever. You can then go to rig and there you'll find the option browse snapshots, that's where they are located.

    Hope I could explain it somehow understandable ;)

  • Right. But keep in mind: A snapshot is not like saving a rig. This can only be done by storing via the store button and "store as" or "replace". Also a snapshot is not accessable via browse mode and you can't assign a Midi-PC to it!

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • This is probably addressed in another thread, but is there a way to delete EVERYTHING, i.e. all rigs including favorites, all presets, etc.? I just installed the latest f/w and I want to start from a clean slate, auditioning amps individually and tagging the "keepers" according to my own naming conventions as I go. There's so much "content" on my KPA right now I just cannot wrap my head around it.

  • Mark, You can delete all rigs in the system settings. Paul

    Thanks, Paul, but I've been through all options in the system menu and I don't see where this is true. I do see the "Delete Non-Favorites" option, and the "Import Factory Rigs" (which adds rigs to your existing collection) but that's it. How would you go about deleting all rigs? Or do I have to use a PC and edit a backup file to do this?

  • Thanks, Paul, but I've been through all options in the system menu and I don't see where this is true. I do see the "Delete Non-Favorites" option, and the "Import Factory Rigs" (which adds rigs to your existing collection) but that's it. How would you go about deleting all rigs? Or do I have to use a PC and edit a backup file to do this?

    Yes, if you want to delete ALL rigs you have to edit a backup file. There's no command on th KPA hat lets you do this.

  • On the computer put all your profiles into one master directory. You may use as many sub- and sub-sub-directories as you like.
    Using the KPA Tag Inspector or KIPR Tag Editor program you can create one big list of all .kipr profiles in that directory. This list is saved as a .csv (comma separated value) file.
    Import the csv file in your favourite spreadsheet program (e.g. OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc, Excel). Each row contains path, filename and tags of one profile.
    You may use all the spreadsheet functions to search, sort and filter the contents.
    e.g. Sort by author, by date, by gain, by cabinet, etc.

    Creating subsets of your profile collection
    Create a csv file of your collection and sort or filter it as mentioned above. Delete all rows of unwanted profiles. The result should be a file containing entries of the selected profiles only. Save it as .csv file. This modified csv file can then be batch processed by the Tag Editor it was originally created with. The batch process will create a new directory containing a copy of all the profiles listed in the csv file. Finally this new directory can be copied to a USB memory stick and transferred to the Kemper.

    KPA Tag Inspector: <Basic Rig Tags Extractor/Editor>
    KIPR Tag Editor: <KIPR Tag Editor>