Kemper/POD HD500/Variax

  • I am programming my POD HD500 to use as a midi controller for the Kemper. I do not plan on using any effects or amps from it. I am good with that part. Have tried it, works just fine.

    I am wondering if anyone is using the POD to power the JTV Variax and maybe also for changing modeled guitars in the Variax. Seems like this should work if you use the VDI out of JTV into POD and use 1/4" out of JTV into Kemper. I am just using the editor right now as my POD is being used by a friend until after Sunday.

    I'll find out soon enough on my own , just curious if anyone is doing it like that and if so, how's it working out for you.

  • A few years ago I had a Pod X3Live as a backup rig with a tube amp rig. I controlled my tube rig with my Pod thru a midi switcher and my Variax was connected to the Pod with the VDI cable and to the amp with a wireless system. This way I could change, all in the same time, the settings of my Variax , the patches of the Pod and the FXs and channels of the tube rig. It worked just fine! But it was the most complicated rig I ever had.


    Now with just the HD500 and the KPA it should be a lot simpler!


  • Would that not add an extra stage of digital / analog conversion and extra latency? The Variax digital output, into the HD500, convert to analog and then to Kemper, convert to digital?

    I suppose if you just run the Variax directly into the Kemper, the Variax is converting it's inner signal into an analog signal anyways.....

    I've been wondering about the integration of my Variax as well...

  • No because in this setup the VDI cable is only to power and control the Variax, the audio will be sent via a 1/4 cable directly to the KPA. It worked with my X3L and should work just fine with the HD500 too.

  • Ah..I see...I've done JVI annd 1/4" outputs at the same time but it was actually to feed both my HD500 and my XTLive at the same time. I was partch comparing... I didn't actually switch guitars with the Floorboard. I didn't connect that it would change the guitar patch on 1/4" output...but that makes sense. Seems obvious (Duh-Oh!!!)

  • I'm running my JTV through the HD500 to the Kemper and don't notice any additional latency. I will try running the 1/4 inch out to the KPA again though as I was in the honeymoon phase when I tried it first it! :)



  • Passing the audio thru a Pod HD500 before the KPA should not be worst then having a Strymon Timeline in the FX loop for example. But if you use a Variax plus a wireless system you should begin to feel the latency IMHO.

  • I am programming my POD HD500 to use as a midi controller for the Kemper. I do not plan on using any effects or amps from it. I am good with that part. Have tried it, works just fine.

    I am wondering if anyone is using the POD to power the JTV Variax and maybe also for changing modeled guitars in the Variax. Seems like this should work if you use the VDI out of JTV into POD and use 1/4" out of JTV into Kemper. ...

    You can set the spdif output of the hd500 to "dry input" and feed it into the reamp input of the Kemper. When you set the reamp sense to 12dB you get a similiar tone like when you connect the Variax with a 1/4" cable to the front input of the Kemper, but without any noise. This is really helpful when sitting near a computer monitor or other things that make noises.

    The front input seems to produce a slightly fatter, more compressed sound than the spdif reamp input. It's a matter of taste if you like that or not.