TheAmpFactory Pack5 Out NOW!

  • Hi Zoran, few things you can try.
    Work with the definition, this will increase "frontness" or decrease for a more laid back (spongy) amp feel.
    Add a Pre EQ and play with that, will need larger amounts of cuts/boosts to really hear much, but this can make the amp very musical - and also interesting.

    turn up the reverb, playing with none at home can sound dull, boring..(low mix, lots of room time) sounds great with heavy guitars, but obv not if your planning to record.

    Put some mild delay on, to thicken up the tone (analog)
    Put the X boost on, increase/decrease the gain. and change the stack EQ lower the treble and up the presence for example to add sparkle.

    That is some of the top of My head..
    What I might do, is tweek them all and upload them so everyone can also get them.. but no time right now to do that. but Its something im thinking about.

    But my opinion, is they are great, ..was having a lot of fun with the roadster/roadking and Knucklehead last night. and all I did was add verb to my own taste!

    Anwyay you will win, you will see. just keep at it.

    I never play with the cab section btw, I know others do, but I like to keep that straight up.

  • Hi and44 once again :)

    As I told you before, imho it's very helpful to have one large alphabetical list of all "Singles" to quickly browse your products. I know you told me to use the search box, but this has two downsides:

    1. Keywords used in your new "Info" popups can't be found by the search engine. Try to search "Vibrolux" for example. Nothing found, although you mention it in the Vintage & Rare Info box. You probably use a WordPress custom field for this ... which is excluded from the search index.

    2. It's just a usability problem for your customers if the select the Singles from pack 1, scroll down the list ... and then have to scroll up again, open the popdown submenu, select the next pack. Maybe it would help to some degree if you had "Next Pack" and "Previous Pack" buttons at the end of the lists? Just trying to find a way to make it easier to browse. :)


  • hiya, we are going to add pagination to the "singles" - so if you press singles and ignore the submenu. it will display all amps. - and this will be in alphabetical order. - (its not done yet but will be soon) - so that should help you. we were trying it last night on the test server.. so once we iron out the bugs I guess that will get added soon. - the search stuff we are still working on a bit to refine it a bit better aswell.

  • Yes, yes! As if on all amps treble is off!

    P.S. Many guitarists who bought Kemper, want to switch a profile and to hear a sound as on albums of favorite bands! Many of them aren't able to set up a sound, or it takes a lot of time!
    BTW, for raw profiles we have Soundside!

    Edited 3 times, last by Pocobor (May 17, 2013 at 6:56 PM).

  • I don't have the pack yet, but I think the LazyJ was also similar to this "raw"?

    In any case, I'd be one of those who prefer "ready to go" since I've not experienced any clipping, and find the already tweaked profiles of all previous bundles to be excellent.

    It's a winning formula.

    Andy, maybe you should start a thread with a poll, I know Gear Page can do it, and see what people say so you can have good feedback.
    Typically you get a distorted view as only unhappy people will complain, and the many happy people won't. If it's a 7-1 ratio who liked the tweaks, it doesn't make sense to put them "raw", is my thinking. IF that ends up being true.

    And lord knows, I like in theory raw guitar tracks to tweak in the daw, but I consider Raw having too much reverb, not EQ or Boost applications. The louder I can get the guitar in and pull back from in the DAW, the happier I am.

  • Andy,

    If you do tweak the profiles on the Pack 5 profiles that would be very much appreciated! I really love what you do with them and since I'm not very experienced in tweaking yet I trust your knowledge and experience to really bring out the greatness in your profiles. :)


  • I will be doing a Tweaked set for those that want it, and will do that for every pack from now. - best of both worlds that way!.
    its hard to please everyone, and impossible to do so, but I'd rather catch the majority so that way its all good.

    Unfortunately thats the way life goes, one man may hate the profile, while the other man is singing its praise.. but if we had both the tweaked/RAW then both men are happy! - differnt strokes for different folks!

    So.. On that note, I'll do an Andy's version of the pack, and make them sound as best they can ready to rock out on!.

    (But give me some small time) gotta finish a few things im doing now, then will get onto that!.

  • Staying with the expertly tweaked profiles with propper guidance on how to get back to the raw profiles is the best all round solution I think.
    Andy's ability to get the best out of each profile is second to none, and definately worth having as a starting point.
    Manually getting back to the raw profiles seems to be quite simple. See…D=7555&pageNo=1 for my conclusion on how to do this.. but some official guidance from Andy would be handy, especially if the gain has been changed in the tweaked version.

  • Then of course we'll need Andy44 to sell a version of the guitar he uses to Profile!

    I see this going a loooong way! ;)

    Yes, a tweak a la Bundle 1-4 would be why I drop the big bucks!
    But again, having not gotten this bundle yet, I can't say anything about it. Just reading comments.

    I'd like to hear the sound samples before buying.

    But being an Amp Factory Junkie (AFJ?) I'll probably buy it regardless! ;)

  • I will be doing a Tweaked set for those that want it, and will do that for every pack from now. - best of both worlds that way!.
    its hard to please everyone, and impossible to do so, but I'd rather catch the majority so that way its all good.

    Unfortunately thats the way life goes, one man may hate the profile, while the other man is singing its praise.. but if we had both the tweaked/RAW then both men are happy! - differnt strokes for different folks!

    So.. On that note, I'll do an Andy's version of the pack, and make them sound as best they can ready to rock out on!.

    (But give me some small time) gotta finish a few things im doing now, then will get onto that!.

    it would be very good!!!

  • Staying with the expertly tweaked profiles with propper guidance on how to get back to the raw profiles is the best all round solution I think.
    Andy's ability to get the best out of each profile is second to none, and definately worth having as a starting point.
    Manually getting back to the raw profiles seems to be quite simple. See…D=7555&pageNo=1 for my conclusion on how to do this.. but some official guidance from Andy would be handy, especially if the gain has been changed in the tweaked version.


  • For better or worse (better in my opinion), Andy has become the go-to guy for out of the box / ready to go profiles. Although the raw profiles are probably awesome and still only need a small amount of tweaking, I think the general Kemper public goes to Andy's stuff when they don't want to tweak at all. It's your niche man, embrace it! :) I have my eyes on a couple of amps from pack 5, I'm just going to hang tight for some soundclips before I take the plunge. I own a bunch of amps from the other packs, keep up the great work!

  • Only the professional sound producer knows, how raw guitars shall sound. Unfortunately the percent such of users of a kemper is very low! I think, sense of all processors - to give a ready sound for listening!

    P.S. it wouldn't be bad to make a rating of profiles on your site

    Edited once, last by Pocobor (May 17, 2013 at 7:35 PM).

  • Just my 2 cents on the matter:
    I have always loved Andy's raw, untreated profiles, without any EQing.

    Yeah, that's the first thing I do with any profile: Turn off any EQs and Effects and even set the tone stack to neutral position and go from there. I always use EQ and reverb only at mixing stage and the plugins in my DAW. As good as the Kempers EQs are, the Neve, Pultec und SSL EQs of my UAD-2 are better and I like to use these if needed.

    Most of the time the raw profile sound is much nearer to what I want from a certain amp than the tweaked version.

  • I will be doing a Tweaked set for those that want it, and will do that for every pack from now. - best of both worlds that way!.
    its hard to please everyone, and impossible to do so, but I'd rather catch the majority so that way its all good.

    Unfortunately thats the way life goes, one man may hate the profile, while the other man is singing its praise.. but if we had both the tweaked/RAW then both men are happy! - differnt strokes for different folks!

    So.. On that note, I'll do an Andy's version of the pack, and make them sound as best they can ready to rock out on!.

    (But give me some small time) gotta finish a few things im doing now, then will get onto that!.

    Hi Andy! Fantastic! I am very excited that you are going to offer both raw and tweaked versions of your profiles. Your incredible tweaked profiles are what made me such a huge fan of your work in the first place and I'm so glad you are going to offer your fans the best of both worlds now! I'm more of a plug and play kind of guy. I like to dial in a profile and get to jamming with as little tweaking as possible. I can appreciate the need for Raw profiles but since I am not experienced at taking a Raw profile and making it sound amazing I would rather trust someone such as yourself who has proven time and again with your expertise at making ready to play stellar profiles. I appreciate all of the hard work you are doing and thanks so much for making my Kemper experience better than ever with all of your great profiles.

    By the way ever thought about a Metal pack volume 2? :)

    Take your time making the tweaked profiles, I know they will sound fantastic and I am really looking forward to them. :)

  • I think there are plenty of amps already capable of Metal.

    So I think Metal will have to wait for Pack 7.

    I've already reserved Boutique amp for Pack 6! ;)

    Pack 8 will be all Beatle's amps (8 Amp a Week!)