Did you use other digital amp simulation gear before you got the Kemper?

  • I used to put my 4003 through a Roland Cube 100's COSM for an Ampeg and then to a SansAmp British amp and that in combination sounded pretty good at the time.

    I laugh thinking about it now that I can just plugin DI to an LA-610 with pretty decent results.

  • In addition to my previous post I recently setup a backup rig using an AMT SS-11A into a two notes cab into chorus...delay ...reverb....xlr. On channel 2 & 3 I could not get the "buzz" out so I ended up putting a noise killer between the AMT and two notes. I also had two pedals before the AMT (overdrive and plexi) just to have variation of sound. If the buzz were ever fully removed it would be comparable.......but I could not so it will be a very good backup.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Had few of digital toys:

    - Line6 POD 2.0 - I remember quite good "Treadplate" model, as for these times
    - Rocktron Utopia G100
    - ZOOM G9.2tt - I think it had tubes in it, or just someting that emulated it :D
    - Eleven Rack 11R

    In between I had number of monitors:

    - Tannoy Reveal 501A
    - KRK RP6 G2
    - Yamaha HS80

    Now I ended with Kemper and Equators D5. Sometimes I think "it" could do better, but I think it's up to profiles used and guitars :) I'm about to change Fended Noiseless Vintage pickups into 57/62 ones. Fender Vintage Noiseless are Noiseless but not Vintage at all. I'm aware of hum, but these Noiseless sound so sterile.

  • I used VST software for a few years before getting the Kemper. That was only for recording purposes, though. I always used tube amps in bands before I got the Kemper. I used Orange and Mesa among others and I never use profiles of those on the Kemper now. :D

  • I have 15 or so hand wired tube amps, but I find myself using guitar rig for practice most of the time

    Been using Guitar Rig since version 1 which was many years ago.
    Currently I am using Guitar rig 5

    Looking forward to getting my KPA
    Just ordered it today

  • I have 15 or so hand wired tube amps, but I find myself using guitar rig for practice most of the time

    Been using Guitar Rig since version 1 which was many years ago.
    Currently I am using Guitar rig 5

    Looking forward to getting my KPA
    Just ordered it today

    The moment I started using the Kemper on a daily basis, I started hating every guitar VST I've ever used and that includes most of the options around. It's so much more natural, both in sound and in feel.

  • Nova System, then realised I could get most of what I wanted out of a pod hd500. Which meant taking one bag and a guitar to gigs as I went straight to desk. Then Kemper as wanted a better sound and less fiddling to get it;) However in many ways the pod was great, as I said going to gigs with one guitar and one pedal board was great after lugging 60lb + amps and cabs:)

  • I don't know if most of this list counts as some of it was actually analogue gear.
    I think of it all in the same vain as it was a means of plugging my guitar directly into my recording equipment or foh desk.
    started in the early 80's with the "Tom Scholts Rockman" then had an ADA MP-1. Then had a Sansamp psa-1 then a pod (thought that was poo) then a Marshall jmp-1 then a few software jobs (okay in some cases but rarely a substitute for the real thing. Then finally the Kemper. Had lots of valve amps throughout for touring and studio, including monster Bradshaw racks that could now be replaced by one green toaster
    in my opinion, the only two great innovations on that list are the Rock man and the Kemper!