Axe fx AND Kemper

  • Hi community,

    Simple question for everyone...

    "Why do people keep both the kemper and the axe fx ?" My understanding was that those two overlap one another :huh: ? I heard that some keep the axe for live purpose but since kemper offer the rack version, what is left in the axe. Does one sound better in a different context ?

    I currently have an axe ultra and my Kemper is on the way (maybe today :)) and this question is still on my mind.

    Thx to all.

  • Having both is no different than having more than one guitar, or more than one amp. :D

    Either product can do things the other can't do (or, can't do as well, for a particular user's needs). I used to have several brands of modelers, and some VST Amp Simulators, and would use whichever had my preferred version of a particular type of sound. I still have the VST stuff, but haven't used them for six months or so.

  • I had both for a weekend, with the plan that I would keep both. After A/Bing them, I quickly realized I liked the tone better on the Kemper, although there were several user patches I found on the AXE to be stellar. That was with FW 9 though.
    I thought the AXE is too expensive as an effect- only or USB audio interface. So I sold it just a few hours after being reunited with the Kemper.
    I may revisit the AXE, if the tone is on-par with Kemper. IMHO, it wasn't there as of FW9.

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • I think I will make a tile of this CK quote I found on TGP:

    The internal developement of the Profiling algorithm was finished more than 3 years from now. We have no plans for improving it. There might be little room for minor improvements, but no room for a step to make the sound significantly realer, as there is no such significance left.
    The tube feel of the Profiler cannot be improved. I am afraid that we run into a lack of marketing pretty soon


    Absolutly spot on!

  • I think I will make a tile of this CK quote I found on TGP:

    The internal developement of the Profiling algorithm was finished more than 3 years from now. We have no plans for improving it. There might be little room for minor improvements, but no room for a step to make the sound significantly realer, as there is no such significance left.
    The tube feel of the Profiler cannot be improved. I am afraid that we run into a lack of marketing pretty soon


    Absolutly spot on!

    Not surprising. This is one great sounding lunchbox! :thumbup:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • That was very cleverly stated by Mr. CK. After reading it, I suspect there was a certain amount of rage experienced by a certain segment of the guitar-playing community.

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • I personally like CK's product and humorous attitude 8) The reason I retain both the AFX and the Kemper: They both do an excellent job, but from a different angle, which makes them both unique. I also keep both platforms to see what improvements/sounds/features they will introduce in the future... Great days to be a guitarist! 8o

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • I'd be interested in some profiles of the new v10 software, knowing how well the KPA has profiled the Ultra and what Armin says (I have those profiles for the FXII v6?) and also some newer patches which some are pretty darned good.

    I've been listening to current clips of the v10 and they definitely sound way better than v9 to my ears. I like clean and crunch and there weren't any that really caught my attention, but now I'm hearing some that are very good indeed.

    What I haven't seen, if someone can point it out to me, are comparisons of the FXII with a real amp, say an AC30 and showing how you can't tell the real one from the modeled one. If v10 is that good, I suspect that's an easy task.

    So while the new clips are really good, I'm still more wowed by Will Chen's clips, which makes me suspect that there might be room for improvement still for a v11. Just an educated guess there, but I'd love to be proven wrong with a clip from the new Swart AST. I owned one, I'll know how good that is or not!

    Also, MIMIC a Tungsten Crema Wheat. If those two things could be done, and fool me as to their realism, I'll buy an FXII the next day just to make a point I was wrong.

  • I personally like CK's product and humorous attitude 8) The reason I retain both the AFX and the Kemper: They both do an excellent job, but from a different angle, which makes them both unique. I also keep both platforms to see what improvements/sounds/features they will introduce in the future... Great days to be a guitarist! 8o

    Could you do a clip of the new Swart? And/or profile it in the KPA? I'd be very interested in that from an owner of both.

  • there might be room for improvement still for a v11.

    Read somewhere, maybe TGP,(paraphrasing here) that Cliff feels MIMIC is near the right wall for tone improvement. He is allegedly going to focus on IRs now. I can't see him being satisfied though. Probably still lots of power left in that box for future upgrades too.

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • Read somewhere, maybe TGP,(paraphrasing here) that Cliff feels MIMIC is near the right wall for tone improvement. He is allegedly going to focus on IRs now. I can't see him being satisfied though. Probably still lots of power left in that box for future upgrades too.

    30 years ago, I thought I was at 'the right wall of tone' running a Tube Screamer into my Super-Reverb amp, and although it did sound very good, I eventually had to eat my words (or at least my thoughts) when I found more expressive sounds by integrating digital gear/modelers into the mix - I believe both Cliff and CK will have future revelations which will again advance the modeling potential to another degree. I stated many years ago that the day will come when the vast majority of guitarists will prefer a digital modeler over their favorite tube amps, and I believe that day is just around the corner...

    All modelers known to man 8o