1.7.0 Public Beta - Discussion

  • Thanks for the update Kemper team. Looking forward to future updates.

    To me, the KPA as it is right now, is more than worth the price I paid for it. It is much more valuable than if I had spent 2K on a single tube amplifier (Mesa, ENGL, Diezel), plus I have all of those tones and so much more. Future updates are just going to be an excellent bonus.

    And believe it or not, gigs are going perfectly despite not having performance mode! ;)

    Yeah, my hope with performance mode is with a group I play with which has a pretty solidified set list that I can "downgrade" from the FCB1010 to something very small to simply increment through songs/sets with an easy ability to arrange songs on the fly if needed.

  • I'm not going to be able to give 1.70 a try before tonight but am very curious to know how much rig load times have improved (it says so in the change log). To those who have been suffering with MIDI switching lag, did you feel any improvement with the new firmware?

  • I think I'll hold off on the upgrade myself do and stick with 1.6.1

    I mean, it doesnt matter how good your tone is, if you're out of key with the song its going to sound off regardless.
    Massive issues in my opinion, and I'm surprised it got by QA.
    I use the inbuilt tuner in the studio myself all the time in 1.6.1 and live I use a boss TU3.

    What is this spacehead room feature, and what does it do?
    All the release says is:
    " Space parameter in Master/Output Section enhances the Master Stereo signal by a short room simulation (Headphone and Main output)


    What exactly does this mean? Does it just essentially add a short room reverb to the output?



  • Read what I wrote above.
    It's a very nice feature.

  • Quote

    Read what I wrote above.
    It's a very nice feature.

    I read your last post....

    Unlike others I like the space parameter very much.
    For my taste it could have even a bit more 'room'.
    Let's not only get it to 11, but 20 instead of 10.
    It reminds me a bit of the Vetta II that had a similar feature and it gives a kind of interesting phasing/ambience that I find very appealing and not only useful in headphones (I rarely use them) but also for recording.

    ... but it didn't answer my question for me. I never owned a Vetta II.....

    Went without a hitch.

    OMG, EVERY THINGS SOUNDS BETTER!!!! uh, actually, no it sounds the same. This isn't a Fractal unit.

    My SNARK agrees with the Kemper and I can see down to a cent, so if it's there, it's less than a cent. I can't tell tuning less than a cent. If you can, you got dog ears. It doesn't sound "out of tune" when less of a cent. If anything, it just sounds a bit "fatter" or slightly like a Chorus effect.

    This I think is just for Headphones, so I used it only for that. To my ears it appears to be like a Closet Reverb. It gives it more presence. A dry sound can actually sound farther away and this brings it into a seemingly smaller space like a closet. Not even as large as a bathroom, unless it's NOT tiled. Though this might be a cool feature if you want to sing vocals through the KPA! ;)

    On MOST rigs, this actually sounds very cool. On some hi gain rigs with certain hi frequencies it gets a bit much on the ears. I've only found 1 of those rigs in about 20 that I've checked out. May have to do with the REVERB being on, and the echo on echo is getting harsh.

    To ME, it's a really friggin cool features. Thanks Will Chen for your work in this area, birthing perhaps this feature!

  • What i don't understand is why CK doesn't intervene in these threads, or in worse cases even replies, but only to posts that don't concern future updates. Personally, i think it's unprofessional, and is the only thing keeping me from recommending the Kemper to anyone.

    Time has proven now that this was a witch-hunt. This is contemporarily called swarm intelligence. Swarm intelligence is not a high intelligence, it's about following the guys that's in front of you, if you see many moving in the same direction. There is a number of swarms in the world of humans and animals known to have failed.

    I hope we all learn from this story.

    [Blocked Image: http://www.audiosemantics.de/FORUMS/calvin-klein.jpg]

    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • To Team Kemper: AWESOME job with the update guys - granted there are issues - and performance mode's not here yet - but it's a sizeable step in the right direction, and for that I salute you! Cant wait to try out 1.7.0 when I get back home from work :). That amp-in-the-room sounds pretty cool. Im also hoping that this release fixes stability and other currently invisible issues with the firmware (since it doesn't seem common practise to detail out bugs/issues fixed in each release).

    Im not so bothered about the 1000 rig limit - it's a psychological hindrance for me anyway ;) - since I have about 400 rigs in my KPA right now - and Im going to get rid of a lot of junk that I got from the exchange. Would be awesome if the limit went away though - what I would really like is to organize my rigs in folders (for different projects/bands) - and this is where the limit begins to be a hindrance maybe?

    Still a happy camper though ;) CHEERS!

  • I haven't had a chance to download the new beta yet. Can someone explain how the tuner was improved? Is it a matter of increased accuracy and precision? Is the accuracy quantified anywhere (e.g. +/-0.1 cents), or is the readout different? I was already pretty happy with the tuner before, so this is icing on the cake (although I'm not a big fan of icing or cake, but that's a different story).

  • I haven't had a chance to download the new beta yet. Can someone explain how the tuner was improved? Is it a matter of increased accuracy and precision? Is the accuracy quantified anywhere (e.g. +/-0.1 cents), or is the readout different? I was already pretty happy with the tuner before, so this is icing on the cake (although I'm not a big fan of icing or cake, but that's a different story).

    The old tuner was spot on the new one is +/1 1Hz off

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • I haven't had a chance to download the new beta yet. Can someone explain how the tuner was improved? Is it a matter of increased accuracy and precision? Is the accuracy quantified anywhere (e.g. +/-0.1 cents), or is the readout different? I was already pretty happy with the tuner before, so this is icing on the cake (although I'm not a big fan of icing or cake, but that's a different story).

    The release text says a Master Tuner was added (changing the frequency of the A pitch up or down from 440) and the Tuner can now go down to a low B. Those 2 improvements.