• :thumbup: there are only 3 of us in my band we play at least twice every week and most venues we play hardly have any room at all. So my cabs have always been nearly on top of me lol

    Wow, how do you manage to play Guns N Roses with 3 members? That's impressive. My band has 4 members and we cover Night Train, I do vocals and lead guitar, I couldn't imagine not having the second guitar in there.

  • Wow, how do you manage to play Guns N Roses with 3 members? That's impressive. My band has 4 members and we cover Night Train, I do vocals and lead guitar, I couldn't imagine not having the second guitar in there.

    Im lead guitarist and lead vox. We play Welcome to the jungle and Sweet Child Of Mine. The secret is all down to arranging. I pick the main/best bit from both guitar parts and play it like that. Go check us out on facebook we are called "The Floating Greyhounds" one or two songs we play that have main keyboard parts in the original song, we use a click track :thumbup:

  • Well, in quartet we've played some pub with one 8 channel mixer and one QSC k12 behind us and facing the audience and all 4 going direct, the bass player once was sitting at the bar and I was standing on the dancefloor because we had no space on "Stage" lol!

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I don't mean to piss on your parade but I'm a bit paranoid about latency so I wrote Yamaha and asked what the figures are on the DRX and it's 2.2ms which is a little too much for my tastes. Yes I know, that's the same as standing 2ft farther from the speaker, but remember, latency is cumulative and the KPA already introduces like 3.5ms.

    Interesting point Deny.I wonder where the latency is introduced within the DRX? Is there some dsp going on? Would this apply to all similar speakers? Or maybe all speaker drivers have a natural latency.

    You're damned if you do and damned if you don't

  • Interesting point Deny.I wonder where the latency is introduced within the DRX? Is there some dsp going on? Would this apply to all similar speakers? Or maybe all speaker drivers have a natural latency.

    Last nite I was gigging with my setup and really tried to listen/feel the latency but I just could I think people are worrying to much about this :)

  • Interesting point Deny.I wonder where the latency is introduced within the DRX? Is there some dsp going on? Would this apply to all similar speakers? Or maybe all speaker drivers have a natural latency.

    Latency is introduced by the DSP circuit, which unfortunately has become the norm in most FRFR speakers these days. The QSC K series has 2ms, the CLR and the new coaxial Mackies have it too. In my experience it's easier to perceive it A/B'ing against an all-analog rig.

  • just thought I'd bump this thread up. Just got back from testing out the DXR 12 with my Kemper, and I was floored! I am actually going to trade in my Mackie hD1531 for 2 DXR 12's, and run them in stereo as my monitors. The mackie is great, but SOOO bass heavy, and weighs about 100 lbs. I am a pretty strong guy, and the DXR's were just INSANELY light, felt like i was carrying a guitar case. I was looking for a floor wedge that angled up towards my head and wow I'm glad I tried these out, I was missing so much much with my big mackie. These speakers sound absolutely fantastic, can't say enough about them. This is the clearest and most defined FRFR system I've heard yet.

  • just thought I'd bump this thread up. Just got back from testing out the DXR 12 with my Kemper, and I was floored! I am actually going to trade in my Mackie hD1531 for 2 DXR 12's, and run them in stereo as my monitors. The mackie is great, but SOOO bass heavy, and weighs about 100 lbs. I am a pretty strong guy, and the DXR's were just INSANELY light, felt like i was carrying a guitar case. I was looking for a floor wedge that angled up towards my head and wow I'm glad I tried these out, I was missing so much much with my big mackie. These speakers sound absolutely fantastic, can't say enough about them. This is the clearest and most defined FRFR system I've heard yet.

    But for live backline and cutting through band mix, do you still prefer your VHT poweramp + 4x12 setup? I have a DXR10 but it's not blending well with my band, other guitarist is using traditional amp and 4x12. Trying to decide on a second DXR or just use DXR for monitor and go amp/cab for live backline. Thanks.

  • Wow, lots of K10 owners interested in the DXR10 :)

    First, a disclaimer: perceived tone is highly subjective so take my opinions for what they are, just opinions. Having said that, I've found people generally agree with my observations/comparisons of these two speakers.

    Two things have always annoyed me about the K10: first, the low end boominess, which couldn't be dialed off even by selecting the "ext. sub" switch (a low cut circuit, probably around 100Hz). And second, I've always felt the high mids kind of piercing, annoying and fatiguing, and also really hard to dial off.

    These characteristics, which might be and probably indeed are useful for sound reinforcement applications, are IMHO a complete catastrophe with guitar modeling. For instance, with the K10 I thought the tonestack in the KPA sounded weird and artificial. After trying them with the DXR10 I realized it was actually the K10 that was the culprit.

    The DXR10 sounds more natural and a lot more like a real amp IMHO. I'll risk a wild guess and say that while the K10 seems to have a bump around 3kHz, the response of the DXR10 seems to be flatter and with more pleasant highs. And I mean highs (which the K10 lacks), not annoying high mids (which the K10 has in excess). The low end sounds more natural as well, I don't have to tweak like crazy to get rid of the mud of certain profiles, which with the DXR10 produce a nice "oomph" that if I close my eyes makes me think tere's a 4x12 in the room.

    My only complaint about the Yamaha, and I know this is a deal breaker for some, is that at low volume levels (playing at home at night) there's noticeable hiss coming out of the speaker. Now I haven't gigged with it yet but I'm almost sure that at stage volumes, even in small venues, this will not be an issue.

    So bottom line, IMHO the DXR10 sounds great, I have zero regrets about buying and will never, ever look back at the K10 for any modeling application again. Speakers are responsible for a significant part of guitar tone, tone is what inspires me to play, and the DXR10 is the best I've heard so far.

  • I agree completely. To me the Dxr 12 I used was the most natural sounding and amp like frfr monitor I've heard to date yet...

  • But for live backline and cutting through band mix, do you still prefer your VHT poweramp + 4x12 setup? I have a DXR10 but it's not blending well with my band, other guitarist is using traditional amp and 4x12. Trying to decide on a second DXR or just use DXR for monitor and go amp/cab for live backline. Thanks.

    But for live backline and cutting through band mix, do you still prefer your VHT poweramp + 4x12 setup? I have a DXR10 but it's not blending well with my band, other guitarist is using traditional amp and 4x12. Trying to decide on a second DXR or just use DXR for monitor and go amp/cab for live backline. Thanks.

    Nope in the the least. VHT Poweramp and cab are gone. Gettin accurate representation of what the FOH Is getting is far more important to me personally.

  • I again went back to Gut Central today and checked the DXR's against the QSC's and the Mustang 3.
    I could only do the 12's in both cases due to stock X( .
    But I will tell for trip #2 I wholeheartedly agree with the assessment ;) . The DXR sounds like a guitar should :thumbup: !!!
    I can't wait to hear the 10's.
    The QSC's sounded over processed to me but ummmm ok.

    I did dial in this time on the aforementioned buzzy hum unfortunately..but in no way will that stop me from dropping the cash on these :P unless I get feedback that the RFC ART310's match them :huh: :S .
    Don't let your mind run away to far though from what Zappledan has said on here before......for a low budget be sure to go listen to a Mustang 3  8| :rolleyes: 8o :thumbup:  I did a 5 and a 3 and really extremely surprised!!! 8o
    I may pick it up for smaller stages or rehearsals who knows, it did sound good boys.

    But for me and "my ear" as far as monitors...... I'm used to hearing the sound that comes out of the DXR's to recognize my guitar feel, tone and punch in the face mid clarity but yet with such a comfortable feel on my ears even at levels!!!! :thumbup:
    Hope this helped...R

  • Wow! A lot of happy men here! Now I have no choice but take the time to go to my retailler and do the test by myself!


    Ingolf do you still have the CLR? Do you still think after some times that the DXR10 is not so far from it?

  • Wow! A lot of happy men here! Now I have no choice but take the time to go to my retailler and do the test by myself!


    Ingolf do you still have the CLR? Do you still think after some times that the DXR10 is not so far from it?

    Yes, I still have the CLR, and still stand by what I have written about the DXR. Actually often I prefer only having to carry the DXR for its smaller footprint.
    The DXR is truly great and extraordiary value for money IMO.

  • Just thought I would give a bit of an update. Went to Guitar center today to make sure I was really hearing what I was hearing with the DXR's. I demoed the QSC k series stuff, EV ELX 112, the JBL PRX612, and of course, the Yamaha DXR12. I will say, the qsc k8's (yes 8's!!!) were absolutely incredible as far as power. 2 of those could rattle your balls right off. I am not kidding, the low end those things throw out is absolutely astonishing, I was completely blown away. HOWEVER, the QSC's really do have this absolutely ANNOYING midrange/high end harshness that I just can not stand. I am sure for a regular live FOH PA system, these are absolutely fantastic, but for what we as guitar players want, I would not even consider them. I am not saying they are "scooped" sounding per say, but they are definitely the most "PA like" and farthest away, in my opinion, from sounding like you are playing through an amp. But yes, they are extremely powerful. even with one of those K8's (let alone the 10 or 12) you could make your bass player weep. I had my bernie rico jr 7 string, and the Qsc didn't even blink. I even turned on the transposer and dropped my 7 down 3 or 4 steps just for fun, and it took the low end no problem. But again, I would NOT consider buying these, for what I want and what I am into.

    Next up was the EV ELX 112P, and jbl prx612. I saw a youtube video with the JBL PRX, and it sounded really great. The EV and JBL was much closer to what I wanted and look for, with the EV 112P getting the nod. However, he EV had a much more exaggerated bottom end, the JBL seemed much more accurate in the low end frequencies, also seemed a tad darker, and more neutral sounding. Overall, they are both very good sounding. As stupid as it sounds, I probably would consider getting the EV's just based on the fact that they are much easier to angle right up at my head. Their angle is much better than the JBL PRX. Stupid maybe, but that was really important to me.

    After really liking the EV ELX stuff, I was kind of worried that my ears were playing tricks on me, and that the yamaha's were not as good as I thought.....I was DEAD wrong, that is for sure. Plugged into the Yamaha DXR 12, and from the first note I knew, this would be the speaker I use. Guys, alot of the complaints about the FRFR stuff is the annoying high end (ala, QSC stuff) that gets brought out: The Yamaha's do not have that in the least. I am telling you, these things are going to take off big time when people get to play through them, and experience them. The high end was so natural, and "guitar cabinet like", I couldn't believe it. They are also not "scoopy" sounding AT ALL like alot of FRFR/PA speakers. This is probably the biggest difference, and what makes them sound/feel the closest to a normal guitar cabinet that I have personally heard yet: They have the midrange of a guitar cabinet it seems, as weird as that may sound. There was absolutely no annoying midrange or high end, and the bass response was right in line with the JBL as far as accuracy. These things are the closest to an "amp like" FRFR system that I have heard yet, by far. I am using the Mackie HD1531 at the moment, and I can't get rid of it fast enough after hearing these things. I really think people are going to rave about these when they hear them. I am a high gain/metal guy, and this speaker is dead on in what I've always wanted to hear in an FRFR system. There is honestly nothing I can think of that I would change about it: It even has that great angle upwards like the EV ELX series.

    I know this sounds like a sales pitch probably, but whatever. Guys, do yourself a favor and go try these. The reviews are glowing for a reason. Sorry to stir up your GAS :D but I think you will hear what I am hearing. 2 of these in stereo is like hearing god, I can NOT wait to get these guys home!

  • Has anyone tried a DXR 10 and 12 at the same time? If so was one better then the other? The smaller size of the DXR10 would be nice to have.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .