I Can't Wait for 1.70!

  • Look, I'm a beta tester for one of these modeling companies. I have a signed NDA with them, and yes, I receive "compensation" from them in the form of free gear or other goodies. But even so, I was specifically told by them that I'm under no obligation to speak well of their products in a public forum, or to market for them. So I believe Scott when he's saying that he's doing this for "fun" and that he hasn't been told what to say. He's a true believer and is speaking from his own heart and mind. This is coming to you from someone accused by Cliff Chase himself of being a "shill" for another company.

    I think it's counter productive for Kemper users to bash on Fractal or the Axe. It makes the Kemper community look petty. We like the product we like. And we can even find things we like about the others. They're all just boxes with circuits on the inside.

    +1,000,000. But I've been around here long enough to see there is some deep, bad blood between some users here and a couple TGP members and Fractal. Karl, all guys you and I can hope to do is ignore it as it isn't going away.

  • Well his own disclosure page says he can't voice opinions on certain threads because of such agreements, but on the forum says he is free to say what he wants, when he wants, any time. His own words, not mine. Statements by him that both can't be true. If you are truly free to say what you want, you wouldn't sign a contract that gags you. And don't say they don't gag you, that's what "non disclosure" means.

    I hope I'm not bashing Fractal in any more than a cheeky way, firmware jokes, etc. Some think I'm bashing Kemper when I ask why it's RAM seems so small. I OWN a Fractal product. I think they produce a great product. I was pointing out an inconsistency of their spoken bottom-up approach, then adopting a top-down technology they somewhat eschewed in their manual. I pointed that out, this seeming inconsistency. The point of a forum is to query inconsistency to have it explained. If Kemper said it was not necessary to have a 2 amp pathway, then adopted one, I'd point that out too.

    That being said, if you release upcoming information for a product, information that you only get via signed agreement, you are a part of their marketing campaign. If you release clips before anyone else can get presets with the express permission of the product's company, you are a part of their marketing strategy. With 23 years in the field I find it beyond belief that he is an unwitting participant. It's marketing, and saying it isn't marketing is deceitful. There is no other word for it.

    If you don't talk about the product's new developments no one else know s about, or release clips no one else has access to, and just find bugs for the company to fix, THAT is old style Beta Testing. The New strategy has bug fixing rolled up into an advertisement strategy where companies get beta testing consumers as their local Ad Men. I don't need a PhD in the field to know this simple fact. If you have no experience in marketing, I can see you being naive about that fact.

    If find it highly ironic that a forum that has a cow when you don't signature your associations can blatantly deny marketing involvement or gag orders.

    I am a free man to say what I will, am not bound by contract, get no benefit from any company I didn't purchase products from what is available to everyone when I can get it..
    So I don't give a rat's ass what it looks like when I point out any logical inconstancy in a Company's mantra or Beta Tester's statements.

  • Scott strikes me as a guy that is just really excited by the Axe Fx. Fractal is not a huge company. They really don't need to pay people to be excited. Heck if I had the access to the firmware before anyone else I would post clips for fun too.

    That's how guerrilla marketing works. You are to think there is just this guy, excited, who promotes the product. Gets you also interested in it. Sorry to pop your marketing innocence cherry.

  • I think it's counter productive for Kemper users to bash on Fractal or the Axe. It makes the Kemper community look petty. We like the product we like. And we can even find things we like about the others. They're all just boxes with circuits on the inside.

    I agree 100%. I'm a bit tired of the my box is better than your box dialog. Focus on making the Profiling Amp a better product. It will sell itself.

  • That's how guerrilla marketing works. You are to think there is just this guy, excited, who promotes the product. Gets you also interested in it. Sorry to pop your marketing innocence cherry.

    Then please explain why so many of us non beta testers like posting clips for fun. Actually don't. I don't care to debate this.

  • db9091 you are not bashing Fractal. You're calling out Scott and we all know what he does, so he sells a couple more units. Who gives a shit really.

    Some of us know how TGP works and once you're around there for sometime you'll get it to.

    Just chill and listen. :)

  • I am a free man to say what I will, am not bound by contract, get no benefit from any company I didn't purchase products from what is available to everyone when I can get it..

    So I don't give a rat's ass what it looks like when I point out any logical inconstancy in a Company's mantra or Beta Tester's statements.

    I get that. Just know that it's a fine line to walk, and you'll find that out if you do ever have the opportunity to walk it one day. That's why I'll always give him the benefit of the doubt.

  • db9091

    My suggestion to you would be to 'drop' the discussion on TGP, you cannot win, you cannot even draw. :)
    The ending is predictable, you get a PM from a moderator, you get 2 infraction points for "Excessive arguing", or a few weeks suspension, and you become a 'marked' man.

    It's irrelevant whether you're right or wrong, in the end you will lose...so save yourself the stress.

  • Instead of arguing around and heating emotions I got a proposal: Split the signal coming out of your guitar and connect it both to your KPA AND to your AXE and play or record your play in dual stereo. If you'd choosen your presets well you might get an awesome sound that's able to make you happy for the rest of the week. No need to bother no more! 8o
    Have a nice fly! 8)

  • /rant on
    And another thread that becomes a AXE vs KPA.

    Can we just stop this? If i had money i buy both. They are both very good devices and people like one or the other or both. Lets just stick with that?

    Who cares what tactics or who said what about who on what forum. Do you have product X? Do you like it? Then stop bashing others that bought product Y and vice versa. Just enjoy your product and be gratefull that you still get upgrades for free with new features on a regular basis.

    /rant off

  • Instead of arguing around and heating emotions I got a proposal: Split the signal coming out of your guitar and connect it both to your KPA AND to your AXE and play or record your play in dual stereo. If you'd choosen your presets well you might get an awesome sound that's able to make you happy for the rest of the week. No need to bother no more! 8o
    Have a nice fly! 8)

    I posted a small clip of the DLCARR RAL MOD-1, modded off a free exchange rig. I think it's originally a profile of an Axe FX-II preset, tweaked I think. I don't know, it has signatures of both units.

    Anyhow, it's a great sound. A mixture between Money for Nothing and Last Dance with Mary Jane kind of guitar.

    So I put on a drum track, wrote a rhythm part, then a song, and am developing it. My first on the Kemper, and no doubt, it will have effects from the Ultra as well and all my gear (Omnisphere, done on Reaper, etc, etc)

    I own units from both companies, am using a clip that is from both the FXII and KPA. Since I have no signed contracts I am truly an unbiased free agent when it comes to these units.

    That said, I do have a sense of humour, and like inside jokes and poking fun, hence the title of this thread. It's funny, because in some sense, its also true. But it's tongue-in-cheek, and I wouldn't let my jokes about Fractal units or questions about Kemper's RAM stop me from owning both units at the same time. Only money does that.

    I truly appreciate the wisdom from some of the members here. I am absorbing such advice like a dry cracker in a puddle! (new album title? ;)

  • guys,
    this thread isn't even in the other gear section.

    I know it started out as kind of a joke, but this kind of humor obviously doesn't translate very well to the internet.
    Especially since it's built upon an already somewhat heated user debate.

    Look at it this way, I just had to read through this entire thread - time wasted I'd rather have spent:

    a) profiling amps
    b) making rigs and presets
    c) getting additional content ready for release (and we have some pretty awesome stuff lined up for you guys!)

    So please be careful with jests, they can be mistaken for snide remarks, stay on topic, remember this is the Kemper Profiling Amplifier forum and always take the high road. ;)

  • guys,
    this thread isn't even in the other gear section.

    I know it started out as kind of a joke, but this kind of humor obviously doesn't translate very well to the internet.
    Especially not since it's built upon an already somewhat heated user debate.

    Look at it this way, I just had to read through this entire thread - time wasted I'd rather have spent:

    a) profiling amps
    b) making rigs and presets
    c) getting additional content ready for release (and we have some pretty awesome stuff lined up for you guys!)

    So please be careful with jests, they can be mistaken for snide remarks, stay on topic, remember this is the Kemper Profiling Amplifier forum and always take the high road. ;)


  • I read in another threat from Deny:

    Are you talking about the KPA having multiple tone stacks, Will? If so, how would that be dialed in?[/quote]Exactly, I'm assuming rigs will have one or two extra parameters, ideally "tone stack type" and "pre/post amp" - as far as I know this feature is already in the works, maybe even in beta for a few lucky KPA users.

    Anyone know something more detailed about this exciting news??? :)

  • Is old news, CK talked about it last year in an interview. They wanted to build a library of tonestacks. We will know more when it comes out.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Anyone know something more detailed about this exciting news??? :)

    Maybe he is refering to a remark on the Kemper website which mentioned that feature for a possible future update. I think CK did say something similar in an inteview and called it the "tonestack library".

    But that was all last year and I had even heard about that when I bought my Kemper in June last year. So I wouldn'T hold my breath this is going to happen in the next firmware upgrade.