Kemper Rackmount Issue

  • I have one of the new Kemper Rack units and it sounds awesome...BUT...
    3 times now the outputs have "shut off" if no signal is passing thru it for a few minutes.
    If I turn the unit off, wait a few seconds and turn the unit back on, everything is fine again.
    Anyone else experiencing this at all? ?(
    Is this some kind of odd safety feature or is the unit bad?
    Thanks for any info -- Jesse Jones

  • Hi Jesse,

    You're the first owner of a rack I happen to know! It should really be you to tell us what's going on LOL

    (BTW, congratulations! ;D)

    What you describe seems so systematic that it mit well be some design behaviour. Anything on the manual in this respect?

  • Yep, all outputs. But....I've had it on tracking all day today and zero issues. For some reason, it seems like as long as there is problem.
    All 3 times was when I walked away for a bit, took a phone call, etc, for more than 5-10 minutes. The rig is still on, but zero sound.
    But like I said before, turn it off, back on and its fine. just hope that isn't going to get worse.

    The only time anything else was connected was when I was profiling. Otherwise, just outputs connected.

    I guess I just got very lucky on the rack. I watched online at and they said they were in stock, so I ordered on the spot.
    Next day...they said they were out and I would have to wait, but somehow they got me one.

    Granted, I never had the original, so I can't give you a comparison, but I already profiled my JCM800 and I'm blown away. Sounds just like it.
    Can't wait to do the rest of the rigs.

    Hopefully you guys won't be waiting for a rack unit for long. I think Sweetwater said they had more coming in 3/3/13.

  • Kemper has already replied to my email. They want me to check if the input led is showing any activity when this happens....But, I tracked all day today and everything worked fine.
    I think tomorrow, I'm just going to power it on and leave it for a few hours and see if it happens again.
    Yes, by outputs, I meant the XLR outs. I should have clarified that.

    Powersave mode: that's what I was thinking also, but I couldn't find any mention of that on-line or in the manual. It has me quite paranoid though.

    Other than those 3 times though....the rack unit works great.

    Profiles: Good Lord...there's a ton. I've been weeding out the unusable, but too many good ones to mention. I've found some really good profiles on the Kemper Rig Exchange.
    Everything from awesome sounding Fender Twins to Splawns and everything in between.
    I thought I read somewhere that the original came with 200 presets. Not sure if that is correct or not, but this had to have at least 350. I deleted a bunch and still have over 300.

  • .
    I thought I read somewhere that the original came with 200 presets. Not sure if that is correct or not, but this had to have at least 350. I deleted a bunch and still have over 300.

    The stock presets nowadays are well over 300 profiles as they come with the rigpPacks 1-4 included.