Ability to upload sound clip with Rig profiles with brief description

  • Hi!

    I think it would be really neat if users could upload a short audio clip of their RAW amp profile in action along with their amp profile in the rig exchange.
    Obviously everyone would have different guitars (etc) and be different players, but it would help give a ballpark as to the type of sound the author is going for with the rig.
    If site bandwidth is an issue, then at least perhaps a link/embedded soundcloud / youtube /other of the profile in action (and yes I know about quality of those sites, but at least we would still get an idea as to the sound of the profile)

    Maybe also the user could also add a brief description of their amp profile such as:

    Optimum style: (ie, the intended genre this profile was made (but not limited) for, ie, metal, jazz, blues, etc)
    Guitar used,
    Pickup type,
    Mic used,

    Position of Mic,

    Other (ie, any other outboard in the signal chain).

    I find it would make browsing the rig exchange far more exciting and less "hit-and-miss" when trying out amp profiles that you've never heard of before.

    So....good idea? Bad idea?

    Thanks for reading!

  • vote for it both my hands and legs. I feel tired asking what guitar and what pickups, what pickup position were used in "Link your music" subforum. obviously 4th strat "quacky" position sounds hell different on VOX AC15 than gibson les paul 498R bumbucker.

  • +1

    Please also add "Clean", "Distorted" and "FX" catergories to the rig exchange.

    While you're at it, please add a visual cue on the lcd screen to show whether a profile is clean or distorted and further add it to "Sorted by..." choices. Profiled amps could also have this automatically added to the profile details. Thanks!

  • Adding a field to allow us to enter a link to the "Free Rigs" thread about the profile(s) would be a great way to keep all the comments, and a link to the sound clip together.

    I would like to see a separate section for "edited" rigs:

    Some people don't put their edited rigs on the Rig Exchange, because they want it to be just original profiles.

    Some people want their edited rigs to be on the Rig Exchange

    A separate section would make both of the above viewpoints happy :)

  • I agree with that 100%. Also there were requests for "and44" to profile well known guitarists rigs ( at least the parts that are profilable) but he seems reluctant to do so.Sorry but I disagree. If a player has a decent enough profile,has a decent enough guitar,and can come close to nailing the licks he should get a reasonably good sound( even if it's not exactly the same) as his chosen player.It would be nice if we could choose what sounds right for us. And44 let's us hear his profiled sounds so thanks for that Andy.