The first Atomic CLR test from a KPA user ?

  • I hear ya. Ingolf's rather favorable review of the dxr10's had me seriously thinking I should just save some cash and go with one of the DXR10's over the Atomic CLR's I'm waiting for. In the end though, years of buying gear (and taking the natural loss on resale when I upgrade) has taught me that I am ultimately weak and should just cut to the chase, drop the cash, and pickup the one I'm lusting for from the get go. I now openly accept my weakness. :P

    It seems that if I buy something that is possibly better bang for the buck and would get the job done without complaint, curiosity eventually takes hold and I end up with both! :wacko:

  • I hear ya. Ingolf's rather favorable review of the dxr10's had me seriously thinking I should just save some cash and go with one of the DXR10's over the Atomic CLR's I'm waiting for. In the end though, years of buying gear (and taking the natural loss on resale when I upgrade) has taught me that I am ultimately weak and should just cut to the chase, drop the cash, and pickup the one I'm lusting for from the get go. I now openly accept my weakness. :P

    It seems that if I buy something that is possibly better bang for the buck and would get the job done without complaint, curiosity eventually takes hold and I end up with both! :wacko:

    Hey, you're just like me... :P

  • Glad to see that more people are skipping the hyped to expensive stuff. Remember we are talking speakers here. And EVERY speaker will colour you tone because you play in different coloured rooms, studios and stages. More over your ears are different from mine or anyone elses. So there is realy no point that theoretical responsare is flat. More important is that the sound is pleasant (no fatigue) and not icepickey on performace wattages.

    Ergo TEST the solutions yourself and buy what YOUR ears like. And test them loud! And do not be surprised that the cheaper boxes sound nicer then the so called flat hyped solutions. Especially when they are also made in China, have a hypex Class D module and use an ancient Celestion driver.

    BTW how Rock or Metal are speakers on a stick?

    So you tried a CLR and preferred something else?

  • I apologize for derailing the thread a bit from the obviously awesome CLRs, but I have one last question for Ingolf: how do you have the switches at the back of the DXR10 set for it to sound as flat with the KPA as possible?

  • I apologize for derailing the thread a bit from the obviously awesome CLRs, but I have one last question for Ingolf: how do you have the switches at the back of the DXR10 set for it to sound as flat with the KPA as possible?

    I have set the DSP to MONITOR and the HPF to OFF.

  • Can anyone comment on the CLR and DXR w/ regards to noise/hiss/etc. I play through Yamaha HS80m monitors and really only use them for playing my KPA through - very rarely I'll record something. I only play at home so my volume isn't loud very often but I would like to feel more power. At this point I'm trying to research which direction would make me more happy - FRFR or just adding the matching Yamaha sub to my monitors.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited 2 times, last by BuckeyeBrown (April 30, 2013 at 4:08 PM).

  • ... It seems that the CLR hype lost its power in this forum. :?:
    I'm on the reservation list (Germany) for a CLR wedge since mid of march.
    Haven't recieved any informations for a while.
    Now I'm thinking about buying the Yamaha DXR10 instead (which got pretty good critics from Ingolf and others in this forum).
    Could some CLR user share more experiences with the CLR wedge? Maybe in comparison with the DXR10?

  • I've been on the active wedge list since March 25th and have not recieved any updates from Atomic.

    Been tempted by other products over the last few weeks but am going to wait for the CLR. It has great reviews everywhere online and its small size would suit me better long term. Also, if for some reason I don't like it or want to go another route, selling online or locally should be a snap and I suspect the $ loss would be relatively small.

    However, If I didnt have my K12 to use while waiting, I strongly suspect I would have bought something else already and cancelled my CLR order.

    It's a shame Atomic so grossly underestimated the demand for the CLRs but imagine predicting that sort of thing is a bit of a risky business for a relatively small company. On one side of the coin its probably hurt sales, but on the other it may keep demand steady over time (kinda like the Klon Centaur list madness of years ago or Analogmans current King of Tone 16 month wait list)....

    Time will tell I guess..

  • I've been on the active wedge list since March 25th too. Wrote two mails to Tom King in the meantime, but I didn't receive an answer yet. This is a bit disappointing. If I remember right, Ingolf was on the list since the middle of March and received his CLR some weeks ago...

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • That's right. I got on the list March 9, so I assume I belong to the last ones that got their unit from the first batch. I was surprised as well.
    I hope you guys get your units within the next weeks.
    Did Tom tell anything about the estimated time between first and second batch?

  • Normally Tom is very responsive. Its not like him to not reply.

    I have my CLR for some weeks now. Time is an issue for the moment, but i'm very happy with it.

    There is a bit of his if you go really close. But not noticeable. The sound is amazing. I had no other fancy PA system so i can't really compare, but the most important thing to me is if it sounds good. And it does. The KPA shines!

    I feel time speeds up tenfold when i play on the KPA with the CLR.

    Hope you all get yours soon!!

  • I've been on the active wedge list since March 25th too. Wrote two mails to Tom King in the meantime, but I didn't receive an answer yet. This is a bit disappointing. If I remember right, Ingolf was on the list since the middle of March and received his CLR some weeks ago...

    I forgot to mention i'm in the U.S so i guess the fact we got on the list the same day wont reveal a whole lot in regards to reserve list length (your in Europe ya?)

    I'm still going to treat it as an international race though... :D

  • Update: Somehow Tom King read my post here about not getting through to him via email, so he contacted me via the Kemperforum (thanks again, Tom!). And these are the news about the Active wedge (I hope it is ok if I post it here):

    "We're out of stock on the Active Wedge. New inventory for Europe is expected in late June/early July at this point. We are just waiting for a few long lead time parts to come in then we'll go right into production."

    End of the story: I switched to the Active Cab, which is still in stock and I'm very excited! :P

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Update: Somehow Tom King read my post here about not getting through to him via email, so he contacted me via the Kemperforum (thanks again, Tom!). And these are the news about the Active wedge (I hope it is ok if I post it here):

    "We're out of stock on the Active Wedge. New inventory for Europe is expected in late June/early July at this point. We are just waiting for a few long lead time parts to come in then we'll go right into production."

    End of the story: I switched to the Active Cab, which is still in stock and I'm very excited! :P

    When will it arrive, then?