Getting back to the authentic amp-cab tone as measured by the KPA

  • I should explain a little more I think.

    If I want to tweak a profile to my own tastes & guitars I think the best place to start is with the profile as it was at the end of the profiling process, before the creater starting tweaking to thier own tastes. This would get me back to the essential character of the amp-cab combination. To do this I can switch off stomps and effects and amp EQ, leaving just the amp and the cab to adjust back to the start point. My question is therefore how to adjust the amp and cab paramaters to get back to the profile as it was at the end of the profiling process. I hope that is clear enough :D

  • I got you.
    But you'll never know if the profile's creator did some tweaking in respect to gain or clarity after profiling and before sharing/uploading.
    All you can do is switch off FX and EQ and hear if the basic character of the profile appeals to you.

  • I got you.
    But you'll never know if the profile's creator did some tweaking in respect to gain or clarity after profiling and before sharing/uploading.
    All you can do is switch off FX and EQ and hear if the basic character of the profile appeals to you.

    That really is the point of my question. Which amp & cab parameters are set to zero at the end of the profiling process, and therefore can be returned to the original value (zero), and which paramaters are set to non-zero values at the end of the profiling process? I agree, there does not appear to be any way of adjusting those non-zero values back to the original setting as there seems to be no record in the profile of what the original setting was... but correct me if I am wrong.

  • Having done some profiling myself now I can give a full answer to my own question. So here it is for anyone else who want to take someone else's profile and get back to the authentic tone of the amp-cab as it was measured by the KPA during profiling (as far as is possible):

    Stomps and effects - switch off

    EQ & Cab parameters:
    KPA Profiling sets all EQ and Cab parameters to 0.0 , so
    EQ - switch off (or set all values to 0.0)
    Cab - set all four values to 0.0

    Amp parameters:
    KPA Profiling sets all amp parameters to 0.0 except for Gain, Definition and Tube shape for which it automatically sets a value (which can be also be 0.0). At the refining stage the user has the option to change Tube shape, Power sagging, Pick and Clarity parameters before the profile is saved. So to get back to the parameters as set automatically by the KPA during profiling & refining :

    Page 1: Definition = as set, Power Sagging = 0.0, Pick = 0.0, Compression = 0.0
    Page 2 : Clarity = 0.0, Tube Shape = as set, Bias = 0.0, Direct mix = 0.0
    Gain : leave as set

    However, there is a small problem. There is no way of knowing whether the values of Gain, Definition and Tube Shape have been changed from the automatic values set by KPA Profiling. So leaving these parameters as set may not be correct, but it is the best you can do. It would be nice if a future version the KPA could save the automatic values in the profile and add the feature to return them to the original values at the press of a button.

    Edit : after more research it appears that the default value for tube shape is 3.3.

  • There's a good chance that "tube shape" was originally profiled as 3.3, that's what it sets all my profiles to anyway. Regarding definition, here's my guess: there's a region in this control that sounds darker, and then above it and below it it will be brighter. IMO the original profile was taken at the center of this darker region of the definition control. I might be wrong of course.

  • It would be nice if a future version the KPA could save the automatic values in the profile and add the feature to return them to the original values at the press of a button.

    +1 :thumbup:

    Thx for the detail! I am curious to check this out on some profiles!!

  • There's a good chance that "tube shape" was originally profiled as 3.3, that's what it sets all my profiles to anyway. Regarding definition, here's my guess: there's a region in this control that sounds darker, and then above it and below it it will be brighter. IMO the original profile was taken at the center of this darker region of the definition control. I might be wrong of course.

    Yes I wondered about that too. All the profiles I made with my Blackstar HT5R had a tube shape of 3.3 for both clean channel and overdrive channel. But then the HT5R only has one preamp tube for both channels so this is logical. Looking at the tube shape value in other rigs there is a wide range of values which could not all be user tweaking, so I concluded that 3.3 was just correct for my amp. Interesting that you get the same constant value. What amp are you modelling?

    Edit : Having checked a LOT of profiles now, It does appear that 3.3 is the default tube shape value. It is the only value that turns up consistently and is there in well over half the profiles I have looked at.