Hey CK, found a bug in FW 1.6.0

  • When you use the browse knob (Right knob) to change the Amp type while you are on the Amplifier page, after a certain number of amps the sound stops working.
    Even if you exit and change the whole rig or change to a favourite there's still no sound.
    You have to physically reboot the KPA to get back the sound.

    Is this a beta FW bug?

  • Yep, same thing happened to me yesterday as well. Only way to get sound again seemed to be to reboot the KPA.
    Unfortunately I was not able to constantly reproduce it. It happened however multiple times when I tried to change the amp within the trichorus rig from Mats. No idea if it's related with the rig!?


  • When you use the browse knob (Right knob) to change the Amp type while you are on the Amplifier page, after a certain number of amps the sound stops working.
    Even if you exit and change the whole rig or change to a favourite there's still no sound.
    You have to physically reboot the KPA to get back the sound.

    Is this a beta FW bug?

    Can you please clarify two conditions:

    1. While amp is in focus, can you please confirm that you are using selective browse (not browsing presets, but rigs)
    2. Is the Autoload flag ticked or are you in manual load mode?

  • Can you please clarify two conditions:

    1. While amp is in focus, can you please confirm that you are using selective browse (not browsing presets, but rigs)
    2. Is the Autoload flag ticked or are you in manual load mode?

    Hey Burkhard,
    It's definitely selective browse - the amps have brackets around the names
    And yes, the autoload was enabled

  • Can you please clarify two conditions:

    1. While amp is in focus, can you please confirm that you are using selective browse (not browsing presets, but rigs)
    2. Is the Autoload flag ticked or are you in manual load mode?

    In my case I was browsing instead the presets stacks when the fault happened, and, yes, the Autoload flag was active.
    Moreover (strange coincidence) I was changing Amp Stack from the TriChorus Rig as well...

  • Just happened to me, input works, tuner works, output led flashes, but no sound. Reboot didn't help. Not even hiss comes out.

    Worked fine on power up, switched to a different rig with the rig button and sound went away. I was in the process of copy-pasting my fx loop from the x-spot to a different rig.

    I still got the "shutoff fart sound" through my monitors when powering down so it's most likely a software problem. I'll downgrade the fw and report back.

    EDIT: While downgrading the fw (1.1.1. the one I had previously), it went to 100% completion, rebooted, then got stuck when it normally turns on completely. Screen turned from bright green back to dark green. Still showed the text kemper-amps.com etc. but no progress bar. Didn't power off with the knob, so I had to pull the plug. Now it won't turn on at all (with or without the usb stuck to the back). :wacko:

  • don't know if this help or if it is a dumb post of mine, but I upgraded to 1.6 and everything is just perfect. I imported the rig pack 04 taken from the kemper download page and tried them this morning. While trying them I got into some profiles full of stomps and post fx which are totally without any sound. thinking it was the issue we're talking about here instead I tried to turn of the stomp button with no result. same with the post fx button and this time the sound got back. found out it was a post fx which was not working.

    I repeat: this might have nothing to do with it but the symptoms were the same: got to a prpofile with absolutely no sound at all.

    hope this helps in some way.

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I tried turning off all fx before trying to downgrade the fw, still got no sound with all fx off. Also going back to the profile that was working before the sound disappeared changed nothing.

    EDIT: I got it to install fw 1.1.0. but it still freezes on startup. Progress bar goes up to full, then it disappears, screen goes back to dark green still showing the Kemper Profiling Amplifier text.

    EDIT2: Resetting system settings got it working again. Yay. No new fw for me in a while, phew.

    Here's help if anyone else gets the same problem:

  • Just happened to me, input works, tuner works, output led flashes, but no sound. Reboot didn't help. Not even hiss comes out.

    Worked fine on power up, switched to a different rig with the rig button and sound went away. I was in the process of copy-pasting my fx loop from the x-spot to a different rig.

    I still got the "shutoff fart sound" through my monitors when powering down so it's most likely a software problem. I'll downgrade the fw and report back.

    EDIT: While downgrading the fw (1.1.1. the one I had previously), it went to 100% completion, rebooted, then got stuck when it normally turns on completely. Screen turned from bright green back to dark green. Still showed the text kemper-amps.com etc. but no progress bar. Didn't power off with the knob, so I had to pull the plug. Now it won't turn on at all (with or without the usb stuck to the back). :wacko:

    Next time you go to install a FW, try letting it completely finish rather than assuming it has locked up and terminating power.
    A few of my updates have seemed to stop at the dark green screen that says Kemper-Amps.com, but then it resumes.

  • Next time you go to install a FW, try letting it completely finish rather than assuming it has locked up and terminating power.
    A few of my updates have seemed to stop at the dark green screen that says Kemper-Amps.com, but then it resumes.

    For how long? I waited 5 minutes.

    Next time, try not to assume that I just pulled the plug immediately. Thanks.