Hm, don't like the sound from FW 1.6 (Edit Fixed now)

  • I only listed to the dry tracks and being completely honest I don't hear any difference on those. I am starting to wonder if something could have gone wrong in my FW update but it is weird because I did it twice and in both cases I could hear the differences while playing and it even shows up in the comparison I did.

    CK, do you think I should check something in my unit or do a system reset?


    Remember that you have posted a reamped A/B comparison made by your unit.
    I can bring you a dozend people that will assure that both samples sound absolute identical.

  • In case you use 1.60
    Press Master
    Goto Page 5/5
    Press the rightmost softbutton (above the display) - play and check if you can hear/feel a sound difference


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    Great Profiles -->

    Edited once, last by Armin (January 17, 2013 at 9:33 PM).

  • What I can hear CLEARLY are some digital clicks... on "dry one" at 20 seconds and on "wet two" at 10 seconds

  • Ive been thinking about this logically as its the only way to makes sense of it all. We have a situation here where some people hear and or feel a difference and also some people who detect no difference whatsoever. Mr Kempers tests reveal there in no difference at all and I completely trust that Christoph is saying the truth in regards to the results of that test . So IF there is a difference for you there can only be a few possibility's left.

    1- Is it possible that some Kempers sound different to each other? Does yours sound different to mine? This isn't as odd a question as it sounds. Lets take the SPDIF cracking issue we had a while back. For me that problem was really bad I had very loud clicks and pops when using fx on many rigs. For others they didn't have that problem at all and were able to use many fx without clicks with the Same hardware and same firmware. It seems unfeasible that 2 kempers could sound different but is it possible ?

    2- We are just hearing things that are just not there and imagining a difference? I guess that's entirely possible, Don't under estimate the power of suggestion. I also thought my presence and treble sounded different when i first booted 1.6 before this thread was here. It sounded slightly duller to me so i boosted the presence a little to compensate and that's when i though this really sounds different. But i don't trust my ears atm as i have a nasty head cold so there's nothing conclusive there. Feel wise i feel no change at all but that's just me. Has the tone changed for me i just don't know

    3- Maybe there was something we liked about aliasing all the time but didn't notice it? Not as odd as it sounds if you think about it.

    4- Ive no idea what other possibilities it could be. Do You? Maybe an un discoverd bug that has only affected some of us maybe? Maybe it sounds and feels exacly the same as before. Did the firmware upgrade change our input/output settings?

  • MatH,

    Remember that you have posted a reamped A/B comparison made by your unit.
    I can bring you a dozend people that will assure that both samples sound absolute identical.

    I am sure of that but as you can see on the thread you have some other people that said the opposite. That was the reason why I used Ozone and that I provided all the information I could, including the dry track I used so anyone else could share the results they get on their end. As you can see I am trying to be as objective and fair as possible. There was a couple of other guys so far that posted clips as well that they created by reamping and I could not hear any difference on those. I even matched those tracks with Ozone and the results showed that the tracks were pretty much identical.

  • Yup.

    And you mean the Output button above the Master Vol control.

    The light lights up anyway... (lol)

    In case you use 1.60
    Press Master
    Goto Page 5/5
    Press the rightmost softbutton (above the display) - play and check if you can hear/feel a sound difference


  • In case you use 1.60
    Press Master
    Goto Page 5/5
    Press the rightmost softbutton (above the display) - play and check if you can hear/feel a sound difference


    Well that's what I was wondering earlier on in the thread when I brought up latency (kind of wish I hadn't now seeing the direction it all took), just whether somehow during installation some folks Kempers had got the constant latency setting switched on by accident as that would cause serious feel issues.

  • I am sure of that but as you can see on the thread you have some other people that said the opposite. That was the reason why I used Ozone and that I provided all the information I could, including the dry track I used so anyone else could share the results they get on their end. As you can see I am trying to be as objective and fair as possible. There was a couple of other guys so far that posted clips as well that they created by reamping and I could not hear any difference on those. I even matched those tracks with Ozone and the results showed that the tracks were pretty much identical.

    May I ask if you are a professional musician?

  • Well that's what I was wondering earlier on in the thread when I brought up latency (kind of wish I hadn't now seeing the direction it all took), just whether somehow during installation some folks Kempers had got the constant latency setting switched on by accident as that would cause serious feel issues.

    so are you men thinking that a latency setting on/off in 1.6 can cause the feel change that some men are experiencing?

  • Yes. Those clicks are in the same version of the firmware. I have to check that. Apart from that, any differences?

    Analyzing the waveforms I can say that something probably is changed because they're not identical (how can you remove digital artifacts without changing anything?!?), but I can't say wich one is better and I can't recognize them by ear.
    Probably the new firmware is the one with those crackles because I have the same problems... And that is bothering me much more than the sound change...