Unclear high gain sound from studio monitor

  • Sorry, this isn't the right section i suppose, but though registered as kemper owner i can't start a new thread in the private forum.

    I've bought a KPA 5 days ago, and noticed that trough my monitor speaker (crappy behringer ms40) the tone of the distorted profile are very "low" in frequency and "undefined" in tone. I've tried lowing down the bass of the monitor and tweaking the EQ on the profile but the problem still remains, the tone is still "acid" and unrealistic. I'm selling my previous amp, an Engl Steve Morse because of the awesome tone that kpa should have, so i'm a little bit upset for the unclear tone i get.

    I now almost play very high gain profiles, i've bought some professional profile from soundside (Diezel VH4) and some other ones for clean tones at TheAmpFactory, and they should sound realistic!

    I brought the kpa in the rehearsing room and plugged it in the power amp section of my amp to use the cabinet and it sounds way better, for this reason i'm going to buy a standalone power amp for better results.

    Regarding my home tone condiction, are the monitor speaker that make the profile sound unrealistic? What do you think the problem is?

    Hoping to find a solution


  • Keep in mind that the KPA replicates the sound of an amp being mic'd, like you would hear it from the control room through the monitors. When you go through a real amp and cab you bybass the cab/mic emulation and you get the "amp in the room" feel. Nevertheless the KPA sounds spectacular through more or less everything, in your case I believe the problem lays in the Behringer ("cough") monitors. There are excellent alternatives even at low price (2-300 bucks/pair).

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • What about adams monitor? The only thing is that they are a little bit expensive... I'm going to buy a power amp (maybe the peavey's ipr1600, 350€) so i would like not to spend more than 300€ in studio monitors. The yahama ones are too high-oriented for me, i also record music, and when i first listened a complete song through those monitors (without a sub) i hardly heard the bass and the kick, so i'm looking for monitors that cover the wider spectrum of frequencies, any suggestion?

  • What about adams monitor? The only thing is that they are a little bit expensive... I'm going to buy a power amp (maybe the peavey's ipr1600, 350€) so i would like not to spend more than 300€ in studio monitors. The yahama ones are too high-oriented for me, i also record music, and when i first listened a complete song through those monitors (without a sub) i hardly heard the bass and the kick, so i'm looking for monitors that cover the wider spectrum of frequencies, any suggestion?

    Adam monitors are great, but as you see a single A8X is over 650€. If your budget is really only 300€ then go for the 3031 by Behringer...

  • If your budget is really only 300€ then go for the 3031 by Behringer...

    My iKey Audio M808 are not much more expensive but are far better than any Behringer, I've actually preferred them to the KRK and Yamaha (and I went to the shop to buy the Yamaha...)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Ok! Found out that the real problem was the profile itself, i chose another cab and tweaked the studio equalizer. The actual sound is much better but i'm worried about one thing: friday i'll have the new power amp (peavey's ipr1600) so i'll play the kpa through the real cabinet (a custom one with v30s).

    1- Will the profile sound be affected too much for this?
    2- Can i adjust the profile to fit well with the real cab still having the 'old' profile with his profiled cab out of the XLR or 1/4' output on board?

  • please read the Profiler Manual Addendum in English in the Support section of our website.

    It explains exactly what you are asking :)

    short version:
    - check Monitor Cab Off on page 3/5 in the Output section (press and hold Master), like guitarnet70 said
    - use the dedicated global Monitor EQ on the same page to make fine adjustments
    - rock! 8)

  • I'm pretty sure it's also the Behringer monitors. As much as I like the "underdog" companies that provide the average musician with really cheap equipment to get started. It's just that..."equipment to get you started". I personally believe that a speaker design is very difficult to engineer correctly. At least to do so effectively. I would stick with companies that specialize in or have a more thorough background in speaker design. Tannoy makes a great little 8" studio reference monitor for around $179.00 US each. They sound fantastic with the Kemper.

    The AmpFactory profiles are actually pretty bright which is likely a lot of the appeal of them compared to so many others. Coincidentally they are from a real recording studio that uses real reference monitors as well. If they are sounding dark it's because you are doing something wrong on your end. Running these profiles through a guitar power amp into a guitar speaker is not going to give you the truest sense of the capabilities available to you. You are basically cutting out a very important part of the modeling/profiling advantage which is to have multiple speaker cabs and amplifiers with different microphones giving you a very versatile and multifaceted venue of sound exploration.

  • Got It, i'll take the KPA at the music store and slave an assistant to try the different speaker, thank you.

    1 Last question, is there a way to make a profile sound good on cabinets?