• Is there anybody among you that would not have bought the the Profiler, if we had not announced the Performance Mode and Undo/Redo?

    It would have made no difference to me, as evidenced by the fact that I bought a second one for a backup a few months after buying the first one.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Is there anybody among you that would not have bought the the Profiler, if we had not announced the Performance Mode and Undo/Redo?

    thankyou for reading my post
    your comment is missing the point. undo/redo i dont really know what it does, performance mode would be very nice (not a deal breaker) of course i would still buy the amp. i would buy it again today. not an ounce of buyers remorse. FANTASTIC PRODUCT, tones are way more lifelike than anything else like it. dare i say great value for money. however what i dont like is after 12 months you havent got around to finishing the product? that is disrespectfull to your customers and i really dont see any reason for it. except maybe the 3 rack unit taking up your time, however like most buisiness practice thats just greed (spending more time working on a new product without finishing promises you made for 1st) 3 rack unit would be nice (SO GLAD I DIDNT WAIT FOR IT, ID STILL BE WAITING) but im assuming you've made some profit on the kempers and didnt just give them away so it be nice if you got around to keeping your promises, thats all i ask, if you make a promise u keep it. thankyou for listening

    the issue is we shouldnt have to be asking for u to finish the product

  • Is there anybody among you that would not have bought the the Profiler, if we had not announced the Performance Mode and Undo/Redo?

    LOL. This reply is a passive-aggressive way of saying "I don't give a fuck about your complaint."

    Perhaps you could give us some more insight, has that functionality been scrapped for something else?
    Is it still planned but on a longer timeline than originally estimated?
    Are you waiting to see if the world ends on December 21st and revise the scope at that time?

    Anything at all?

  • LOL. This reply is a passive-aggressive way of saying "I don't give a fuck about your complaint."

    Perhaps you could give us some more insight, has that functionality been scrapped for something else?
    Is it still planned but on a longer timeline than originally estimated?
    Are you waiting to see if the world ends on December 21st and revise the scope at that time?

    Anything at all?

    I think that was your very personal individual interpretation of his reply.
    Why would you think a feature mentioned on the kpa unit not to be implemented?
    Any company would be crazy to do that.
    After doing user surveys on the forum they've changed the list order of priorities and additional features many think are more important to implement first.

    On page 1 of the kemper homepage it says -
    "Yet to be finished:
    - Performance Mode
    - Undo/Redo"

    CK quote in this post from may 23, post 8.
    h ttp://kemper-amps.com/forum/index.php?page=Thread&postID=35477&highlight=#post35477
    "The Performance Mode is delayed due to shifted prioritiies.
    Most of the functionality can be covered by midi prg chg assignments.
    There is no other Product out there with Performance Mode, so we don't consider this to be the the most urgent feature."

  • +1

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • So OP, you're complaining about performance mode. Do you even know what it does? Are you aware that the current version of the software allows for assigning MIDI program change numbers to rigs, which is more than sufficient for live use?

    As far as I'm concerned, the KPA *is* a finished product. I don't need undo/redo (a "compare" button for original vs edited would be nice though). From what I've read in the manual about performance mode, the current MIDI implementation sorta makes it unnecessary.

    If I were CK I would remove the "this feature isn't available yet" message and make the Kemper only respond to MIDI messages when the switch is in the performance position and be done with it. I'd rewrite that section of the manual as well to reflect this behavior.

    EDIT: Snapshots take care of the "compare" function, apologies. In my defense I've only had the KPA for a few days :P

    Edited 2 times, last by Deny (December 11, 2012 at 3:57 AM).

  • I assign a midi # to a rig/patch that I would like to use in a specific situation and call it up with the mid controller. I can program any type of effects block into any type of rig and it works as well as my previous live rig minus all of the weight and the outboard pedals that I used to use. This is performance mode for me. I understand the desire to have everything functional as listed but the unit is very functional/capable as is. Let's try to turn any frustrations into encouragement and let the development of this revolutionary box continue. It's OK to have a beef and to express it, sometimes the delivery just needs a little tweaking :thumbup:

  • i agree the comment about not buying the kemper if these features wern't mentioned is disrespectful to anyone who paid $2300au (got mine for $1999)
    delayed due to shifted priorities is one thing but it not an airbus a380 1 year seems a little excessive bordering on, if nobody mentions it we'll sweep that under the carpet, however it is still listed on home page so i assume either nobody wants it or like me they were expecting it to be done whilst happily playing their kemper occasionally checking for updated firmware and rigs, not expecting i had to plead my case to get an advertised feature finished.

    "There is no other Product out there with Performance Mode, so we don't consider this to be the the most urgent feature."
    that is a disgusting comment. i didnt buy another product, i bought yours, which u said would feature performance mode, i am simple and lazy, love the idea of midi, to lazy to program it all. all i would need/want is say a 4 button min(with song-next button) to max 10 button f/s which has say bottom row of 4 for 4 amps of a preset song, upper row of 4 for effects on/off and to left or right bank up/bank down(change song) with an led to tell me what bank im in, (this can be done with line 6 and i can set up my bank of 4 amps on pc, very conveniant) im sure this can all be done in midi but the performance mode could be a much more eligant and simple solution, and it is one i payed for

    Edited once, last by adam4900 (December 11, 2012 at 4:46 AM).

  • As with life many things can be overcome by good communication. The product can do everything needed but people are also able to have an opinion and voice it properly. No one needs to take sides, condemn nor kiss butt. The facts are that this thread is no different then the other thread about changing product form with or wothout CK. If communication and tentative timelines are provided then those looking for the specific features at least have some frame of reference. Everyone will never be happy all the time but good communication is definately a starting point that will take care of the majority. Everything is available........foot pedal (Voodoo Labs, Behringer, etc..), Rig management (favorites, last imported, etc..), Power amp (Tech 21, Crate Power Block, Electro harmonix Magnum, etc..). Product Form - why be like everyone else?? A majority of these threads go away with open communication and timelines for path forward. There also needs to be an understanding that technology is constantly changing and the priorities if given will be subject to change.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • LOL. This reply is a passive-aggressive way of saying "I don't give a fuck about your complaint."

    Perhaps you could give us some more insight, has that functionality been scrapped for something else?
    Is it still planned but on a longer timeline than originally estimated?
    Are you waiting to see if the world ends on December 21st and revise the scope at that time?

    Anything at all?

    I love your sense of humor! :P

  • Apart from how much i love tha KPA, missing other features like a pitch shifter way more, i think from a marketing point of view it would have been smarter to put the performance mode and undo/redo at least with some "dummy" function into the firmware.

    Potential customers who try out this thing for the first time still get a little bit of that "hey, is this thing still beta???" impression. I know of at least 2 guys who said "before the firmware is complete, i won´t buy it". You can give good arguments as long as you want, but as long as there are hardware buttons on the frontplate that simply have no function you won´t get that out of the heads.

  • Apart from how much i love tha KPA, missing other features like a pitch shifter way more, i think from a marketing point of view it would have been smarter to put the performance mode and undo/redo at least with some "dummy" function into the firmware.

    Potential customers who try out this thing for the first time still get a little bit of that "hey, is this thing still beta???" impression. I know of at least 2 guys who said "before the firmware is complete, i won´t buy it". You can give good arguments as long as you want, but as long as there are hardware buttons on the frontplate that simply have no function you won´t get that out of the heads.

    I completely agree on that point, it's not a matter of functionality missing but more a marketing strategy that should be corrected... for the sake of the business... if you want consultant Mr. CK... let me know :-)))
    For me it's the same, I bought the KPA in Feb with a very Beta FW, so, I can wait (hope not too much!!) for new feature, but for many others it can be a blocking point...

  • Is there anybody among you that would not have bought the the Profiler, if we had not announced the Performance Mode and Undo/Redo?

    I can't belive that the inventor of the profiling amplifier is waisting his time on posting in trollthreads about the undo button.

    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • So OP, you're complaining about performance mode. Do you even know what it does? Are you aware that the current version of the software allows for assigning MIDI program change numbers to rigs, which is more than sufficient for live use?

    As far as I'm concerned, the KPA *is* a finished product. I don't need undo/redo (a "compare" button for original vs edited would be nice though). From what I've read in the manual about performance mode, the current MIDI implementation sorta makes it unnecessary.

    If I were CK I would remove the "this feature isn't available yet" message and make the Kemper only respond to MIDI messages when the switch is in the performance position and be done with it. I'd rewrite that section of the manual as well to reflect this behavior.

    EDIT: Snapshots take care of the "compare" function, apologies. In my defense I've only had the KPA for a few days :P

    i like the idea of undo/redo comparing a edited vs the last saved version of a rig. this would be a VERY convenient way of tailoring sounds. i'm aware of snapshots, but this would be even easier. :thumbup:

    might be a useful point in some global settings: what shall undo/redo do for you: step by step or edited vs. saved... once it's available of course. i was just trying to find any useful input in this thread :P

    can't comment on the performance mode lack as i honestly have no clue on what it will do for me.

  • i guess im a troll (just read what that was) sorry to anyone who took offence but it did get my point across. and with regards to Maurizio70 about marketing, that is not the point, the point is performance mode and undo were good enough idea's to allocate buttons for and i could happily live without them but i shouldnt have to. performance mode and a min 4 button footswitch (3 amp/user defined(reverb on/off maybe) and 1 bank to next song)(maybe include an expresion pedal for the fellow who wants a pitch shifter?) does that sound like a good idea? maybe im too old school.
    however cliff can do it.... lol and anyway i recon there's prob a few blokes here who'd stump up the cash for a kemper f/s

  • Everything was said by now, right?
    But not yet by everybody, o well.

    To the OP: your point has come across.
    But to imply a "greedy" business model to Kemper only because 2 announced features are missing is just sick.
    It's nasty and uncalled for.

    Agreed. I somewhat agreed with the initial post and thought the tone was more humorous than serious. I love the Kemper as a product and while it does have its shortcomings for my usage, I will supplement as necessary. I don't view the change in priorities as any type of disrespect to the consumers and am sure everything will be done eventually.