Connecting Kemper to Eleven Rack with SPDIF

  • Sorry, never had the 11R and do not work with ProTool, I'm sure I would figure it out but I have no idea where to start without having everything in front of me. I believe Chris Beaver is using this config, try send him a PM

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • You can try it, I did but I switched back to analog. The Kemper digital output was to hot for the 11R. It was distorted. There was no way to adjust the output from the kemper that I could find, so I went back to Analog. If you try it you will need the right SPDIF cable.

  • You can try it, I did but I switched back to analog. The Kemper digital output was to hot for the 11R. It was distorted. There was no way to adjust the output from the kemper that I could find, so I went back to Analog. If you try it you will need the right SPDIF cable.

    I hate to point the obvious, but you adjust the output with the volume knob. :thumbup:

    Also, I'm using a regular rca-audio cable and it works just fine. No need for pure gold magic cables.

    Edit: I'd like to change my previous statement a bit. Now that I tried through a few profiles some seem to be clipping no matter where the volume is set, some don't clip at all. So at least for me it seems to depend on the profile itself if you get digital clipping, strange.

    Edit2: Adjusting the Clean Sense (Input menu) lower in the profiles that were clipping got rid of that issue.

  • Can someone please walk me through how to do this?

    Total technology noob here for sure --- how do I connect the Kemper to the 11R using the SPDIF into Protools.

    Most appreciated -


    I meant to send you the menu setup settings i promised in a pm today but i forgot. I remember i had to fiddle with a few eleven menu settings before getting it working properly without clipping so will check what i did tomorrow when i can look at it. I will send first thing in the morning. You can control the level of SPDIF with eleven by routing it through an eleven rig (choose eleven input as SPDIF and not guitar) Make a blank 11 rig with everything bypassed (and make sure speaker breakup is off as even in bypass mode that will effect the sound if its engaged) have it blank except for volume pedal and use the volume pedal to set your SPDIF level. This does not colour the sound at all and works without clipping on any rig. You can also choose to use eleven reverb delay with the kemper this way.

  • Jel
    Ive just fired it up to check for you. set your eleven as follows.
    Hold edit/back button.
    On rig input menu choose Digital L&R
    Digital output tab set as DAW
    That's it just set up a blank rig now as i explained earlier. have your volume pedal first in the chain and back it down from 10 to 7.3 and bypass everything else

  • I'll check it out again this weekend. The early versions of the Kemper software did allow for the SPDIF to be adjusted. Then at some point that feature was removed. Perhaps with the latest update it is back again. One thing I checked when I did this the first time was the sound through the headphones of the kemper and then through the 11R. Through the 11R using SPDIF it was degraded and this transferred to recordings. I hope it is adjustable becasue I would prefer to use the digital.

  • Jel
    Ive just fired it up to check for you. set your eleven as follows.
    Hold edit/back button.
    On rig input menu choose Digital L&R
    Digital output tab set as DAW
    That's it just set up a blank rig now as i explained earlier. have your volume pedal first in the chain and back it down from 10 to 7.3 and bypass everything else

    Chris, thanks I'm just getting ready to do a Pro tools project too. Thanks Paul :thumbup:

  • I reconnected my 11R today using the SPDIF. Its true that the individual rig volume control will lower the signal on the SPDIF. However I have to turn it almost all the way down to get a reasonable signal in the Protools mixing window. Also the Kemper runs at 44.1 clock and the 11R I think runs at 48 out of the box but it can be adjusted. I finally got a good sound comparison using headphones once I got the 11R running at 44.1. It will operate at 48 with the Kemper at 44.1 and it clips a little, sounds a little harsh. The master volume does not adjust the SPDIF signal.

  • I'm going a different route now, I guess I gave up. Downloading Logic onto the mac right now. I had an old version of Protools and never really bonded with it. I just did not need that much power so I'm going to try the Logic route on my mac and go direct in. So far so good.

  • Hey Chris - just curious - what version of PT are you using with the 11R.

    Just wanted everyone to know that I got mine working and it is really quite easy. I will post what I did when I have more time....

    ...and I don't see what the problem is with the output simply turn down the volume on the Kemper and you won't clip in Pro Tools.

    It works perfectly...more info coming.

  • Hey Chris - just curious - what version of PT are you using with the 11R.

    Just wanted everyone to know that I got mine working and it is really quite easy. I will post what I did when I have more time....

    ...and I don't see what the problem is with the output simply turn down the volume on the Kemper and you won't clip in Pro Tools.

    It works perfectly...more info coming.

    I dont use Pro Tools i use Cubase

  • Already posted this on another Kemper-S/PDIF-11R thread but you guys posting in this one seem to have it figured out, so I'll ask again: my 11R doesn't recognize the Kemper digital clock, it shows the external clock as "invalid or none". How did you guys manage to make them work together? My Kemper arrived a few days ago and I already have firmware 1.54 installed. Did a system reset, but still no output from the S/PDIF out. Do I need to do a flash wipe too in order to have S/PDIF working?