Kemper updates

  • Hi everyone, correct me if I'm wrong - in all player hype, not a single mention of the much anticipated updates to tremolo & modulation effects. Also high on my personal wish list, and promised long ago: extra liquids. What can when expect you think, how soon?

    Nobody here knows when. You just have to wait and be patient.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • From what I've seen, since 2012, Kemper has supported every hardware & digital release with continual software updates.

    A clue that this is still on-going is to click on over to the Support->Download section and check out the Officially released Beta's in development (at your own risk since all the bugs haven't been worked out, obviously) Kemper released OS 11 this year, so that clearly indicates software progress.

    Don't Worry, Be Happy!