Two Seperate Delay Presets on the Same Rig?

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    ☑️ Profiler Stage

    Hello- new Stage user here...I'd like to have one of the rigs in my performance able to have two seperate delays, with spillover, that could be used simultaneously. In other words, this would mirror my previous set up that contained 2 TC Flashback pedals- one set to a very long delay with more repeats, and one set to a shorter delay with fewer repeats. I often use these 2 pedals simultaneously for different effects. I apologize if this has already been addressed, but the search function didn't give me the answer.

  • I have some presets with the option of no delay, delay 1, delay 2, delays 1 + 2.

    I set up two delays in different blocks (one long solo delay and one Andy Timmons Halo style delay). I link the long delay to an FX footswitch. The Halo style delay is always active but has mix controlled by the morph pedal so it can be set anywhere between off and whatever upper limit I set in the morph range.

    No delay = Halo morph pedal at heel and long delay bypassed.

    Long Delay = Halo morph pedal at heel and long delay active

    Halo = Halo morph above 0 and long delay bypassed.

    Both active = Halo above 0 and long delay active

    This give the ability to ride the Halo effect’s intensity in real time without tying up an FX footswitch which might be needed for something else.