Expression pedal 'tracking' is bad

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    Greetings all,

    Had my Kemper Player for a while. Dived in not entirely ready with a live gig using it a day or so after I got it. Sounds were good. It was a success. Used the Player again for another gig with even more success, having carefully selected the profiles I wanted to use ;)

    The issue I have is with the expression pedal. I have a BOSS FV 500H. Its got both a high impedance volume controller as well as expression controller. I have the expression side plugged in with a TRS cable into the expression pedal input on the Player. It functions. I calibrate it etc.

    The sweep for volume is entirely what I need, no issues there. I play a lap steel and a pedal steel, and need to do rapid swells, slow swells and every sort of swell. But the expression interface seems to not track what I am doing for rapid swells. Instead of a genuine swell when I swell volume up or down quickly, it seems to remain at the initial volume, there is a lag and suddenly it jumps to the new volume.

    The issue happens when using the wah function as well.

    Basically the expression interface does not track rapid changes for me. So first off all is this a known issue? And is there a fix on the way? Or is there something I can do to get it working better?

    This issue is a case of 'fix this or I am getting a warranty refund' because the expression pedal feature is not fully functional or usable. Appart from this the Player really is great for me.

    Cheers, Michael

  • I have an FV500 too but no l-nger use it because it has a a dead spot at the beginning and end of the travel which I find extremely annoying. This appears to be a common issue and part of the pedals design according to internet searches I did.

    That may be the issue in your case however, another possibility it the pedal type option in the setup menu. Try changing between Type 1 and Type 2 to see if that males any difference.

  • I have an FV500 too but no l-nger use it because it has a a dead spot at the beginning and end of the travel which I find extremely annoying. This appears to be a common issue and part of the pedals design according to internet searches I did.

    That may be the issue in your case however, another possibility it the pedal type option in the setup menu. Try changing between Type 1 and Type 2 to see if that males any difference.


    yeh tried different types, made not difference.

    This ssue is not really a dead spot at beginning or end, that does not worry me in the slightest. It happens anywhere in the sweep. Simply moving the pedal quickly - instead of a swell there is a slight lag and it 'switches' to the new volume instead of a swell. It makes it impossible to use if for pedal or lapsteel styles. I have to carry a darned volume pedal place it in the signal path - which is something I wanted to avoid.

    Plain and simple there really is a problem with it.


  • have you already tried a different pedal or TRS cable?

    Greetings I have a Mission expression pedal ( one thats optimised optimised for Line 6). Its behaving in a similar way.

    I can swell and swell, and frequently rather than tracking the sweep of the pedal the Kemper player snaps to the volume. Its repeatable.

    Similarly with the wah effect. It will track the pedal sweep mostly but every now and then it does not track, and snaps to the pedal sweep position with audible effect ie not sweeping or wah-ing but a snap to the new filter position..

    This really does just sound like the Kempre Player not tracking the expression pedal 100%

    I have not tried a different TRS cable, but it is brand new. The expression pedals and cable seem to track perfectly with a BOSS MS3 and a Tube Amp expander - via the GA-FC.

    I will try another cable nevertheless.

    Thanks :)

  • The Line6 pedals are modified for two contacts and custom. I'm not sure if and how these can be used as standard expression pedal, which have three contacts. I suggest, you try with an expression pedal, which is in line with standard expression pedal specs.

    If you would read the rest of the thread you will see that I have been using a BOSS FC500H - this uses a TRS and is exhibiting the problem. It does not track consistently.

    I dug out the ep1-L6 because people suggested trying a different expression pedal, and thats all I have. Oddly it still works perfectly with the MS-3 and the tube amp expander via GA-FC foot controller
