legend tribute

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    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack
    Hello community,
    I downloaded the latest Legend Tribute and the sounds are not great at all. I play with a Laney frfr. Is there anything I can do to get better sound?
  • Sounds like you are in Dire Straits. Your question is wide open for interpretation. You need to narrow it down. Here are some areas to look at;

    You won't be able to use the Kemper speaker imprints unless you are using a Kemper Kab, so your sound will be off from the original. Which does not necessarily mean a bad sound.

    You can start by tweaking the Amp's Definition control to get a sound to fit better.

    Not all profiles work for everyone. Move to the next one and try it out.

    Try different pickup selections and volume and tone settings on your guitar. Notice what guitar and pickup the Author used on the profile.

    Use an EQ.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Code
    thank you, if I understood correctly I have to change the speakers in the rig. Can you tell me why profiles like those of David G Burns for example sound good directly? And it is better to have an external eq or those of the kemper are sufficient ?
    Thank you for your help, it’s nice
    • Official Post

    The Legends rigs sound fine on my Profiler and we only had positive feedback about it so far.

    Without any recordings or a more detailed description of what you consider to be a bad sound, it is difficult to help you.

    Generally speaking, make sure that you do not have the monitor cab off option activated in the output menu when using a full-range monitor and if the monitor is active make sure not to clip its input by setting the output volume of the Profiler too high.

  • Code
    Thank you for your response, I will try your solutions on Thursday, I don't have my kemper at the moment. when I say a bad sound, I mean a sound in which you hear little distortion and reverb. I bought the Rigbuster Pink Floyd pack a few years ago and I have the same problem. I contacted rigbuster and he also doesn't understand. my updates are done. I'm definitely making a mistake but I have no idea what it is.
  • To get to the answer I think you need to clarify more here, notably:

    1) is it just the legends profiles or any sounds from the KPA ( you mention the rig buster pack)....a different way to answer is, do you a good sound at all from the KPA with any profiles?

    2) Have you tried headphones or direct to a mixing desk or computer. Does it still sound bad?

    3) Has it ever sounded good?

    4) No enough distortion might suggest you have the wrong setting or even driving a non powered FRFR speaker :) Please provide detail on what frfr, the output and the settings ( master mono for instance).

    I suspect you have a problem with you output settings but until you narrow it down its just a guessing game

  • I’ve Rigs from David G Burns on rig manager and they sound very well. I don’t think it’s from the output settings but i’ll try. I will try too the differents ways you gave me. Thanks a lot