Profiler Player disappointment

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Player

    I’m really disappointed in the Player right now. Profiled amps/cabs can be loaded as rigs but that’s it. You cannot swap cabinets/amps, nor load them in the “preset” folders. Also, many effects are missing, in particular tae Chromatic Pitch effect many of us used, to get a POG effect.

    I sure hope Kemper will get these issues addressed!!!!

  • I hate to be “That guy” but obviously you did zero research on what the kemper player is.

    Short breakdown because why not. The player is a complement to a pedal board that can utilize all the amazing profiles that it’s big brother does while sitting comfortably on your pedal board along side your favorite stomps.

    Not sure what you mean by cannot swap cabs and amps you have 5 slots per bank and can interchange any cab/amp combo you wish. 2 fx in front and 2 post — most users will add their own pedals in front and post then sprinkle in the built in fx’s as needed.

    As with the OG kemper updates will come and this already useful tool will get better than an already fantastic device.

    I moved my rack into the studio and the player is sitting comfortably on my board and is well deserved.

    Honestly give it a chance or don’t there are many out there wanting one with little stock available — I find myself enjoying just playing more than tinkering on the rack; it became (to me) feature overload.

  • Quote

    I moved my rack into the studio and the player is sitting comfortably on my board and is well deserved.

    Honestly give it a chance or don’t there are many out there wanting one with little stock available — I find myself enjoying just playing more than tinkering on the rack; it became (to me) feature overload.

    That's why I got mine, option overload has kept me away from it's big brother.

    If it's not simple than I'm not that interested, rather play.

    :( :S  :( :S Player Player :) :S :) :S

  • Not sure what you mean by cannot swap cabs and amps

    I don't play the... Player, hence have given the manual just a glance.

    From what the OP writes it seems it's not possible... to exactly do what he wrote: changing Amp/Cab in a single rig as a preset (something I use a lot, BTW).

    Let's wait for Denny's comment on the matter :)

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • I am aware of the slots. I was referring to Rig Manager. You cannot drop Profiled amps/cabs into “all presets” in Rig Manager so that you can parse out a cab or amp in creating a new custom rig. I will attach a profiled rig when I’m on my computer, shortly…

    • Official Post

    I am aware of the slots. I was referring to Rig Manager. You cannot drop Profiled amps/cabs into “all presets” in Rig Manager so that you can parse out a cab or amp in creating a new custom rig. I will attach a profiled rig when I’m on my computer, shortly…

    You need to drag the amp or cab module to the local library in ALL PRESETS for that purpose. Works like a charm here, regardless if I use the Player or any other Profiler model.

  • I get that, I can copy the amps and cabs over to their respective folders under "All Presets" just fine.. I misunderstood. However, any of the profiled amps all show "Kemper Generic" under "Amplifier" below (editor). Also, no matter what rig you pull up to edit, under "All rigs>MyProfiler", if you copy the amp or cab, it only copys the first rig you had pulled up in the editor. You have to restart the Rig Manager. I am an IT persone by trade, so I know my way around. I think the Rig Manager using the Player, is not ready for Prime Time... imho

  • No. Actually I’m not. These are profiles that were done a few years ago, and some done a year ago, long before you guys developed “liquid” profiles. Something is not correct and I don’t think it’s the user. I uploaded a rig in this thread. Give it a try. Thank you

    • Official Post

    No. Actually I’m not. These are profiles that were done a few years ago, and some done a year ago, long before you guys developed “liquid” profiles. Something is not correct and I don’t think it’s the user. I uploaded a rig in this thread. Give it a try. Thank you

    The actual date that a profile was created has no meaning about it being a Liquid profile or not. The fact is that any profile that is not a Liquid profile will use the Kemper Generic amp model by default. The actual amp that was profiled is displayed in the inspector in the upper right corner of the Rig Manager window. The reference manual will provide insight and might help you avoid any confusion.

  • Thanks for a clarification. A bit confusing but thanks. Still some issues having to restart hte RIg Manager. Also, are ya'll going to be adding in some of the effects that were in the Profiler ie: Chromatic Pitch, etc??

    • Official Post

    Thanks for a clarification. A bit confusing but thanks. Still some issues having to restart hte RIg Manager. Also, are ya'll going to be adding in some of the effects that were in the Profiler ie: Chromatic Pitch, etc??


    We do not comment on future developments. I'll close this thread now. I hope you've understood by now what a liquid profile is. I suggest that you work with support on your Rig Manager-related issues.

  • G String May 13, 2024 at 8:29 AM

    Closed the thread.