It will not switch programs no matter what....

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Stage

    Hello To all my Kemper Stage family around the globe.

    I cannot seem to get my Kemper Stage to accept a midi program change at all. I have read through the manuals for the Stage and the MIDI manual as well as my Cubase 13 pro manual. Hours and hours of checking every detail has turned up no solution. I have proved the software is working with other synths. And the Stage flashes a little symbol indicating it is receiving the System Exclusive message. But it does not do anything. I have tried the methods in the manuals step by step and nothing changes. I know this should work. I see others doing it. I myself used an Ensoniq ESQ1 in the 80's and controlled drum machines and FX units during live shows, so I am not inexperienced at midi control. But I am at a loss to find what is going on here. Windows 10 , Cubase 13 Pro, I have assigned to Profiler on the MIDI out, I have assigned the numbers to the rigs, I have tried all the variations from browser mode to Performance mode, even changing MIDI just blinks SE and changes nothing. I even tried bidirectional in case it wanted a 1980's handshake.. Any ideas what I may be missing?

    I appreciate your thoughts,

    Thank You, :/

  • Well. I have sent it a ton of program change commands as described above. I agree it should be that simple, but mine seems to be uninterested in acting on them. It does say it is receiving them. Please see the details in my original post.

    Thank you.

  • Cubase calls it a program change. That is what is in the midi channel control drop down menu. It works on my keyboards as a program change. So I do not see how it would be a different ( nonstandard) cc for the Kemper. Honestly, I have spent hours pouring over this issue. The fix is not going to be an obvious one. This is deeper.

  • a program change is indicated by the # icon in the Profiler. If you see the SE icon it means you are sending system exclusive commands like you mentioned in your original post.

    Please open a ticket using the contact form in the support section of the Kemper website and send us the Cubase song so we can recreate your scenario.