My dream producer's desk has landed

  • Hi , after 5 months of waiting , my work & audio production desk has finally landed, it's based on my own specs & measures :

    • hand made by at master artisan , retro futurist design by me
    • full & massive yew wood , hard oil finish
    • body contour for the belly part & sides based on my strat chamfer , for better ergonomics
    • sits on motorized support with setup memories command ( standing while playing vs stting while mixing )
    • keyboard drawer , & more rooms for my fav pedals
    • metal plate underneath the desk for minimizing electro & magnetic interferences while playing my guitar at desk
    • 2 x 19" satellites for monitor support

    here is the low position ( for mixing ) :

    here is is the up position for recording & playing :

    a few details on the great drawer :

    body contour , thin layer for the belly , same as on my strat !

    offset metal plate on the back , for killing mag & electric field effects :

    a gargoyle & his friends to keep the writer's block demon away ;) ( another of my creative mother impressive artwork, such as the KPA cover )

    fat little companion is asking for more bass on that jcm 800 NAM model

    the ole crappy planks & setup , yuck ! I made like a hundred tracks on this minimalist desk

  • Sorry guys but no food or drinks anywhere near my studio & guitars !

    What if it was built into the amp?

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    Don't know if this guy is still in business but I got a good WFT is this guys thinking kinda laugh.

  • Very cool Waraba! Living the dream. Between you and Bayou I might have to upgrade at some point. I have some 80's computer desk that someone carved angry things in the top one bad day. But it is built like a tank and all my junk sort of fits on it.

    I am regretting buying a Stage. The toaster or a rack would be so much better for a desk setup like yours.

    I like magnetic shielding idea.

    I am old so my daily driver PC has a 43" 4k tv screen. You must still be able to see ok with a laptop 8)

    I also dont do food or drinks. Well I have a drink when I am singing but its always a bottle with a cap. :thumbup:

  • Thanks RosboneMako the desk is proving to be very effective & inspiring , the drawer with keys at arms reach is a major improvement, I'll shoot much more keyz fills & parts now. I have a 32" screen also coming soon.

    The whole ergonomics is very satisfying , and feels very pro , the monitors also sound better this way with just the right height vs my ears. There is one position in the 4 height presets that mimics the 'producers distant setup , ' I use while standing and getting back a bit, that gives me a new ear on my mixes & ultimate stereo , this is really great.

    I understand you love your old desk , I suggest using it on a side of your studio for building & maintenance work, like I did , I won't drill anything on my new one ;)

  • I have a 32" screen also coming soon.

    The whole ergonomics is very satisfying , and feels very pro , the monitors also sound better this way with just the right height vs my ears. There is one position in the 4 height presets that mimics the 'producers distant setup , ' I use while standing and getting back a bit, that gives me a new ear on my mixes & ultimate stereo , this is really great.

    I understand you love your old desk , I suggest using it on a side of your studio for building & maintenance work, like I did , I won't drill anything on my new one ;)

    No, I dont like my old desk. I inherited it from family. But it works. And it would cost a lot of money to get something to replace it.

    32" Screen, Nice. 32" is the best size. I use cheap TVs ($200 US) and there were no good 32"s around so I went 43" and its a little too big for desk use. I dont use the top 7" of the monitor. I also went 43" to get into 4k territory.

    I have Behringer 2031p monitors. I used to put them right on top of the desk so they were about shoulder width apart from each other and at head level. It sounded great when I was standing. When I bought the Kemper I moved them down off the desk and to the sides. So they are farther apart and much wider sounding. But I played the Kemper non stop and I got tired of standing, so they had to come down. It was too hard to dial in good tones with the tweeters shooting way over my head. Another reason to get a big desk, so I can put everything in the right place like you have. Looks great!