Effect Loop Dedicated Slot

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    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    I'm trying to find a good workflow for Kemper with effects.

    My setup:

    • Distortion and gain pedals between my guitar and the Kemper. I have blues driver, tube screamer, phaser, wah.
    • A stereo effects loop going out the back via "Effect Loop" -> "Loop Stereo" in Rig Manager. I have tremolo, delay, octave, and reverb pedals
    • SPDIF to my Focusrite

    Everything seems to work fine. I tend to buy and find rigs that have various effects already baked on them. Other rigs are basic Marshall and Fender amp sounds. I would really love if there was a dedicated slot in Rig Manager for the "Effects Loop." I want to be able to add pedal effects to simple Marshall and Fender amps. If I lock my effects loop in a slot, I lose something in different rig configurations that have pre-baked digital effects loops.

    Anyone have suggestions on a good way to use real pedals and pre-baked amp/effects chains easily, swapping between the two?

    Maybe there should be a feature request of a dedicated slot just for the effects loop in Rig Manager?


  • I have profiles I've added an FX loop to (in the signal chain position for that effect) - then resaved them as a new profile. It may be a pain losing a slot in a profile you've bought - or having to edit it to move an FX - but its not the end of the world. While its simpler to have the fx loop locked in place, its also cool being able to have the loop anywhere, making it specific top each profile - which is0 what I eventually settled on. If it was fixed in position - there'd likely be a mob with a whole bunch of pitchforks and torches waving in the air.

    I have the FX loop permanently cabled to a patch bay (patchbays are COOL in racks) so its really easy to patch pedals - or a whole pedal board into the loop. You could have a simple loop pedal on your board cabled to the Kemper.

  • Both the delay and the reverbs slots used to be dedicated to those 2 effects groups which was usable but very limiting. Any time you dedicated resources to one thing you only lose diversity of function.

  • If you dedicate a spot - you lose the ability to move it.

    Screw that.

    I’ve used three dirt pedals and a MIDI switcher in the loop for a couple years now. I don’t use prebuilt rigs.

    I find amps and cabs I like and then build the chain. My loop varies location. Could be A through D depending.

  • Thanks for all the responses! You gave all gave me some ideas:

    • Make use of my Profiler Remote to control rigs with existing pedals. I really should be using/learning to use these more. Great idea Dynochrome.
    • Find ways to organize my rigs better. I found some YouTube videos on this. I think I found a system with subdirectories (Amps, Songs, _temp, Packs, Raw). Load a new pack into a _temp directory and try out each amp and store the ones I like.
    • The existing Kemper signal chain seems to be a "hot button" issue. I understand why locking an existing slot for external pedals would cause some problems. Even I wouldn't necessarily want that. The only way it might work is modifying the existing signal chain and allowing a parallel path for the "Effects Loop" that doesn't route through existing digital effects. This parallel effects path would probably have to be mutually exclusive with the digital effects path. Because you really want one or the other. Someone could still modify the existing path and drop the effects loop in there if they wanted (no change). Just an idea.
    • I'm going to modify some basic rigs to include my effects loop in the signal path. I'll probably drop raw amps in the "Raw" directory and all rigs in there will have an my hardware "Effects Loop" pre-baked.

    I still want to use some physical pedals for my setup. I enjoy turning physical knobs and tuning the sound. I appreciate all your responses. You are all nice people.

  • I still want to use some physical pedals for my setup. I enjoy turning physical knobs and tuning the sound. I appreciate all your responses. You are all nice people.

    I like turning knobs too and you can once you have the pedal pulled up on the profiler. I have never found a need to use the loops. usually external pedals just add noise. I have a bunch of very cool vintage pedals but I find I can get any effect sound I have ever needed from the Kemper selections after a bit of tweeking. I might not get perfectly like my pedals but I get so close that it's not worth going out of the unit and adding noise and carrying the pedals around. I understand people still like to use the pedals they paid money for but I don't find it necessary. The only thing I have had a bit of a time figuring out is how to mimic an ADA flanger with the flanger. I can get real close but that's been my biggest challenge and really nobody could tell the difference live anyway.

  • I like pedals as well. I’ve never been able to get the Profiler to do a close enough approximation of the KOT or the Tumnus Deluxe.

    Call me snobby, but I waited 4 and a half years to get that KOT without selling a kidney. I also like to make stuff. So….i built a custom rack and drawer.