Using clarity on high gain profiles

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    Hi Guys,

    I downloaded the Wes hauch kemper pack and the profiles sounded terrible. I was looking through settings and noticed that the clarity parameter was set quite high, only turning it down gave me a useable tone. I have also noticed when I try turning clarity up on other high gain profiles I am getting this horrible crackly tone, just wondering if anyone has had any similar issues?

    I have heard the clarity function can be great but unfortunately im not having much luck with it

  • Clarity change the distorsion sound....

    As for other parameters, i assume it becomes weird or "crackly" as you said if there's too much...

    On the other side, the rig can respond to some needs and even if it sounds weird can be well fitted to some situations....

  • I disagree that you need to spend money for “good”


    I have several I paid for from the names mentioned and dislike them. They aren’t bad profiles - just not the sound I prefer.

    Just because you pay for them doesn’t mean your ears will like them.


    I do not play super high gain stuff. But I tend to push Clarity up to around 2.5 max on a Marshall type sound.

    As I am tweaking a sound, I ALWAYS find what ever changes I made are better. But they are not. They usually make it worse. Clarity is one I find that I always over tune for high gain stuff. Usually .5 to 1 max is better and 0 is best. But again, this is for a Marshall level tone. I have never set Clarity enough to get crackling, could maybe be clipping somewhere since Clarity may be adding dynamic range to the highly compressed tone. The change in dynamics is what makes it feel/sound better to me.

    It is best to use a Looper while tweaking. I tend to play differently after a change which tricks my brain into to thinking it is better.

    I think the key to M.Britt profiles being popular is he tunes them for high volume thru a PA (and probably has good ears). Using this method hits a sweet spot that works for most Kemper user situations. I know I tune my stuff to low volume studio monitors and assume they are probably really harsh at high volumes. So I would expect a wide variety from profiles.

  • I disagree that you need to spend money for “good”


    Exactly !!

    You can find good free rigs and there are already rigs from sellers on the device/rig manager.

    I've bought TJ utlimate pack ; cause 1) there was a sale, 2) i watched his vids on Utube and it was a way to thank him for his work and advices, 3) i wanted to built performances and it was the best way to have an increasing gain rig cause rigs are recorded with the same conditions (mic/cab/placement, etc....), i'm not convinced today with Liquid profile that this last criteria would be so relevant....


    I do not play super high gain stuff. But I tend to push Clarity up to around 2.5 max on a Marshall type sound.

    As I am tweaking a sound, I ALWAYS find what ever changes I made are better. But they are not. They usually make it worse. Clarity is one I find that I always over tune for high gain stuff. Usually .5 to 1 max is better and 0 is best. But again, this is for a Marshall level tone. I have never set Clarity enough to get crackling, could maybe be clipping somewhere since Clarity may be adding dynamic range to the highly compressed tone. The change in dynamics is what makes it feel/sound better to me.

    It is best to use a Looper while tweaking. I tend to play differently after a change which tricks my brain into to thinking it is better.

    I think the key to M.Britt profiles being popular is he tunes them for high volume thru a PA (and probably has good ears). Using this method hits a sweet spot that works for most Kemper user situations. I know I tune my stuff to low volume studio monitors and assume they are probably really harsh at high volumes. So I would expect a wide variety from profiles.

    IMO, it's important to say that Kemper's parameters and possibilities go farther than what is able with traditionnal rig. If i'm not wrong and have understood it well ; Kemper's drive, for example, covers a lot of drive pedals and can even brings one that does not exist ...

  • I disagree that you need to spend money for “good”


    I have several I paid for from the names mentioned and dislike them. They aren’t bad profiles - just not the sound I prefer.

    Just because you pay for them doesn’t mean your ears will like them.

    +1000 to this. i have only bought one $18 rig pack and it was mostly because a portion of the proceeds went to the late guitarist's family. is it any good? yes actually but i didn't need it.

    we have almost 20k right there in rig exchange ready to go. has anyone actually tried all of them and still felt idk empty? *shrug*

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