Transmogriphying Stage Rigs to Player

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Player

    OK, so I understand the limitations, and the answer could be, trust my ears.

    Trust my ears and stop being so damn OCD.

    Thing is, I have profiles I love on the Stage I can't quite replicate on the Player.

    And I'm so demanding and inflexible. :)

    How would you replicate a Stage Kemper Drive, which available Distortion? Green Scream?

    Nothing sounds "just so".

    In general terms, how are you handling this so you can gig with the Player without irritation?

    Thank you.

  • If you are modifying profiles that you have on the stage, be sure to copy it so that you dont lose the original as it is still a possibility that the player will be updated at some point to not be limited in the effects. I ended up replacing the kemper drive on one of my profiles with the graphic eq believe it or not and now I actually prefer that rig that way. (Think old EVH mxr mid boost into a plexi.) Its important to note here though that the adjustable frequencies on the graphic eq effect are different on the player than the toaster - not sure why - but close enough to get the right curve for me. At home I run the player and the toaster in a dual stereo setup and I was able to get it almost indistinguishable. It really depends on how you you're using though, settings, etc.

  • Here's an example. The pushing the mids to +12 and the volume to +5 before the stack can really push the gain. In this case I'm running the amp gain at 3.5 (mid to high gain plexi profile) but its also practically dead silent without a noise gate and cleans up super.

    Edited 4 times, last by dfdfan (March 28, 2024 at 3:02 AM).

  • Thank you. You're onto something. So it's not exact but it's more right than I was able to get it. So I am using a ChopTones Gary Moore 1987 Empty Rooms profile which on the Stage is perfect and this really helped me. It needs tweaking but it's closer than I was. Other tips still welcome. Also going to try an old school Marshall Guv'nor pedal into it in a bit when Reverb delivers.

  • In general terms, how are you handling this so you can gig with the Player without irritation?

    I bought a player 2 weeks ago and own a Stage.

    I wanted to have something homogeneous and i thought that devices coming from the same manufacturer was the best solution.

    In term of sound, No matter the sound is still gorgeous....

    In term of ease of use, i get frustrated....

    I have good tones with my Stage i would like to just drag and drop on the little baby, i can't....

    As this thread underlines it, we have to find stratagemes to be closer as we can from "original" rig.... It's possible to obtain very good result with the Player but i waste a lot of time seeing what changes, rethink my rigs and rebuilt them.

    I'm really impatient that unlocked features come....

    I'm not there to complaint and want to pay half the price for a device with the same capabilities.

    I've bought two Kemper devices, but for the moment, the result is the same as if i would have bought a device from another manufacturer....

  • I would say that most of it rests on me, there are an infinite spectrum of great tones, I'd just like to work on getting close to my trusted favorites. The Stage makes me sound better than I really am, I didn't even really have to think too much about it, the Player just surfaces my uncertainty and vulnerability a little bit, but that's the new tech cycle. Clearly it makes great sounds. The Graphic Eq tip was great, more to play with on that. It's also been interesting to see how some commercial vendors have reworked Kemper tones for Player specific packs. It's a process.

  • So, uh, it seems like I'm a cautionary tale. All of my Kemper Player woes are my fault. I go from the Kemper into a looper and thereafter out to monitors. I simply didn't notice that my level out of the Kemper Player was just way, way too damn high. I have some great working profiles.

  • So, uh, it seems like I'm a cautionary tale. All of my Kemper Player woes are my fault. I go from the Kemper into a looper and thereafter out to monitors. I simply didn't notice that my level out of the Kemper Player was just way, way too damn high. I have some great working profiles.

    If you haven't already, be sure to unlink the volume from the master knob once you get your output levels set since you're hitting another device between the player and the amp/monitors. That way you can still use the knob for the other output without hitting the looper too hot.

  • Again, thank you, that's a great tip. I'll look at that because I don't actually know what that does as I write. My error above was that I thought the master volume control only mattered when you changed it and if you left it alone at switch on somehow you inherited a default volume, silly me. Sometimes, random internet people can really make your day!