Setting a kemper stage based on a head configuration

  • Hi there

    I read a couple of posts about it but quite old. Simple question : assuming both have the same release, how can I transfer all my settings (including the rigs) from a head to a stage ? I guess it can be performed with RM ? At least I might backup the head rigs and restore into the stage ? I noticed some settings are slightly different on the two profilers.

  • Hi there

    I read a couple of posts about it but quite old. Simple question : assuming both have the same release, how can I transfer all my settings (including the rigs) from a head to a stage ? I guess it can be performed with RM ? At least I might backup the head rigs and restore into the stage ? I noticed some settings are slightly different on the two profilers.

    Create backup of the Head on a USB stick as described in the manual and restore it on your Stage.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Lately I tried something different. I wanted to transfer the rigs only (profiler + local library) and keep the stage general settings . Then I used the "restore rig manager content", and selected the last backup from the head. Surprisingly, I got a message saying "the local library will be overwritten". It turns out the rigs in "Myprofiler" didn't change.

    New try : as I made a copy of these rigs in a folder of my local library, I made a copy/past in the profiler folder. Some of them were copied, but for the others, I got a message saying they were "damaged".

    Any idea ?

    • Official Post

    ... I used the "restore rig manager content", and selected the last backup from the head. ....

    This statement is a contradiction. If you restore a Rig Manager backup, it just includes the Local Library and is therefor not related to any PROFILER being connected or not. All Rigs, presets, and Performances at MyProfiler are out of scope of Rig Manager backup and don't get touched nor overwritten, when you restore a Rig Manager backup. This even works without a PROFILER being connected.

    A PROFILER backup can only be created using a USB flash drive. Such a backup can later be mounted in Rig Manager, which allows to pick and chose items and copy these into the Local Library as well as into MyProfiler.

    When you copy items, make sure you stay in the corresponding area. You cannot copy Rigs into All Presets, or Presets into All Performances.