Kemper Stage Wi Fi

  • Hi,

    got a new Stage and have problems with Wi-fi connection.

    I try WPS Button on my Fritz Box and then WPS on Stage. I disconnected all other lan devices and repeater.

    Next step i Type my WiFi Network in ssid and Password.

    No connection.

    Pls. Help

    Music Man JP 6-String/Piezo Pearl Redburst, Kemper Stage, Kemper Power Kabinet

  • I Download Kemper rig manager for Android.

    Access Point is only for Mac. Tried it nevertheless and get a connection. But If i Connect with the Stage via qr Code i disable my wifi

    Music Man JP 6-String/Piezo Pearl Redburst, Kemper Stage, Kemper Power Kabinet

  • I Download Kemper rig manager for Android.

    Access Point is only for Mac. Tried it nevertheless and get a connection. But If i Connect with the Stage via qr Code i disable my wifi

    Access point mode is for iOS and Android OS / Fire OS / MacOS / Windows. An Access Point IS a Wifi network created by your Profiler. Once you join it with your Android device, you cannot use the other one (for instance the one you build using your wireless LAN router) at the same time.

    If you want to incorporate your Profiler into an existing wireless network, Access Point mode is not the way. In this case, you need to join your existing network with the Stage.

  • These convoluted connection issues are why I just returned my Profile Player. I have a stage and can sometimes connect over wifi to use it. It's not super stable, and I'm already running a few apps on my iPad during shows anyway so I don't use it. I thought maybe they would have corrected these issues with the Player, and lo and behold. Nope. I was never able to connect to it. I turned it on, fiddled with it for about an hour, and said, this is silly. There is no way I can trust this in a live situation. In process of returning it.

  • Okay, i get a connection via accesspoint. i forgot to put in the password.

    But how can i connect via wifi?

    I switch to only 2,4ghz, i disable all lan connections on the fritz box.

    My doubt is the wps button on the stage isnt acitvated

    Music Man JP 6-String/Piezo Pearl Redburst, Kemper Stage, Kemper Power Kabinet

  • knock88:

    generally the procedure is:

    - press WPS button on the Fritzbox

    - press WPS button on the Stage

    and the connection should be established (note: this can take a while... and if it doesn't work on the first try, maybe try again)

    please contact support if it doesn't work out for you

  • Perhaps WPS is disengaged in your FRITZ!Box or it is set to not accept new Wi-Fi devices.

  • Solved the Problem with Kemper Support.

    In System Menu Page 1. I change the name of the Kemper under edit Name.

    I reset the WiFi Chip. Now i can Connect via ssid. WPS doesnt Work,but its okay


    Music Man JP 6-String/Piezo Pearl Redburst, Kemper Stage, Kemper Power Kabinet

  • The WPS button doesn't seem to work for me. Pushing the button doesn't seem to trigger anything.

    Unfortunately SSID and password is no option due to limited choice of characters in the Kemper.

    Any recommendation?

    Possible bug: the kemper stage isn't displaying all of the SSID characters... not sure if this has anything to do with it.

    Edited once, last by jonashuber1988: Additional info (January 10, 2024 at 12:14 AM).

  • same issue for me - not all characters are listed on the Kemper. Hopefully there is an update coming. For those that insist on WPS, I would not recommend it. All of these characters should be made available on the Kemper !@#$%^&*()_+-=:;"'<>,.?/|{}[]

  • I'd LOVE it if someone could help me connect my iPhone to my stage. As usual, with Kemper's OS and processes, nothing is straightforward. Real simple, I've got the latest versions of both the iPhone and Kemper OS. I've done the step of changing my Stage's name. I've restarted it. I've downloaded the Rig Manager app. When I use my phone to scan the QR code on the Kemper, the Kemper then shows up in my Rig Manager app. However, when I press "connect", I get a message saying "Cannot connect to PROFILER. Please ensure that the Rig Manager App has access to devices in the local network. How do I do that? I can't get into the Rig Manager App unless I go in under demo mode. And if I open my iPhone settings, I can't find the Rig Manager app listed anywhere in there (even though it's on my phone).

    It's unbelievable to me that this can't be done using a simple wizard/walk-thru on the Kemper itself.