can a dedicated stompbox be rerouted to the effects loop?

  • That may seem like a silly question, but I found myself in a situation when I want an effect or two go into the effects loop section and I don't have all of the corresponding physical pedals. I am using Kemper stompboxes for that reason, but I have to run them before the stack. Couldn't find it in the Manual or in the Profiler Menu, but it seems kinda strange that you can have effects before and/or the stack, and that there is an effect loop for physical pedals, but there seems to be no algorythm to simulate using a Kemper effect in th effects loop.

  • it seems kinda strange that you can have effects before and/or the stack, and that there is an effect loop for physical pedals, but there seems to be no algorythm to simulate using a Kemper effect in th effects loop

    I am not sure I got your issue. You'd want to virtually insert a number of fx (chosen among the internal Kemper fx) in a loop?

    If this is the case, I don't find it strange at all, since it would mean you are using more that 4 fx in an fx section. Nor I am aware of any device with fixed fx slot that allows the user to "congregate" more that an effect in a block.

    This might well be a feature request tho X)

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Maybe there is a misunderstanding about how the fx loop in the Profiler works.

    The purpose of the Profiler fx loop is to provide a way to tap the signal at the point in the signal chain where the fx loop is positioned and send that from the direct output to an external effect device. The processed signal from the external effect will be fed back into the Profiler signal chain before it enters the stomp or effect module next to the one in which the fx loop has been inserted.

    For example, if the fx loop mono is inserted into the C stomp the guitar signal will be sent to the external effects after it has passed through stomps A and B. The externally processed signal will enter the signal chain at the return inputs and from there it will be fed into stomp D before it gets passed on to the amp stack and effect section.

  • Oh, ok, I think see it different now.
    so, the effect loop, rather than returning signal to a separate 'Effects Return' spot somewhere in the Profiler, is actually kind of 'outsourcing' corresponding slots in the 'Stompbox' (and maybe 'Effects' s wel) section to external effects. The posirion of the 'effects external efffect in the 'effects loop' will be always determined by the knob assigned to it. There is no other way.
    Is that right, in layman's terms?

    What I was talking about is, can a Kemper Stompbox (or an Effect, for that matter) be redirected in such a manner that it is fed and further sends the signal somewhere between the signal amp and the power amp?

    On another note, I am most grateful Kemper Support chimed in instantly and, using this opportunity of your precious attention -
    could you please please please introduce Mesa Boogie Mark series Liquid Profiling? MkIV and MkIIC+ would be most everybody' first call I reckon.
    The Marks always lacked your attention in the past unlike the Rectifiers, and with the Liquid Profiling this went on, - quite unhappily. Please don't forget us folks who prefer the Mark sound to the sandy harshness of... other brands, you know. And they are plenty already

  • What I was talking about is, can a Kemper Stompbox (or an Effect, for that matter) be redirected in such a manner that it is fed and further sends the signal somewhere between the signal amp and the power amp?

    No this is not possible but fortunately it is also unnecessary. The FX Loop in a physical amp was created to let players use studio style effects after the distortion stages of the amp to get something close to the way these FX would be used on the recorded track in the studio (which was after the amp and speaker and mic). The Amp FX Loop was a compromise which worked fairly well but ideally these effects would be placed after the amp which is where slots X - Rev are placed.

  • But the real question is WHY are you after that? Just because amps had to do it that way due to their physical limitations doesn't mean it makes any sense to try and do int in the digital domain where it is unnecessary to do so.

    but the real question is, do we all buy all the guitars/pedals/amps/younameit because it is strictly necessary or because it makes perfect sense?

    I am after this because I feel like this. I am just pursuing my thing, my sound

  • Nothing wrong with pursuing your sound 👍

    All I’m saying is that you can do that by placing the FX after the amp and cab rather than between pre amp and power amp. Any difference will be so minimal as to make no difference. It doesn’t make sense to try and recreate an old signal path just because you can if it isn’t going to make any difference to the end result

    Until very recently I would have said it wasn’t even possible for the Kemper to split the signal between pre and power amps as the profiling process doesn’t have a way of determining the split. However, the introduction of liquid profiling seems to have found some way of inserting a modelled tone stack in two different locations. But I still can’t see any reasoning to do it even if it is now technically possible.

    Bear in mind that the early FX loop users like Lukather, Landau, Huff, EVH,etc were actually using the “loop” after the poweramp anyway. They were sending the speaker out from amps that didn’t have a loop into a load box to pad it down to line level. Feeding this signal into their studio FX processors then boosting back up to stage volume with massive clean solid state power amps. Basically the same signal flow as the Kemper uses.