Rigmanager connection problem.

  • I don't know how to send the debug log to the dev group, because the Beta Form no longer exists.

    I figured out that some thing went wrong in the

    USB dxd - dynax driver framework

    Special if the MAC ( or PC also) goes to sleep and wake up again, or the the Kemper is started before Rigmanager starts you get a connection error.
    The onlyway to work around is to unplug the USB cable and replug it after some seconds.

    Hereby some snippets from the RM log (debuglog).

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I had the same experience with my MOTU Ultralite MK5 and Mac Mini. After several months of troubleshooting MOTU support we found that the issue only happened when connecting directly to the Mac via USB. If I connected via a powered USB hub everything works perfectly. There seems to be something funny happening with Mac USB not managing sleep properly recently.

  • I had the same experience with my MOTU Ultralite MK5 and Mac Mini. After several months of troubleshooting MOTU support we found that the issue only happened when connecting directly to the Mac via USB. If I connected via a powered USB hub everything works perfectly. There seems to be something funny happening with Mac USB not managing sleep properly recently.

    I will repeat this test with a POWERED USB Hub. I tried this with direct connection and unpowered USB Hub. Same result.
    My Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 2nd generation works fine without any issues.

    Be the force with you ;)

    Edited once, last by Yoda Guitar (November 23, 2023 at 12:22 PM).

  • So today I double checked a powered USB Hub inbetween the MAC and the KPA.

    Also here, connection get lost when MAC goes down to sleep.

    But the Debug Log looks different, this time the connect hangs means there is no error in the log but also no succes for connect.
    It still do nothing.

    missing this message

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I've just deactivated the sleep modus. Computer stays on only when I'm doing something, same for the Kemper

    In my case I had all sleep and screen saver modes turned off but something about how the Mac mini was managing the USB port was causing it to turn off/sleep. I couldn’t find any way to over ride this. Don’t know if it’s related to Yoda’s issue or not but throwing it out there just in case.

  • In my case I had all sleep and screen saver modes turned off but something about how the Mac mini was managing the USB port was causing it to turn off/sleep. I couldn’t find any way to over ride this. Don’t know if it’s related to Yoda’s issue or not but throwing it out there just in case.

    This is not a solution, but at most a temporary workaround.

    If Kemper cannot fix the problem (and it previously worked in older versions), the Kemper will be sold.

    All my other devices work, I have never asked for a USB audio or USB MIDI. A big problem for me is that on the one hand you have to update to the latest version to get support, but the update also brings with it completely new problems for functions that you never asked for.

    Be the force with you ;)