WARNING - OS update broke performance mode

  • Update to OS Public Beta broke performance mode. There are several issues:

    1. all effects in all performances are empty in the profiler itself and in Rig Manager
    2. RM shows the incorrect amp and rig name for some performances, but the correct amp and rig name for others. RM and the profiler content are not in sync
    3. The profiler has the amp and rig name set to crunch for all performances.

    In the end, all performances have been corrupted and are not working correctly.

    This is probably not new info to most users and Kemper recommends a backup before updates. MAKE SURE TO BACKUP before updating as it can cause serious issues. . I lost about 2 weeks worth of performance changes. That's my fault for not backing up. I wanted to post this to log the experience so perhaps other users won't have a similar negative result.

  • RM performance mode is a mess for me. Even on the stable release. Have you tried rebooting and switching performances?

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • I have tried every combination of rebooting and switching performances. I finally reverted back to OS I can now unreliably use RM to edit profiles. Unreliable editing is an improvement!?!? Now that's a statement about functionality and the update process.

    I now have a system that is unreliable after wasting hours of my time rebooting the profiler, many failed OS installations from RM and via USB. The OS update process has serious issues.

    As a side note, Kemper adds a text statement in various places regarding possible loss of data during OS updates. In my view, the update process should absolutely force a profiler backup before allowing the OS update to occur. Since RM can't backup the profiler, the update process should require a USB stick so the forced backup occurs every time an OS update occurs. This would make the update process more bullet proof. Sure, I should have backed up, but the process could and should force a backup.

    I am very frustrated and disappointed with this interaction. The updates are nowhere near seamless. I've mentioned this before, but Kemper's regression testing is flawed and has not improved in my experience.

  • I can feel your frustration. But I am sure many thousands updates are successful like my own updates on a kemper toaster and Stage over almost 10 years.

    Do you have opened a support ticket?

    This is not the first time updates have failed and resulted in broken behavior. These typically lead to multiple OS reverts and update attempts in order to get the system working again at some level. One previous failed update cycle resulted in an opened ticket, a broken USB interface, and free repair by Kemper. That issue was handled very professionally by Kemper - kudos to them in that instance. Although, they never actually explained what they did. I have experienced quite a few other update cycles which did not go smoothly. So yes, I agree that many updates do go smoothly and I have experienced those as well. But the update fails that have occurred generally indicate incomplete regression testing. It is unlikely I have been statistically unlucky. I'd say about 20% of updates have gone wrong in some way. That along with the relatively common complaints on the forum indicate that the failure rate is statistically significant.

    FWIW, I think the Kemper is a great unit when it works. IME the update process is simply not statistically solid.

  • OS 10.2.0. has been an unmitigated disaster for me. After installing it, the gain and performance slots started changing when I pressed play on my DAW. I spent several days trying to figure this out, to no avail. There was absolutely no rhyme or reason for it. The only solution was to unplug the Kemper from my Mac.

    I reverted back to 10.1 and things seem to be back to normal. I do not have the time nor the inclination to open support tickets and go back and forth whilst trying to record on a professional level. It simply takes up too much time. Consequently, I will not be updating in future.

  • OS 10.2.0. has been an unmitigated disaster for me. After installing it, the gain and performance slots started changing when I pressed play on my DAW. I spent several days trying to figure this out, to no avail. There was absolutely no rhyme or reason for it. The only solution was to unplug the Kemper from my Mac.

    I reverted back to 10.1 and things seem to be back to normal. I do not have the time nor the inclination to open support tickets and go back and forth whilst trying to record on a professional level. It simply takes up too much time. Consequently, I will not be updating in future.

    Well, if there is no time for writing a support ticket then you can stay with 10.1.

  • For what it's worth. I only update to stable releases these days. And only after it's been out for some time. I'm very thankful to all you beta testers :)

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

    Edited once, last by musicmad (November 5, 2023 at 11:02 AM).

  • The whole point of testing betas is to find out what's not working from a wide pool of users. No software company can test ALL the possible scenarios in-house, there are just too many variables. Initial testing is usually done with clean environments, and public testing brings in the real world: people with different software, preference settings, and ways of workin which exposes issues that just don't happen in a lab environment. If those people don't report back then their problems won't be prioritized as highly, simply because the company won't know how bad the problem is.

    My team at work administers a Mac beta program populated by a few hundred volunteers across the company. We test macOS releases and various software titles that we deploy to our employees. They help us get ahead of those issues that would affect tens of thousands of employees by reporting back to Apple, Microsoft, etc. and providing then with feedback and diagnostic data so they can fix those problems before general release. We also get to comment on what we like or don't like before those things get baked in - it's usually a lot easier for the developers to adjust something while they're building it out.

    It's a vital service (and a very successful program) but it's not for everyone. We make it clear up front that, before you join the program, you have to comfortable dealing with unforeseen problems while doing your regular work, and you need to be able to roll back on your own or even rebuild your system from scratch in the (relatively rare) event something catastrophic happens. It's the same in this case - you really need to be willing to take on those risks before jumping on the beta train. It is great fun to see all the new shiny stuff but it's also a gamble every time you update. If you can't afford the risk - which is the case for most people - then you should stick with production releases.

  • I don' disagree with any of @fraknputer's comments. I'll add the statement below that I posted in another thread:

    I hope that Kemper will seriously consider my recommendation of automatically performing a backup each time the user updates the OS.

  • Just to be clear, posting in the forum is not opening a Support Ticket. Have you actually opened a ticket with support? If not you should do so.

    Thanks for your your reply.

    No, I have not opened a ticket and I'm fully aware that posting on this forum is not opening a ticket.

    As previously mentioned, I have reverted back to the previous release version which has brought things back to normal. I'm not a beta tester and have learned a valuable lesson. I will not be updating anytime soon. I've lost valuable time with various projects.

    Rather than going back and forth with emails from Kemper Support, asking me a myriad of questions ranging from, Which OS are you using, have you checked your cables, have you installed the latest update, are you using a hub etc.. I know for a fact that the my issues lies with the 10.2.0 update, as everything was working perfectly previously. You could say that I've lost some faith here.

    As such, I will stick with OS 10.1.2 for now.

    Kind Regards,


  • For everyone experimenting with beta versions:

    1. The purpose of a public beta is to find and eliminate as many bugs as possible before it is rolled out to a broad customer audience.

    2. If you want to deal with beta versions, you must be well versed in the security measures such as backup and restore and you must accept that bugs are always errors and can lead to the system having to be completely reinstalled. So if you don't really know your way around your Computer Operatingsystem and your Kemper or if you only have one Kemper that you depend on, you should stay away from it.

    3. Anyone who works with beta software should ultimately know how to report errors and what the process looks like.

    Errors should always be logged so that a developer can clearly recreate them. So cell phone video or error log step by step.

    4. And above all, this forum is NOT the right place to report bugs, nor to submit a support ticket, as support primarily deals with stable versions and customer support.

    Kemper has been setting up a beta test portal for years and please use it!

    Link to the Beta Test Portal:

    Homepage | Kemper Amps

    Be the force with you ;)