Wanting to Purchase a powered Kemper with Kemper Cabinet

  • Hello,

    So, I to Purchase a powered Kemper with Kemper Cabinet for home usage only...

    will I get most of the Kemper by buying these two products, in terms of quality sound out of the Kemper and presets ?

    Thanks in advance for your reply,


  • You will get all of the available functionality of any Profiler, and access to Rig Exchange and the numerous free Rig packs available via Rig Manager.

    You can also purchase profiles from commercial sellers, but that is not a must.

    A powered Profiler and Kabinet are all you need to get started. Depending on what else you have at home, the Kabinet isn't strictly necessary.

  • Hello,

    So, I to Purchase a powered Kemper with Kemper Cabinet for home usage only...

    will I get most of the Kemper by buying these two products, in terms of quality sound out of the Kemper and presets ?

    Thanks in advance for your reply,


    IMO yes, great set up and I have been using the powered Kemper for 8 years + and the Kabinet since its release.

    The only comment I would make is that the kabinet and power amp may not be needed if you use a PC and DAW and intend to record. I use mine almost totally live, at home I use a plug in via my PC. Be aware that the Kabinet is not designed for recording via a microphone..

    In terms of getting the most out of that set up, start simple....work out what sort of sounds you like, engage the speaker imprints to make the most of the Kabinet, find either factory profiles or free ones first of the Rig exchange and take it from there.

    Hope that helps..

  • You can also purchase profiles from commercial sellers, but that is not a must

    Coming from someone that has probably around 30 commercial packs, I feel that I could get about anything I really needed just from the Kemper content, free stuff and tweeking as I only use a handful of amps. When I first joined here I spoke with wheresthedug and asked what he used live and he replied with like 3 or 4 rigs and it went great. I thought why in the heck would you be that minimalist when you have all these amps and such.

      And now I've went full circle and kind of the same, I realized I could take 3 great profiles and make them cover about everything without switching too much and creating listener "ear vertigo".

    Most of my life I got by fine with amps that had 1-3 channels and a boost live and I covered everything from funk,beach boys and country to 80s rock to metal just fine. When I was running rack units (like a voodovalve or Pod pro, I HAD to use a lot more because each patch wouldn't let you do the things the KPA will.

    In reality, I could take ONE profile and make it do a whole bunch, clean, clean with FX, crunch, drive, ad distortion pedal, FX, boost/cut volume etc. etc. It's VERY versatile and simple to use once you see the big picture. It's the best amp I've ever owned.

  • In reality, I could take ONE profile and make it do a whole bunch, clean, clean with FX, crunch, drive, ad distortion pedal, FX, boost/cut volume etc. etc. It's VERY versatile and simple to use once you see the big picture. It's the best amp I've ever owned.

    Totally agree. In a studio, I get wanting to use multiple profiles/cabs. But that's situational. A Triple Rectifier, as good as it is, isn't going to work for everything any more than an AC30 would. Both could *do* it. With a Profiler, y'know....why?!?!

    When I first got my Profiler, I was using different profiles for every song. It was horrible trying to keep track of what was what. Yeah....it sounded good....but I always wanted to spend more time with each one.

    I'm not down to one profile, but I am down to two. One *just* a hair past breakup and one clean enough for an operating room. Various tweaks and a couple favorite (real) dirt pedals the Kemper Drive just doesn't do quite well enough (for me) and I'm good.

  • There is some really good stuff loaded in the Kemper when you get it. If you could never load in anything else and had to use just that (like a POD) I would still like it. The fact that it's only limited by what you do with it makes it awesome.

    Mr. Kemper was a genius designing it so If it sucks, it's your profiles fault, not his amp.

  • There is some really good stuff loaded in the Kemper when you get it. If you could never load in anything else and had to use just that (like a POD) I would still like it. The fact that it's only limited by what you do with it makes it awesome.

    Mr. Kemper was a genius designing it so If it sucks, it's your profiles fault, not his amp.

    Totally agree. I do look at the end game as being a multichannel amp for my cleans and gain sounds. I think I generally use 4 or 5 profiles across 3 bands, I've even forgotten what they are...

  • I've even forgotten what they are...

    I know what my clean tone amp is (67 Champ). Has been for a long time despite my efforts to find another sound. I end up back with the Champ after finding a sound, thnking "That's it!!".....only to go back to the Champ and realize "Nope. Not even close."

    Other may not like it, but with some minor tweaks? Glorious.

    For dirt, it's been a H&K Tubemeister 18, or a Marshall SLP...or something Marshall...... I think. Sometimes I'll look at the amp section and think "Huh....that's what's in there? Interesting?"

  • I know what my clean tone amp is (67 Champ). Has been for a long time despite my efforts to find another sound. I end up back with the Champ after finding a sound, thnking "That's it!!".....only to go back to the Champ and realize "Nope. Not even close."

    Me too...What I used to do was sometimes I'd start to question one of my sounds e.g. my solo sound. So I'd go hunting for another sound. I would find a number of sounds and compare them, whittling it down to my favourite...then tweak it, add the right effects...brilliant. Then I go and compare it to my original sound, to realise it was worse and that my original sound was actually really good!

  • My favorite clean is the lowest gain MB /13 that comes loaded with the Kemper. It can cover a ton of ground and never too thin or hard. The famous AC20 is good too. I think there's a Carr amp that I like as well but I haven't found anything that beats that /13. Lately I have been using TJ's 74 Marshall with greenbacks that I love. There is a low/med/high gain that is super good there. BM has a great 800 too.