Amp List for Liquid Profiling

  • I have searched and can not find a list of the LP amps that are included in the 10.0 update. Surely I can not be the only one who would like to know what amps are included before updating to the Beta.

    Anyone have a comprehensive list thus far?

  • The main amps on that list that aren't as intuitive from the names are the Orange channels. I think those are AD30 amps channels...not the Rockerverb. But, I could be wrong. Would be nice to know.

    I would assume those are the OR100/OR200 (Oranje Overdose 1 and Oranje Overdose 2) but I don't much about Orange amps.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I asked HW about liquid profiling via email. He responded that he did not save the knob settings on most, if not all, of his profiles. He will not be providing them as a result.

    I also notice that he is selling liquid profile packs on his site.

    This is what i expect from most if not all 3rd party providers. It's a new revenue stream that most businesses will most likely leverage.

  • I asked HW about liquid profiling via email. He responded that he did not save the knob settings on most, if not all, of his profiles. He will not be providing them as a result.

    I also notice that he is selling liquid profile packs on his site.

    This is what i expect from most if not all 3rd party providers. It's a new revenue stream that most businesses will most likely leverage.

    I wouldn’t describe it as leverage, a new revenue stream yes but there current catalogue has basically been made redundant, somebody like Tone Junkie has invested a lot of money and effort and is now looking to have to start all over again feel a a bit of pain for him.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I'm fine with someone doing new packs that allow us to dial our own amp in, but, could someone explain why you need profiles made at all the different points on the amp if it's liquid? I would expect you'd only need one profile per amp channel.

    Ideal for me is that someone captures one awesome amp at "noon" for everything and gives me a studio and direct version of that. Reampzone kind of did that on a number of their profiles made in the past. He did it that way and also noted his direct profile EQ/Gain settings in a file. I prefer to use the latest OH IRs though so direct is more important to me as I'm using the Kemper Kab or a Power Station + Cab.

    If I were doing studio only to a FRFR wedge again, then TJ's reswizzles would interest me. As it stands, they are less interesting due to the lack of direct profiles.

  • It's a new revenue stream that most businesses will most likely leverage.

    It is. And also for Kemper, I suppose. What I heard and saw from videos promoting these LPs, honestly said, didn't really convince me that LP is a game changer. Of course, if there are better possibilities to change the sound of a profile with another, "closer" tone stack regarding the real amp.

    Before this new story of LPs was invented, the story for the Kemper always was: a profile is a true image of a real amp (depending on the amp settings while profiling). Obviously, now with LP it becomes "truer". :)