Liquid Profiles - how to get more than the Kemper supplied ones

  • Hey mate, if I’m understanding your question correctly?

    Commercial profilers are using the modeled gain and tone stack that Kemper has created, they are not created by the 3rd party vendor, so those created by Kemper are the only ones available.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Think of the liquid profiles as tonestacks, similar to the pre loaded Kone speaker imprints.

    Those can only be added by Kemper.

    The only thing 3rd parties can currently do is profile their amps at 12'o clock or provide the tone settings for an amp so you can "burn" the settings...

  • Hello there,

    got a question. There is this option where you can switch the EQ pre and post amp. There are some amps that have their eq BEFORE the preamp. Some Mesas have that if I remember right, Mark models for example.

    So: To have a correct EQ (what liquid profiles are all about), shouldn´t be the placement of the stack eq in the right place too? Or is that automatical? Or where can I get a list of which of the liquid profile ampoptions are pre and which are post eq?

    Or am I completly wrong? Just curious.

    Edited once, last by Tandrin (August 9, 2023 at 1:14 PM).

  • Hello there,

    got a question. There is this option where you can switch the EQ pre and post amp. There are some amps that have their eq BEFORE the preamp. Some Mesas have that if I remember right, Mark models for example.

    So: To have a correct EQ (what liquid profiles are all about), shouldn´t be the placement of the stack eq in the right place too? Or is that automatical? Or where can I get a list of which of the liquid profile ampoptions are pre and which are post eq?

    Or am I completly wrong? Just curious.

    You are absolutely correct.

    The manual does mention this but I can’t remember the exact wording. I think that tonestacks for Fender type amps are preset to before the distortion stages and high gain amps are defaulted to after but you can override this with the Pre/Post button if desired.