Kone vs Neo Kone- any significant difference other than weight?

  • For use in an open back or possibly closed back 1x12, any significant difference other than weight between a Kone vs Neo Kone?


    Had both, switched them out in the same 1x12 cabinet and couldn't hear any difference. Just a side note, the 1x12 cab was open back or closed back (convertible cabinet), tried both ways with each speaker.

  • Howard did you like them in an open back cab? Do they hold their own compared to a regular guitar speaker? I know that some of the top commercial profilers prefer regular speakers.


    The difference between open or closed back with the Kone was the same as you could expect from a regular guitar speaker, at least to me. I did try my cabinet next to a passive Kabinet, switching back and forth between them and preferred my cabinet, whether it was open or closed back. As for holding their own, its personal preference as far as the sound goes, but if you need volume they will deliver.

    I really wanted to like the Kone and used them for nine months or so, but to be honest I didn't care for them and went in another direction. My experience with them isn't typical when compared to the majority of Kone users, so take that into account when considering the worth of my opinion about them.

  • The difference between open or closed back with the Kone was the same as you could expect from a regular guitar speaker, at least to me. I did try my cabinet next to a passive Kabinet, switching back and forth between them and preferred my cabinet, whether it was open or closed back. As for holding their own, its personal preference as far as the sound goes, but if you need volume they will deliver.

    I really wanted to like the Kone and used them for nine months or so, but to be honest I didn't care for them and went in another direction. My experience with them isn't typical when compared to the majority of Kone users, so take that into account when considering the worth of my opinion about them.

    Did you stay with real guitar cabs? If so, with one of the newer Celestion models built for digital amps?

  • Did you stay with real guitar cabs? If so, with one of the newer Celestion models built for digital amps?

    I have a pair of Eminence EM12's and two 1x12 cabs powered by a Seymour Duncan Powerstage 700, I'm happy with the setup. I do use them with the Kone function engaged and tweak the monitor output eq slightly, no imprints though. They get pretty close to the sound coming from studio monitors, at least close enough to me for monitoring.

    Over a two year period I tried several different pa speakers, jbl-qsc-headrush and a few off-name brands both active and passive, an active Kabinet, a passive Kabinet, two of the original Kones and a Neo Kone loaded in my cabs. Only one pair of the passive pa speakers, which I borrowed, sounded really good to me, but are no longer in production.

    If I were you, I would start with a Kone if you already have a 1x12 cabinet, and a class d power amp. Closing off the back seemed to tighten everything up with the Kone and was an improvement with the Eminence EM12 also. Something else that helps, whichever monitor solution you are using, get it a few feet away from you if possible.

  • The celestion ones you refer to for digital amps I assume you mean their FRFR speakers? A few people have tried them and they are similar to other FRFR solutions ( nothing is truely FRFR).

    The Kemper Kone is a celestion speaker, "tuned" for the Kemper to be used with imprints or to work in an FRFR mode. Personally I don't like it in FRFR mode but using imprints for me its the best solution.

    I have been running one live since they were released.

  • Guys, thanks for the input! I am not feeding a pa system. My current use is live stage rig in stereo via a Power Rack into two 1x12 open guitar cabs (one is a greenback clone), and the powered cab is a Tech 21 Power engine (60 watt celestion 70/80).

    This setup is so much easier to deal with in terms of transport/setup/tear down (my primary motivation) than my tube amp/analog pedal board/post power amp time based fx.

    The K is incredibly versatile as you know, but so far not as rich sounding as the analog rig into the same cabinets (in my limited tweaking experience). It's sort of like comparing whole milk to 2%. So I have been wondering if the Kone would be an improvement. I don't really care about a very high degree of authenticity in various signature amp voices, ballpark is fine, but do want the same degree of rich fatness that the traditional analog system yields.

    Howard I will try engaging the Kone function as you mentioned.

  • Guys, thanks for the input! I am not feeding a pa system. My current use is live stage rig in stereo via a Power Rack into two 1x12 open guitar cabs (one is a greenback clone), and the powered cab is a Tech 21 Power engine (60 watt celestion 70/80).

    This setup is so much easier to deal with in terms of transport/setup/tear down (my primary motivation) than my tube amp/analog pedal board/post power amp time based fx.

    The K is incredibly versatile as you know, but so far not as rich sounding as the analog rig into the same cabinets (in my limited tweaking experience). It's sort of like comparing whole milk to 2%. So I have been wondering if the Kone would be an improvement. I don't really care about a very high degree of authenticity in various signature amp voices, ballpark is fine, but do want the same degree of rich fatness that the traditional analog system yields.

    Howard I will try engaging the Kone function as you mentioned.

    I wouldn't engage the Kone function with the speakers you listed, it not likely to sound very good. The EM12 that I use is a different type of guitar speaker designed with a relatively flat eq response, the purpose is to let more of the tone of your preferred amp to come through with less coloration from the speaker, and by shear luck the Kone algorithm works well with it as an eq enhancement.

    Your Tech 21 states the Optimal Output Load is 8ohms, I can't find any more information about it, so I would suggest you research further before trying a Kone in it as the Kone is 4ohms.

    With the speakers you mention you should have Monitor Cab Off checked in the output section as stated in the Kemper manual, those speakers are made to provide their own tone in the signal chain.

  • Guys, thanks for the input! I am not feeding a pa system. My current use is live stage rig in stereo via a Power Rack into two 1x12 open guitar cabs (one is a greenback clone), and the powered cab is a Tech 21 Power engine (60 watt celestion 70/80).

    This setup is so much easier to deal with in terms of transport/setup/tear down (my primary motivation) than my tube amp/analog pedal board/post power amp time based fx.

    The K is incredibly versatile as you know, but so far not as rich sounding as the analog rig into the same cabinets (in my limited tweaking experience). It's sort of like comparing whole milk to 2%. So I have been wondering if the Kone would be an improvement. I don't really care about a very high degree of authenticity in various signature amp voices, ballpark is fine, but do want the same degree of rich fatness that the traditional analog system yields.

    Howard I will try engaging the Kone function as you mentioned.

    Couple of suggestions:

    1) I NEVER gig without putting my guitar through the PA. Your backline will always be a compromise ( blasting those front of stage, won't hear you at the back) so even in the smallest gigs, I would strongly recommend using the PA. As you move to a larger venue they will insist anyway...

    2) That's a complex set up. I use just 1 kabinet which is even easier to set up and tear down. Stereo is also something I would consider if its necessary. Mono will have more "punch". I found stereo sounds great on its own, gets lost in a band set up ( although depends on the band etc. Dual guitars I'd definitely rule it out).

    3) The richness you talk about is the "amp in the room sound". The Kabinet is meant to bridge the gap between guitar cabs ( which massively colour the sound) and FRFR which can be clinical. But the most important sound is that which your audience hears, which is why going direct is important - that is where the glory is. we have it in our heads that the backline must sound amazing, but that's mainly because that used to be the only way our sound got heard - via miking a cab. With the KPA this is no longer necessary

    4) If you continue to use guitar cabs, I would suggest merged profiles as they will get you the closest backline sound whilst still giving the option to go direct as well.