Return to Kemper

  • I bought 19" Rack version Day 1 and kept it around 3/4 years. I was happy with it but i wanted analog gears. So i sell it and bought Tube amps ( Marshall (1959,800,2000), Peavey 5150, Vox Ac30). Last December i grabbed a Kemper Stage and playing now 80% with it.

    Now i'm waiting liquid profile...

    Kemper 1 day ...Kemper Always :P

  • I'm considering doing the same thing, Voxman.

    I have been a QC convert for almost 6 months, and currently my QC is on its way to Finland to get repaired...I was on Kemper for 5+ years, and have since sold off my Kemper, power Kabinet, remote, and expression pedal (wow REGRETS) and now am considering going back to Kemper....I honestly feel a little silly, and I really have enjoyed my time with the QC, but now I'm worried I can't trust it.

    I believe the main board on my QC will need to be replaced, it sounded like THIS before I shipped it back. I suppose I'll wait and see, but seeing as this is my second QC in about a year and a half (first one locked up during a gig due to a glitch and so I returned it and stayed on Kemper for another 3+ months), my trust is getting a little thin!

    Don't feel silly, but I think its one big benefit of a proven roadworthy solution as well.

  • I'm considering doing the same thing, Voxman.

    I have been a QC convert for almost 6 months, and currently my QC is on its way to Finland to get repaired...I was on Kemper for 5+ years, and have since sold off my Kemper, power Kabinet, remote, and expression pedal (wow REGRETS) and now am considering going back to Kemper....I honestly feel a little silly, and I really have enjoyed my time with the QC, but now I'm worried I can't trust it.

    I believe the main board on my QC will need to be replaced, it sounded like THIS before I shipped it back. I suppose I'll wait and see, but seeing as this is my second QC in about a year and a half (first one locked up during a gig due to a glitch and so I returned it and stayed on Kemper for another 3+ months), my trust is getting a little thin!

    Thats some sick phasing you got there....

    Yeah, Im sure the QC is reliable, but I wont lie its gig worthiness made me wonder, especially the power supply

  • I bought my KPA Rack specifically for gigging live. At the time (2013) it didn't have a dedicated controller, but I used it for some time with an FCB1010 MIDI controller and a Uno4Kemper ROM chip.

    When the Kemper foot controller came out, I replaced the FCB.

    It just works. My setup is insanely fast, and the load-out is very light. Performances are very easy to setup and manage for gigs.

    It is hard for me to imagine a better gig rig than the KPA.

  • I bought my KPA Rack specifically for gigging live. At the time (2013) it didn't have a dedicated controller, but I used it for some time with an FCB1010 MIDI controller and a Uno4Kemper ROM chip.

    When the Kemper foot controller came out, I replaced the FCB.

    It just works. My setup is insanely fast, and the load-out is very light. Performances are very easy to setup and manage for gigs.

    It is hard for me to imagine a better gig rig than the KPA.

    Well, I could have just said the same.. :)

  • I bought my KPA Rack specifically for gigging live. At the time (2013) it didn't have a dedicated controller, but I used it for some time with an FCB1010 MIDI controller and a Uno4Kemper ROM chip.

    When the Kemper foot controller came out, I replaced the FCB.

    It just works. My setup is insanely fast, and the load-out is very light. Performances are very easy to setup and manage for gigs.

    It is hard for me to imagine a better gig rig than the KPA.

    Me too.

  • I bought my KPA Rack specifically for gigging live. At the time (2013) it didn't have a dedicated controller, but I used it for some time with an FCB1010 MIDI controller and a Uno4Kemper ROM chip.

    When the Kemper foot controller came out, I replaced the FCB.

    It just works. My setup is insanely fast, and the load-out is very light. Performances are very easy to setup and manage for gigs.

    It is hard for me to imagine a better gig rig than the KPA.

    Me too.

    Initially used with a great midi controller (RJM Mastermind) which could do anything I could ever dream up and then some. However, even with its editor software it was still a bit of work to set it up.

    I also had an FCB1010 lying around and a friend gave me an UNO4 Kemper chip that he no longer needed somI fitted that and used the FCB listed. Much more limited than the RJM but simpler to set up.

    Then I found a used Remote and got it for a very good price. Can do most things I could ever need thougH not as powerful as the RJM. Major selling point is how well integrated it is with my Powerhead though. Literally Plug’n’Play.


  • I'm considering doing the same thing, Voxman.

    I have been a QC convert for almost 6 months, and currently my QC is on its way to Finland to get repaired...I was on Kemper for 5+ years, and have since sold off my Kemper, power Kabinet, remote, and expression pedal (wow REGRETS) and now am considering going back to Kemper....I honestly feel a little silly, and I really have enjoyed my time with the QC, but now I'm worried I can't trust it.

    I believe the main board on my QC will need to be replaced, it sounded like THIS before I shipped it back. I suppose I'll wait and see, but seeing as this is my second QC in about a year and a half (first one locked up during a gig due to a glitch and so I returned it and stayed on Kemper for another 3+ months), my trust is getting a little thin!

    TeleMan, just watched your video about your QC going down (I also watched yours about switching from Kemper when I first started) Hope you get it sorted!

  • Back to Kemper as well after having moved to QC a year ago…

    Tbh the QC is great… i love the interface and screen. But the ecosystem is not in place and i got tired of waiting. Very frustrated seeing Neural release new pluggins whilst the QC is not delivering what was promissed at launch.

    Happy to be back with Kemper, and love the business ethics and strategy from Kemper…

  • I bailed on the QC before the preorders were filled. I kept the Kemper until Tonex came out. I love my Tonex board. I was using individual pedals, so it all made sense from an "amount of equipment I have to load in" point-of-view. I transferred the Camplifier SHP to a breadbox (lol) and it (and the stereo Kone setup) works great with the Tonex.

    But I had to try the liquid profiles, right? I'm so glad I'm in a position where I can just put gear in the closet instead of having to sell it. So now I have 2 rigs and they both sound amazing. I'm making the Kemper effects work so I can keep a small rig (actual fuzz and OD in front, obviously).

    I've never played a Marshall "profile" or "capture" or "sim" that I liked as much as that MBritt stuff. Always been more of a Matchless guy.