I was looking at some of their paid packs a while back but the website seems to have been down for quite some time now which is a real bummer as they provide some of my favourite profiles.
Does anyone know if they are still trading?
I was looking at some of their paid packs a while back but the website seems to have been down for quite some time now which is a real bummer as they provide some of my favourite profiles.
Does anyone know if they are still trading?
AFAIK Andy stopped the Kemper Profile business a while ago.
I still use a couple of his profiles. Seems odd he wouldn’t, at least still offer them, they are already made
I totally get that change is part of life but it is odd they seem to have completely stopped offering something that was already available, as you suggested. Maybe there is more to the story than we will ever know.
I suppose I will just have to enjoy the ones I already have and forget about the others.
I use his Mesa 2b as my main crunch sound still
I totally get that change is part of life but it is odd they seem to have completely stopped offering something that was already available, as you suggested. Maybe there is more to the story than we will ever know.
I suppose I will just have to enjoy the ones I already have and forget about the others.
I imagine it costs to maintain a website and the sales didn't meet those costs and be able to maintain a profit from existing profiles.
I imagine it costs to maintain a website and the sales didn't meet those costs and be able to maintain a profit from existing profiles.
Yeah, I was also thinking it is likely to be something along those lines but we can't be sure, obviously.
one of my favorite profilers. I use his Morgan’s all the time. He’s made a lot of profiles over the years. Maybe the new kemper market place will offer him a low enough cost way to distribute them to bring them back online.