Overloaded my Kemper with profiles?

  • Recently I tried a new to me but pre-owned MIDI controller with my Kemper and, being a preprogrammed unit, it unfortunately deleted over 800 profiles and left me with some 80 before I could spell 'Kemper'. I contacted the MIDI controller manufacturer and he was a great uy to deal with. He went through the paces with me and pointed out the controller had been set to transit incoming MIDI sygnals , i.e. send sygnals from Kemper back to Kemper.

    Luckily, all or most of my Perform savings were left, while their Browser prototypes disappeared.
    For a while I was playing using just the Perform profiles.
    Yesterday I decided to upgrade as advised, first to OS 7.3.2. and then to OS 9.0.5. I then imported some 800 profiles currently included in the RM to later sort them out. I also contacted Michael Nielsen of Big Hairy Profiles and asked him to re-send me the pack I'd bought from him. He was great to send me the pack today.

    So today after I imported Michael's pack I wanted to see how many I now had in total, and my Kemper showed.... 1812?! When reloading, a message appears that Kemper can't import any more. Well, that was to be expected
    I guess the controller hadn't deleted my profiles but rather allocated them to some hidden file or something. Maybe upgrading the OS and/or the automatic assigning of Michael's pack to Favourite Rigs brought this hidden file up.

    Now I browsed the forum and saw a reply from Kemper Support that says Kemper can only store1000 profiles in Broswer and 625 in Perform
    1000 Profiles Max Number of Profiles Able to Store
    I now have 1812.
    So, firstly, it is technically possibe to exceed the maximum number of profiles.
    Secondly, more importnantly, what do I do now? The first thinh that comes to one's mind is to delete some 2-3 hundred. But I'll have to check up with every candidate

  • What I would normally do is save everything on the local library on the computer and delete them from the Kemper. Then put back only the ones you use. No need to store everything on the unit

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • After I found that profiles disappear from the RM from time to time without my consent I started to store those I wanted on USB sticks. Don't feel like storing them on the computer as I don't exactly understand how RM connects with profiles that were downloaded to the computer. You know, sorta how Windows or other software forcibly updates all the time without asking or even without notice.
    I have like 4 or 5 USB sticks with profiles laying around by now. That doesn't mean they are necessarily filled to the nostrils, but they generally keep more that Kemper can import
    I also want to seep through the newer profile increments to the RM as well, not just the old ones
    So what I generally did before was import all I thought I might need in the unit, and then go skimming

  • Deleted some of them one by one to comply with the 1625 limit. Nah, didn't work. Will have to decrease the number to up to 1000 Browser mode, so over 600 to be deleted
    It's fun because I have no idea how many doubling profiles I have now and what profile is a double of what I already have.

  • Firstly, I have no idea how you managed to get that many profiles on there but clearly there is a corruption and i would remove them all and start again with a factory reset.

    Secondly, this is why its essential to back up. I have no idea why you think RM or windows "loses" stuff - I have never had that happen. Yes Windows can be a pain with updates but that does not affect your file storage.

    Finally, if you really feel you need a backup on USB then why do you need multiple USB's? There is a difference backing up just profiles or the OS and a settings. Profiles are tiny memory wise ( like 4k) , you should be able to fit 1000 easily onto a small USB. Also, you should only need the last backup, not a full history of backups.

    As mentioned, storing everything on the unit is a recipe for disaster. It will use unnecessary memory etc.

    You need to switch your backup approach to avoid this in future.

  • I think, here are a number of wrong assumptions: There is no way, you deleted data via your MIDI footcontroller. Impossible. There is also no way you "hided" data via MIDI. Perhaps you manually selected another View e.g. "Just Bass" at the front panel. Even that isn't possible via MIDI controller or RIg Manager.

    The only way data could disappear temporarily is, when you have data stored with a new OS and then downgrade to a much older OS. Rigs with new features might not appear under the old OS, since these are not compatible. However, the imcompatible data still exists in memory. As soon as you upgrade the OS again, the data will reappear.

    As a general advice: Don't misuse the PROFILER as a sound collection machine. You have got Rig Manager for that. Don't try to optimize how much you could stuff into the hardware. Leave it to a reasonable amount of Rigs, that you really use and play. Maintain the collection in Rig Manager. Rig Manager has its own backup function.

    Real duplicates cannot exist in the same location. If there are Rigs with identical Rig name, their creation dates must be different. So, these were stored at different times. In Rig Manager you can sort by Rig name, find those similarities and effectively delete what you don't need.

    I suggest, you move Rigs into the Local Library of Rig Manager and perform a Factory Reset of your PROFILER. Factory Reset can be found in System Settings. You need to hold the soft button for a moment and then follow onscreen instructions.

  • No I will not store my rigs in Rig Manager as profiles disappear from there without my consent or even prior notice. This is why I started to use USB sticks as storages in the first place. I have like 5 laying around now and I wouldn't bother if profiles I wanted hadn't disappeared from the Rig Manager before. If there's a way to prevent that I haven't heard about it.

    I never installed previous OS versions so that's not the case.

    I actually SAW Kemper profiles names quickly changing one another on the pedalboard screen before I noticed they disappeared from the interface. At the same time, some 80 were left in the Browser mode and [I think] all or at least most of all were left in Performance mode

    I didn't say I had identical profles now, or you got it wrong. I had EVERY ONE of the profiles stored in my Kemper renamed manually to my own preference, so when the unit was downloading from the USB stick, the ones hat were in the unit and the ones in the USB stick had different names. This also means I have to check each profile on the unit one by one because I have no idea which ones I had renamed and stored.

    If I do factory reset, I will loose the Perform inputs tweaked to our songs

    Edited 4 times, last by Damael (July 16, 2023 at 4:29 PM).

  • more 'interesting' stuff

    thinned down to less than 1000 manually, now it's this:
    Whenever I turn to Browser mode, always one and the same 'BG' DI profile comes 'on' first although I just KNOW I deleted it , and I've cross-checked too.
    Profile names change as they usually do BUT actual sound in Browser mode won't change, neither do knob LEDs.
    Whenever I want to rename a profile in the Browser mode, the same deleted'BG' DI profile Rig Tags come up.

    moreso interesting