Can you use standard volume pedals with the Kemper Stage?

  • Hey so I am building a pedalboard to mount my Stage and some analog pedals onto. Mainly gain type pedals and a colour box just to improve on the Kemper's drives. Will an Ernie Ball VP Jr. pick up as a volume pedal in the Kemper's system? I plan to just use it as a dedicated volume and will have a separate pedal for expression function.

  • Ok so riddle me this.

    If I used a Mission Expression for Kemper, loomed it with TRS, wired up the toe switch, etc.

    Is there a way, whether it be with an external footswitch, or the toe switch, to activate wah instead of volume, or morph instead of volume on that singular pedal? Or can you bake the pedal setting you want into a rig?

    Or if that doesn't work, can you set it where if Wah module is engaged, the footswitch clicks into wah mode, and when it's turned off it's a volume? trying to figure out a one pedal solution to conserve room. Big pedal dreams and only so much room (and money)

  • Yes, you’d need to have wah to pitch enabled and attach the mission pedal to the wah and a different footswitch to pitch. When neither wah nor pitch are on it would be a volume. These should help

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    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • Thank you so much!

    Any expression that has a linear response curve will work?

    Appreciate your help!!

    Yep - if the taper is right (linear) - you're good.

    If you're adventurous, you can convert a VPjr (or other Ernie Ball pedal, I'd imagine) to be an expression pedal. I did that a couple years ago using this guide:

    Ultimate Ernie Ball Expression Pedal Mod | Fractal Audio Systems Forum

    The pot isn't cheap (around $30 US).....but I enjoyed doing it and the pedal actually gets used now.

    FYI - the pot is out of production (obsolete), but still available in many places. Honeywell 380C110K.

    I'm certain an equivalent exists.

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    Edited once, last by Ruefus (June 15, 2023 at 4:55 PM).

  • I ended up finding a way to fit two missions in a mock up on pedal playground. I was going to buy a protein and a tumnus deluxe but ended up getting a mini ODR1 and Browne Carbon for the Bluesbreaker side of the protein, and I went ahead with the mini tumnus to make it fit. Hopefully there's enough space once I mock it all up. I'll take a look at that one in case mine do not fit.

  • As a side note, you can use a "Y" cable and turn a volume pedal into an exp pedal... more versatility ;)

    You can but you still have the issue ofma volume pedal using a log pot when you really want a linear pot for an expression pedal. I learned tthis the hard way; by making up a Y lead and using my Boss EV5. The results were sub-optimal to say the least.

  • As a side note, you can use a "Y" cable and turn a volume pedal into an exp pedal... more versatility ;)

    Tried that. With an audio taper pot, it functions closer to an on/off switch than a variable expression.

    As I think Wheresthedug posted elsewhere start to move the pedal and "nothing....nothing...nothing....TOO MUCH!!"

  • You can but you still have the issue ofma volume pedal using a log pot when you really want a linear pot for an expression pedal. I learned tthis the hard way; by making up a Y lead and using my Boss EV5. The results were sub-optimal to say the least.

    Tried that. With an audio taper pot, it functions closer to an on/off switch than a variable expression.

    As I think Wheresthedug posted elsewhere start to move the pedal and "nothing....nothing...nothing....TOO MUCH!!"

    How had calibration gone? I mean, what did you guys see.

    Also, I found this on the Wikpa:


    If there’s a Volume pot on the pedal, it is critical. It should be set to maximum range of the pedal. If you turn the pot to the wrong end you might have limited its electrical range very much, have then calibrated the Profiler according to that very limited range, which nearly leaves no resolution between min and max.

    These pots in pedals should always be set to maximum range first. Then the pedal should be calibrated in the Profiler System Settings. If then a limitation of the range is required, the parameter Pedal Range could be used in the Rig Settings. This could even be set differently by Rig.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/