Export problem

  • Hello.

    I would like to export/save my performances to my computer (windows).
    First there is the possibility of a regular backup. So far.

    Second there is the possibility to export the performances via Rigmanager. So far.

    The first has the "problem" that there could be a problem to restore a backup if the

    installed OS is much newer than the version of the backup. And you cannot restore just one or two perfomances.

    The second way has the problem, that the exported performances are organized in a alphabetical way,

    not in the order they are organized in the Kemper itself (1, 2, 3,...).
    I would like to have the exported performances in exact that organized way they are in the Kemper.
    How can I solve this?


  • 1. There is no such "problem" restoring PROFILER backups created with an old OS under a current OS version. Backups are upward compatible. There can be limitations the other way around. Downward compatibility is obviously limited since an old OS could not handle Rigs including latest features.

    2. It is possible to pick single Performance from a PROFILER backup. You just open this PROFILER backup in Rig Manager and have access to its content, Rig by Rig, preset by preset, and Performance by Performance. While you do that you see the Performance in their numbered structure 1-125.

  • 2. It is possible to pick single Performance from a PROFILER backup. You just open this PROFILER backup in Rig Manager and have access to its content, Rig by Rig, preset by preset, and Performance by Performance. While you do that you see the Performance in their numbered structure 1-125.


    So, creating just one backup is the solution.

    I can restore it completely, no matter what futural OS I use and I can restore any single performance from within the backup in the original order.


  • 1. There is no such "problem" restoring PROFILER backups created with an old OS under a current OS version. Backups are upward compatible. There can be limitations the other way around. Downward compatibility is obviously limited since an old OS could not handle Rigs including latest features.

    2. It is possible to pick single Performance from a PROFILER backup. You just open this PROFILER backup in Rig Manager and have access to its content, Rig by Rig, preset by preset, and Performance by Performance. While you do that you see the Performance in their numbered structure 1-125.

    Wasn't aware of 2. Apologize for my misleading answer

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better