Missing IRs?

  • Hi folks,

    IRs are something I never bothered with but was reading up on them in the manual and it says there are 18 available in the Kemper (p. 97 of the manual) but when I try to bring them up I'm only getting 6 both from rig manager and the Kemper itself. I'm on version 8.something so they should be in there. What am I missing?

  • The 18 speakers options aren’t IRS. They’re Kone imprints used exclusively with the Kone speaker. Very different thing.

    What you’re most likely looking at are the cabinets on your Profiler. Either as presets or part of existing rigs.

  • Is a cabinet impulse response different to an impulse response?

    From the manual:

    When I press the cabinet button and use the browse knob per the above it's where I see the 6 I mention in my OP. On rig manger I see them when I right click on the cabinet and go to cabinet presets, which according to the above is an IR.

  • When you right click you see the cabs that are saved as presets (kind of "preferred"), not all of them. You can go to the cab section of any rig and press Store and Save the Cab (together with the settings), this will add it to the list.

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • The 18 speakers options aren’t IRS. They’re Kone imprints used exclusively with the Kone speaker. Very different thing.

    What you’re most likely looking at are the cabinets on your Profiler. Either as presets or part of existing rigs.

    Obviously, my comments here are inaccurate. When I saw 18 cabs - I immediately thought "Kone".

    I was never aware of the 18 preset cabs and don't ever recall seeing them. I use cab button-browse fairly often. Weird.

  • Are you talking about these? I think you have to enable Kemper Kone (page 9 of 10) in Output settings for imprints to show but not sure if that's accurate since my Kone is always checked.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • This original request seems completely unrelated to KEMPER Kone and Speaker Imprints.

    Since a few years all PROFILER units are shipped with 18 cabinet presets preinstalled, which are based on impulse reponses provided by Celestion.

    You can access these via Rig Manager - the menu shown above.

    Or you open the CAB module at the PROFILER front panel and dial the BROWSE knob while "Presets" is selected. The same 18 presets should appear as shown in the Rig Manager list.

    If your list is shorter someone has either deleted some cabinet prasets (these presets are user content) or your PROFILER has been shipped many years ago with a different factory content preinstalled. In that case please open a support ticket and we will send you a zip-file with those 18 presets.