In Ear monitoring DIY style

  • Good day to all.

    Does anyone use in ear via Profiler? Just for own guitar monitoring.

    I'm thinking of it, and need suggestion.

    I assume I should need small mixing console and then earphones?

    Or just simply use headphones out directly using its own volume level knob in settings?

    Our practicing room is small and I'm often asked to low down myself. No problem with that. But at certain point because of my standing place, other amps, Kab position, etc., it becomes problem, so doing it that way makes sense. At least for my guitar.

    Any experiences, ideas?


  • You’ve got a couple of alternatives, if you take the KPA headphone out it’ll just be you so you might want to use it in one ear only to hear you louder than everything else. If everyone else is going to a mixer, you could take a line from that to the alt input and use the aux input level to mix that with your own signal. My band all go to a mixer and we have stereo sends to a headphone amp then to our in ears.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • As odd as this will seem - a decent set of musician's earplugs can help clear a mix so you don't need as much volume. The name is funny - but the performance is excellent. Best $40 I've spent in a long, long time.

    Eargasm ear plugs. They lower the volume overall without killing dynamic range. They also temper the weird frequencies that get generated in the rehearsal room we use.

    I prefer this method over adding another wire and relying on more technology.

    Cheap earplugs will *not* work for this.

  • we used to have this problem too, it all started with the singer not hearing himself.

    Anyway, the first approach was, everyone had their own mixer and then mixed in their own instrument locally. i.e. there was a monitor mix for everyone where the vocals were the focus and you mixed your own instrument on it again. With this method you can make yourself louder, but not quieter, and you always have a strange sound from your own instrument due to the delay time and phase position.

    Today we have a digital mixer with remote control so everyone can do their own mix via PAD / Phone.

    Digital mixers don't cost that much anymore.

    So buy a digital mixer for the whole band with a corresponding number of monitors and wireless controls.

    E.g. a "Behringer X Air XR16/XR18" is enough for a small band.

    Be the force with you ;)

    Edited 2 times, last by Yoda Guitar (May 15, 2023 at 5:53 PM).